2023年 SCI期刊論文
2023年 嘉大電物系 期刊論文 月份 | 本系 教師 | 本系 大學生 | 本系 研究生 | 作者、題目、期刊名稱、卷數、頁數、年份 | 一 | 黃俊達 |
| 黃俊達; ZnO hole blocking layer induced highly UV responsive p-NiO/n-ZnO/n-Si heterojunction photodiodes; Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 349:114087:1-8 (January 2023).(SCI).
| 三 | 陳慶緒 | - | - | Kuo-Wei Ho, Jyun-Wei Liang, Ting-Wei Lin, Chi-Pin Chiu, Ching-Hsu Chen, and Ming-Dar Wei; "Spontaneous chaos and extreme events in a solid-state laser with the transverse-mode-degenerate cavity configuration"; Optics Letters , 48(5):1308-1311 (March 2023).(SCI). | 五 | 黃俊達 | - | - | 黃俊達; Realizing improved performance of metal-insulator-semiconductor diodes with high-k MgO/SiOx stack; Journal of Alloys and Compounds , 960:170508:1-6 (May 2023).(SCI).
| 五 | 陳思翰 | - | - | C.-T. Chou Chao, S.-H. Chen, H.J. Huang, M.R.R. Kooh, C.M. Lim, R. Thotagamuge, A.H. Mahadi, et al..; Improving temperature sensing performance of photonic crystal fiber via external metal-coated trapezoidal-shaped surface; Crystals, 13(5):813 (May 2023).(SCI). | 六 | 黃俊達 | - | - | 黃俊達; Effects of oxygen contents on the physical properties of MgO films and carrier transport of Au/MgO/ZnO MIS diodes Ceramics International , 49:28098-28106 (June 2023).(SCI). | 六 | 陳思翰 | - | - | S.-H. Chen*, Y-W Hong, Y.-F. Chou Chau, H. J. Huang, H.-P. Chiang; Enhancement of luminous efficacy of polymer light-emitting diodes with silver-nanoparticles by oxygen-plasma treatment; Microscopy Research and Technique , 86(6):725-730 (June 2023).(SCI). | 六 | 陳思翰 | - | - | C.-T. Chou Chao, S.-H. Chen, H. J. Huang, Y.-F. Chou Chau*; Near- and mid- infrared quintuple-band plasmonic metamaterial absorber; Plasmonics , 0:published online (June 2023).(SCI). | 七 | 黃俊達 | - | - | 黃俊達; High-Performance Solar-Blind p-NiO/n-ZnO/p-Si Ultraviolet Heterojunction Bipolar Phototransistors With High Optical Gain; IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL ; 23:15523-15529 (July 2023).(SCI). | 七 | 陳思翰 | - | - | Sy-Hann Chen, Wu-Jui Hsieh, Yi-Wen Hong, Hung Ji Huang, Li-Ming Chiang, Tsung Sheng Kao, etc; Gold nanohole arrays with ring-shaped silver nanoparticles for highly efficient plasmon-enhanced fluorescence; Results in Physics , 51:106740 (July 2023).(SCI). | 合計 9篇 | 教師 9人次 | 大學生 0人次 | 研究生 0人次 | *corresponding author |
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