2019年 SCI 期刊論文
2019年 嘉大電物系 期刊論文
月份 | 本系 教師 | 本系 大學生 | 本系 研究生 | 作者、題目、期刊名稱、卷數、頁數、年份 | 一 | 黃俊達 | - | - | Jun-Dar Hwang* and Wei-Ming Lin , "Enhancing the photoresponse of p-NiO/n-ZnO heterojunction photodiodes using post ZnO treatment", IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology Vol.18. (2019 January) (SCI)。 [Abstract] | 二 | 陳思翰 高柏青 | 蕭欣宜 | - | S.-H. Chen*(陳思翰), C.-L. Huang, B.-H. Cheng, H.-J. Ku(古浩蓉), H.-I Hsiao(蕭欣宜), and P.-C. Kao(高柏青), "Enhanced device performances
of blue-emitting PLEDs coupled with silver-nanoicosahedrons", Particle and
Particle Systems Characterization 36, 1800376 (2019 February) (SCI)。 [Abstract] | 二 | 鄭秋平 | - | - | K.Y. Lin,
H.W. Wan, K.H.M. Chen, Y.T. Fanchiang, W.S. Chen, Y.H. Lin, Y.T. Cheng, C.C.
Chen, H.Y. Lin, L.B. Young, C.P. Cheng*, T.W. Pi*, J. Kwo*, and
M. Hong*, "Molecular beam epitaxy, atomic layer deposition, and multiple
functions connected via ultra-high vacuum", Journal of Crystal Growth 512,
pp. 223-229 (2019 February) (SCI)。 [Abstract] | 二 | 李宗隆 | - | - | 李宗隆,「量子信息科學:下個通信及計算機革命(上)」。《遠望》月刊,5卷2期(總365期),2019年2月。 | 三 | 黃俊達 | - | - | J.D.Hwang*, H. C. Chiu, and C. I.
Jiang, "High-performance organic/inorganic hybrid ultraviolet
p-NiO/PVK/n-ZnO heterojunction photodiodes with a poly (N-vinylcarbazole)
insertion layer", Journal
of Materials Chemistry C, 7, pp. 3529-3534 (March 2019)
(SCI)。[Abstract] | 三 | 李宗隆 | - | - | 李宗隆,「量子信息科學:下個通信及計算機革命(下)」。《遠望》月刊,5卷3期(總366期),30-39,2019年3月。 | 四 | 鄭秋平 | - | - | Yi-Ting
Cheng, Hsien-Wen Wan, Chiu-Ping Cheng*, Jueinai Kwo*, Minghwei
Hong* and Tun-Wen Pi*, "Microscopic Views of Atomic and
Molecular Oxygen Bonding with epi Ge(001)-2x1 Studied
by High-Resolution Synchrotron Radiation
Photoemission", Nanomaterials 9, 554 (April
2019) (SCI) 。[Abstract] | 五 | 洪一弘 | - | - | Ie-Hong Hong* and Sheng-Wen Liu, "Observation of the Magnetization
Reorientation in Self-Assembled Metallic Fe-Silicide Nanowires at Room Temperature
by Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Spectromicroscopy", Coatings 9, 314
(May 2019) (SCI)。[Abstract] | |
六 | 陳慶緒 | - | - | Pei-Sheng
Lin, Jui-Chen Hung, Ching-Hsu Chen, and Yeong-Cherng
Liang,* "Exploring Bell inequalities for the device-independent
certification of multipartite entanglement depth", PHYSICAL REVIEW A
99, 062338 (June 2019) (SCI)。[Abstract] | |
六 | 李宗隆 | - | - | 李宗隆,「墨子號量子科學實驗衛星:量子保密通信的洲際橋樑」。《遠望》月刊,5卷5-6期,71-76,2019年6月。 | |
七 | 陳挺煒 | - | - | Szu-Cheng Cheng, Shih-Da Jheng, and Ting-Wei Chen*, "Nonequilibrium localized states at an interface between two mismatched potentials of exciton-polariton condensates", Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures.115, 113651 (July 2019) (SCI)。[Abstract] | |
七 | 陳挺煒 | - | - | Shih-Da Jheng, Szu-Cheng Cheng*, and Ting-Wei Chen*, "Ring dark solitons in microcavity polariton condensates", Solid State Communications.300,113695 (July 2019) (SCI)。[Abstract] | |
九 | 陳思翰 余昌峰 | - | - | S.-H.
Chen* , Y.-H. Shih , Y.-R. Li, P.-K. Wei,
C.-F. Yu , and C.-Y. Huang, "Polymer LEDs with
improved efficacy via periodic nanostructure-based aluminum", Optics Letters
44(17), 4327-4330 (September 2019) (SCI)。[Abstract] | |
| | | | | |
九 | 黃俊達 | - | - | Jun
Dar Hwang* and Jhong Yung Jiang,"Barrier thickness dependence of
MgxZn1-xO/ZnO quantum well (QW) on the performance of p-NiO/QW/n-ZnO
photodiode",RSC Advances 9, pp. 29967-29972 (September 2019)[Abstract] | 合計 14篇 | 教師 17人次 | 大學生 1人次 | 研究生 0人次 | *corresponding author |
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