2010年 嘉大電物系 期刊論文
月份 |
本系 教師 |
本系 大學生 |
本系 研究生 |
作者、題目、期刊名稱、卷數、頁數、年份 |
一 |
陳慶緒 |
黃柏源 郭哲瑋 |
C H Chen*, P Y Huang and C W Kuo, "Geometric modes outside the multi-bouncing fundamental Gaussian beam model," Journal of Optics 12, 015708 (2010). (SCI: 1.198) [Abstract] |
一 |
陳思翰 |
王文敬 |
林文秀 |
Sy-Hann Chen*, Wen-Siou Lin, Wen-Ching Wang, "Measurement of edge verticality of optical recording bits on blu-ray discs using scanning probe microscopy," Microscopy Research and Technique 73, 1 (2010). (SCI: 1.850) [Abstract] |
二 |
羅光耀 |
劉宗維 |
Yi-Jen Huang, Chung-Wei Liu, Sheng-Yuan Chu*, and Kuang-Yao Lo*, "The Formation of p-Type ZnO Films by Thermal Diffusion from the Low Energy, High Dose Phosphorus-Implanted Si Substrate," Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, H435 (2010). (SCI: 2.241) [Abstract] |
二 |
黃俊達 |
J. D. Hwang*, and C. H. Chou, "On the origin of leakage current reduction in TiO2 passivated porosus silicon Schottky-barrier diode,'' Applied Physics Letters 96, 063503 (2010). (SCI: 3.554) [Abstract] |
三 |
陳思翰 余昌峰 |
Sy-Hann Chen* and Chang-Feng Yu, "Differences Between Nanoscale Structural and Electrical Properties of AZO:N and AZO Used in Polymer Light-Emitting Diodes," Microsopy Research and Technique 73, 202 (2010). (SCI: 1.850) [Abstract] |
三 |
許芳文 陳思翰 |
吳泓諭 |
Fang-Wen Sheu*, Hong-Yu Wu, and Sy-Hann Chen, "Using a slightly tapered optical fiber to attract and transport microparticles," Optics Express 18, 5574 (2010). (SCI: 3.278) [Abstract] |
三 |
黃俊達 |
J. D. Hwang*, Y. H. Chen, and P. S. Chen, "Different Growth-Temperature Effects on the Liquid-Phase-Deposited SiO2 Grown on Strained SiGe," Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 13, H45 (2010). (SCI: 1.837) [Abstract] |
三 |
高柏青 陳思翰 |
王經遠 林杰翰 |
Po-Ching Kao*, Jing-Yuan Wang, Jie-Han Lin, and Sy-Hann Chen, "Enhancement of Electron Injection in Organic Light Emitting Diodes Using an Ultrathin Sodium Carbonate Buffer Layer," Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, J135 (2010). (SCI: 2.241) [Abstract] |
四 |
黃俊達 |
林佑霖 |
C. H. Lan, J. D. Hwang*, S. J. Chang, Y. C. Cheng, W. J. Lin, J. C. Lin, J. S. Liao, and Y. L. Lin, "(NH4)2Sx-Treated AlGaN MIS Photodetectors with LPD SiO2 Layer," Journal of The Electrochemical Society 157, H613 (2010). (SCI: 2.241) [Abstract] |
五 |
羅光耀 |
蔡鴻亦 王眙弘 黃崇銘 |
Chia-Yi Huang, Hong-Yi Tsai, Yi-Hong Wang, Chong-Ming Huang, Kuang-Yao Lo*, and Chia-Rong Lee, "Linear polarization rotators based on dye-doped liquid crystal cells," Applied Physics Letters 96, 191103 (2010). (SCI: 3.554) [Abstract] |
五 |
陳穗斌 |
Sui-Pin Chen*, "Tunable tunneling magnetoresistance in a ferromagnet-metal-insulatorferromagnet tunneling junction," Journal of Applied Physics 107, 09C716 (2010). (SCI: 2.072) [Abstract] |
六 |
蘇炯武 |
Yuhua Lee*, J. C. Lee, and Chiung-Wu Su, "Effects of N-Doping on Magnetic Properties of ZnCoO Diluted Magnetic Semiconductor Thin Films," IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 46, 1565 (2010). (SCI: 1.061) [Abstract] |
六 |
高柏青 |
Yu-Cheng Chen, Po-Ching Kao, and Sheng-Yuan Chu*, "UV-ozone-treated ultra-thin NaF film as anode buffer layer on organic light emitting devices," Optics Express 18, A167 (2010). (SCI: 3.278) [Abstract] |
六 |
羅光耀 |
鄭作仲 |
Chia-Yi Huang, Zuo-Zhong Cheng, Kuang-Yao Lo*, and Chia-Rong Lee, "Determination of polar anchoring energy of dye-doped liquid crystals by measuring capacitance," Journal of Applied Physics 107, 123104 (2010). (SCI: 2.072) [Abstract] |
七 |
許芳文 |
藍子凱 |
