2017年 SCI 期刊論文
2017年 嘉大電物系 期刊論文
月份 | 本系 教師 | 本系 大學生 | 本系 研究生 | 作者、題目、期刊名稱、卷數、頁數、年份 | 一 | 黃俊達 | - | 林冠勳
| J. D. Hwang* , G. S. Lin, and S. B. Hwang, "Effects of MgxZn1-xO Thickness on the Bandwidth of Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Band-Pass Photodetectors," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64,195-199 (2017 January). (SCI:2.620) [Abstract] | 一 | 陳挺煒 | - | - | Ting-Wei Chen, Shih-Da Jheng, T F Jiang, and Szu-Cheng Cheng, "Quantum fluctuations and stability of vortex lattices in a nonresonantly pumped exciton polariton condensate," Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 29 Applied Surface Science 393 (2017 January). (SCI) [Abstract] | 一 | 鄭秋平 | - | Shih-Da Jheng
| Chiu-Ping Cheng,Wan-Sin Chena,Keng-YungLinc,Guo-Jhen Weia,Yi-Ting Chenga,Yen-Hsun Linc,Hsien-Wen Wanc,Tun-Wen Pib,Raymond T.Tungd,Jueinai Kwoe,Mingh-wei Hongc, "Atomic nature of the Schottky barrier height formation of the Ag/GaAs(001)-2x4 interface: an in-situ synchrotron radiation photoemission study," Applied Physics Letters 110. (SCI:2.176) [Abstract] | 三 | 黃俊達 | - | Y.C.Chang | J.D. Hwang* and Y.C. Chang, "Effects of oxygen-plasma treatment on the structure and optical properties of MgxZn1−xOfilms," Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 64 (2017 June). (SCI:2.593) [Abstract] | 三 | 鄭秋平 | - | 鄭伊婷 魏國珍 | T. W. Pi,* W. S. Chen(陳婉馨), Y. H. Lin, Y. T. Cheng(鄭伊婷), G. J. Wei(魏國珍), K. Y. Lin, C. -P. Cheng(鄭秋平),* J.Kwo,* and M. Hong,* "Relevance of GaAs(001) surface electronic structure for high frequency dispersion on n-type accumulation capacitance," Applied Physics Letters 110, 052107. (SCI:2.176) [Abstract] | 七 | 陳思翰 余昌峰 | - | 簡佳珊 | S.-H. Chen*(陳思翰), C.-F. Yu(余昌峰), and C.-S. Chien(簡佳珊), "Nanoscale electrical properties of ZnO nanorods grown by chemical bath deposition," Microscopy Research and Technique 671-679. (2017 July). (SCI:1.087) [Abstract] | 七 | 陳思翰 蘇炯武 | - | 張儷馨 | S.-H. Chen*(陳思翰), C.-W. Su(蘇炯武), L.-H. Chang(張儷馨), and T.-H. Tsai, "Differences in the nanoscale electrical properties of GaN films grown on sapphire and ZnO substrates by molecular beam epitaxy," Microscopy Research and Technique 731-736. (2017 July). (SCI:1.087) [Abstract] | 七 | 黃俊達 | - | Y. C. Chang | J. D. Hwang* and Y. C. Chang, "Enhancing the Ultraviolet/Visible Rejection Ratio of MgxZn1-xO Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors Using Oxygen-Plasma Treatment," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices 64, 3234-3238. (2017 July). (SCI:2.620) [Abstract] | 七 | 黃俊達 | - | 楊喬筑 朱中敏 | J. D. Hwang*, C. C. Yang, and C. M. Chu, "MgZnO/ZnO Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Photodetectors Fabricated by RF-Sputtering," ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces , 23904-23908. (2017 July). (SCI:8.097) [Abstract] | 八 | 陳思翰 | - | 吳冠甫 關雅竹 | S.-H. Chen* (陳思翰), C.-L. Huang, C.-F. Yu (余昌峰), G.-F. Wu (吳冠甫), Y.-C. Kuan (關雅竹), B.-H. Cheng, Y.-R. Li, "Efficacy improvement in polymer LEDs via silver-nanoparticle doping in the emissive layer, " Optics Letters Vol. 42(Issue17), 3411-3414. (2017 September). (SCI:3.589) [Abstract] | 八 | 高柏青 | - | - | Po-Ching Kao∗, Shang-Chin Lin, Chuan-Cheng Hsueh, Wei-Ting Liu, Hao-En Yen, and Zong-Liang Tseng, "Characterization of Organic Solar Cells with a MoO3 Buffer Layer by Impedance Spectroscopy", J. Nanoelectron. Optoelectron. 12, 857-861. (2017 August). (SCI:1.069) [Abstract] | 九 | 黃俊達 | - | - | J. D. Hwang and T. H. Ho, "Effects of oxygen content on the structural, optical, and electrical properties of NiO films fabricated by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering," Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 71, 396-400. (2017 September). (SCI:2.593) [Abstract] | 十一 | 蘇炯武 | 蔡宗翰 | - | Chien-Ming Lei , Chun-Hsiang Su , Chiung-Wu Su, Tzung-Han Tsai, and Chien-Yie Tsay, "Study the sintering temperature effect and frequency dependence of magnetic property of (LaSr)MnO3 ceramic," Ferroelectrics 517, 136–140 (2017 November). (SCI:0.531) [Abstract] | 十二 | 許芳文 | - | - | Sheng-Ting Huang, Chien-Chih Lai, Fang-Wen Sheu, and Wan-Shao Tsai*, "Characterization of long-range plasmonic waveguides at visible to near-infrared regime," AIP Advances 7, 125221 (2017 December). (SCI:1.653) [Abstract] | 合計 14篇 | 教師 16人次 | 大學生 1人次 | 研究生 14人次 | *corresponding author |
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