2018年 SCI 期刊論文
2018年 嘉大電物系 期刊論文
月份 | 本系 教師 | 本系 大學生 | 本系 研究生 | 作者、題目、期刊名稱、卷數、頁數、年份 | 一 | 洪一弘 | - | - | Ie-Hong Hong* and Hsin-Zan Hsu, "Observation of layered antiferromagnetism in self-assembled parallel NiSi nanowire arrays on Si(110) by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectromicroscopy," Nanotechnology 29, 095706 (2018 January). (SCI) [Abstract] | 一 | 陳挺煒 | - | - | Ting-Wei Chen and
Szu-Cheng Cheng*, "Polariton solitons and nonlinear localized states in a
one-dimensional semiconductor microcavity," Physical ReviewE 97, 012218 (2018
January). (SCI) [Abstract] | 二 | 鄭秋平 | - | - | Chiu-Ping Cheng,* Wan-Sin Chen, Yi-Ting Cheng, Hsien-Wen Wan, Cheng-Yeh Yang, Tun-Wen Pi,* Jueinai Kwo,* and Minghwei Hong,* "Atomic Nature of the Growth Mechanism of Atomic Layer Deposited High-k Y2O3 on GaAs(001)-4x6 Based on in Situ Synchrotron Radiation Photoelectron Spectroscopy," ACS Omega 3, 2111-2118 (2018 February). [Abstract] | 三 | 高柏青 | 陳澤輝 顏浩恩 劉子翔 | - | Po-Ching Kao*,
Ze-Hui Chen, Hao-En Yen, Tzu-Hsiang Liu, and Cheng-Liang Huang, "The effect of air annealing on the properties of MoO3 films
and its application for organic light emitting diodes," Japanese
Journal of Applied Physics 57, 03DA04 (2018 March). (SCI) [Abstract] | 三 | 陳挺煒 | - | - | Szu-Cheng Cheng and Ting-Wei Chen*, "Dark gap solitons in
exciton-polariton condensates in a periodic potential," Physical Review E 97,
032212 (2018 March). (SCI) [Abstract] | 四 | 黃俊達 | - | - | J.
D. Hwang*, J. S. Lin and S. B. Hwang, "Mg thermal diffusion behavior on
the band modulation of MgxZn1-xO/ZnO metal-semiconductor-metal
photodetectors," Journal of Materials Science Semiconductor Process 83, 18-211 (2018 April). (SCI) [Abstract] | 六 | 黃俊達 | 陳昕愉
| 何定修 | Jun-Dar Hwang*, Hsin-Yu Chen, Yu-Huang Chen, and Ting-Hsiu Ho, "Effect of nickel diffusion and oxygen behavior on heterojunction Schottky diodes, " Nanotechnology 29, 295705:1-7 (2018 June). (SCI) [Abstract] | 八 | 黃俊達 | - | - | Jun-Dar Hwang*, H. C. Chiu, and C. I. Jiang, "MgxZn1-xO/ZnO quantum well photodetectors fabricated by radio-frequency magnetron sputtering", IEEE Photonics Technology Letter , pp. 1583-1586 (2018 August). (SCI) [Abstract] | 八 | 鄭秋平 | - | - | Chiu-Ping Cheng*, Wan-Sin Chen, Yi-Ting Cheng, Hsien-Wen Wan, Keng-Yung Lin, Lawrence Boyu Young, Cheng-Yeh Yang, Tun-Wen Pi, Jueinai Kwo, and Minghwei Hong, "In situ direct determination of band offset and interfacial dipole potential of a laminar ALD-Y2O3 on a p-type GaAs(001)-4×6 surface", Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics , pp. 405102 (2018 August). (SCI) [Abstract] | 九 | 陳挺煒 | - | - | Ting-Wei Chen and Szu-Cheng Cheng*, "Surface gap solitons in exciton polariton condensates", Physical Review E, 032212 (2018 September ). (SCI) [Abstract] | 十 | 李宗隆 | - | - | T. L. Li and P. L. Lee, "Structural evolution of gypsum under high pressure: Single-crystal X-ray experiments revisited," Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 895-906 (2018 October). (SCI) [Abstract] | 十一 | 高柏青 | - | - | Po-Ching
Kao, Cheng-Jie Hsieh, Ze-Hui Chen, and Sy-Hann Chen, "Improvement of MoO3/Ag/MoO3
multilayer transparent electrodes for organic solar cells by using UV–ozone
treated MoO3 layer", Solar
Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186, 131–141. (2018 November) (SCI) [Abstract] | 合計 11篇 | 教師 12人次 | 大學生 4人次 | 研究生 1人次 | *corresponding author |
註1:「本系」教師、大學生、研究生之認定 以論文上記載的工作單位為標準 註2:登錄時 期刊之 SCI impact factor 以當年度最新公布數值為「暫時」標準 註3:每年8月 將會更新 上一個學年度 (去年8月至今年7月) 出版論文的期刊之 SCI impact factor 註4:登錄時 期刊名稱 請寫「全名」 註5:登錄時 作者姓名 以論文上記載的樣式為原則 註6:錯誤修正論文 (Erratum) 不列出 SCI impact factor、不列入期刊點數統計 註7:「正式出版」月份 以論文上記載的樣式 或期刊之期數編排次序為標準 並不是「線上出版 Published Online」月份 註8:SCI 期刊論文摘要「Abstract」之連結網址 其設定方式 一律以「doi」格式為標準 註9:SCI impact factor 查詢程序與步驟 註10:本系師生 只要是「共同作者」、「第一作者」或「通訊作者」 並以「嘉義大學」的名義 發表論文者 皆可登錄 註11:因應教師升等及研究獎勵統計之需要,每篇論文的「通訊作者」一律以「紅色」顯示,本系教師 若是「第一作者」亦以「紅色」顯示,本系教師 若是其他「共同作者」則以「藍色」顯示