Fang-Wen Sheu*, Tzu-Kai Lan, Yu-Chung Lin, Shiung Chen, and Chyung Ay, "Stable trapping and manually controlled rotation of an asymmetric or birefringent microparticle using dual-mode split-beam optical tweezers," Optics Express 18, 14724 (2010). (SCI: 3.278) [Abstract] |
七 |
李宗隆 |
楊博智 楊昇潁 |
Ming-Huei Chen, Jyh-Hua Ting, Bo-Zhi Yang, Sheng-Ying Yang, and Tsung-Lung Li*, "Soft limiting circuit implementable with a single multi-walled carbon nanotube," Applied Physics A 100, 193 (2010). (SCI: 1.595) [Abstract] |
八 |
蔡明善 |
Chie-Tong Kuo, Yu-Sung Lin, Tung-Kai Liu, Hsuan-Chen Liu, Wen-Chi Hung*, I-Min Jiang, Ming-Shan Tsai, Chia-Chen Hsu, and Cheng-Yi Wu, "Dynamics of single-layer polymer breath figures," Optics Express 18, 18464 (2010). (SCI: 3.278) [Abstract] |
八 |
高柏青 陳思翰 |
林杰翰 王經遠 |
Po-Ching Kao*, Jie-Han Lin, Jing-Yuan Wang, Cheng-Hsien Yang, Sy-Hann Chen, "Improved electron injection into Alq3 based OLEDs using a thin lithium carbonate buffer layer," Synthetic Metals 160, 1749 (2010). (SCI: 1.901) [Abstract] |
八 |
黃俊達 |
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C. H. Lan, J. D. Hwang*, S. J. Chang, J. S. Liao, Y. C. Cheng, W. J. Lin, and J. C. Lin, "Investigations of ZnO nanowires and ZnO/p-GaN heterojunction diodes grown by different aqueous solutions zinc nitrate and zinc acetate," Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 13, H363 (2010). (SCI: 1.837) [Abstract] |
十 |
李宗隆 |
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T. L. Li and J. H. Ting. "Determination of the Fermi-level subband indices of single-wall carbon nanotubes." Chin. J. Phys., 48(5), 629-649, 2010. (Published in October 2010) (SCI: ) [Abstract] |
十一 |
黃俊達 |
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林佑霖 |
J.D. Hwang*, D.S. Lin, Y.L. Lin, W.T. Chang, G.H. Yang, "Electrical properties of metal-oxide-semiconductor capacitors using liquid-phase deposited silicon-dioxide gate dielectric on sulfur-passivated germanium," Thin Solid Films 519, 833 (2010). (SCI: 1.909) [Abstract] |
十一 |
李宗隆 |
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M. H. Chen, M. C. Huang, Y. C. Ting, H. H. Chen, and T. L. Li*. "High-frequency wireless communications system: 2.45-GHz front-end circuit and system integration." IEEE Trans. Educ., 53(4), 631-637, 2010.(SCI: 1.157)[Abstract] |
十二 |
高柏青 |
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Zong-Liang Tseng, Po-Ching Kao, Meng-Fu Shih, Hsin-Hsuan Huang, Jing-Yuan Wang, and Sheng-Yuan Chu*, "Electrical bistability in hybrid ZnO nanorod/polymethylmethacrylate heterostructures," Applied Physics Letters 97, 212103 (2010). (SCI: 3.820) (SCI) |
十二 |
高柏青 |
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Ying-Chien Fang, Sheng-Yuan Chu*, Po-Ching Kao, You-Ming Chuang, and Zong-Liang Zeng, "Energy Transfer and Thermal Quenching Behaviors of CaLa2(MoO4)4:Sm3+, Eu3+ Red Phosphors," Journal of The Electrochemical Society 158, J1-J5 (2011). (SCI: 2.420) (SCI) |
合計 29篇 |
教師 29人次 |
大學生 06人次 |
研究生 13人次 |
*corresponding author |
註1:「本系」教師、大學生、研究生之認定 以論文上記載的工作單位為標準 註2:登錄時 期刊之 SCI impact factor 以當年度最新公布數值為「暫時」標準 註3:每年8月 將會更新 上一個學年度 (去年8月至今年7月) 出版論文的期刊之 SCI impact factor 註4:登錄時 期刊名稱 請寫「全名」 註5:登錄時 作者姓名 以論文上記載的樣式為原則 註6:錯誤修正論文 (Erratum) 不列出 SCI impact factor、不列入期刊點數統計 註7:「正式出版」月份 以論文上記載的樣式 或期刊之期數編排次序為標準 並不是「線上出版 Published Online」月份 註8:SCI 期刊論文摘要「Abstract」之連結網址 其設定方式 一律以「doi」格式為標準 註9:SCI impact factor 查詢程序與步驟 註10:本系師生 只要是「共同作者」、「第一作者」或「通訊作者」 並以「嘉義大學」的名義 發表論文者 皆可登錄 註11:因應教師升等及研究獎勵統計之需要,每篇論文的「通訊作者」一律以「紅色」顯示,本系教師 若是「第一作者」亦以「紅色」顯示,本系教師 若是其他「共同作者」則以「藍色」顯示
