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* * 2010年 研討會論文


2010年 嘉大電物系 研討會論文









蘇炯武   張勝騏

2010 IEEE International NanoElectronics Conference(香港城市大學 2010. 01. 03 ~ 08):S. C. Chang, Y. C. Chang, T. H. Tsai, and C. W. Su, "Novel Magnetic Generation of Ultrathin Co/ZnO(002) Surface by Post Low-Energy N+ Sputtering(新磁性的產生藉由低能量氮離子濺射在氧化鋅(002)上的超薄的鈷膜)". (poster EP416)

劉翊瑩 余施德

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):陳思翰, 余昌峰, 余施德, 劉翊瑩, 蔡明善, "Increasing of PLED Luminescence Efficiency by Surface Plasmonic Effect". (poster AP-005)


2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):翁志源, 許芳文, 陳慶緒, "利用低同調紫外光雷射影術製作環型微結構元件". (poster EP-072)

許芳文 高于涵  

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):高于涵, 許芳文, "利用裸光纖串接製作雙波長環型光纖雷射". (poster EP-074)


2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Sui-Pin Chen (陳穗斌), "Phase change of the tunneling magnetoresistance in a ferromagnet-metal-insulator-ferromagnet tunneling junction". (oral C2-2)

羅光耀   劉宗維

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Y. J. Huang (黃繹任), S. Y. Chu (朱聖緣), K. Y. Lo (羅光耀), C. W. Liu (劉宗維), "The formation of p-type ZnO films by thermal diffusion from the low-energy high-dose phosphorus implanted Si substrate". (oral B4-3)

羅光耀   鄭淨遠

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Chun-Chu Liu (劉春蘜), Jin-Yuan Chang (鄭淨遠), Chung-Wei Liu (劉宗維), Yi-Jen Huang (黃繹任), Kuang-Yao Lo (羅光耀), "The evolution of surface reconstruction of implanted Si(111) studied by optical second harmonic generation". (oral E2-2)

羅光耀   劉宗維

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Chung-Wei Liu (劉宗維), Chun-Chu Liu (劉春蘜), Chia-Ming Liu (劉家銘), Yi-Jen Huang (黃譯任), Kuang-Yao Lo (羅光耀), "Pressure influence on the rapid thermal annealing of implanted Si(111) studied by reflective second harmonic generation". (poster EP-120)

陳慶緒   陳俊仰

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):J.Y. Chen (陳俊仰), C.H. Chen (陳慶緒), "Ghost Imaging with Pseudo-Thermal Light". (poster EP-026)


2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Ren-Cheng Wang (王壬成), Cheng-Liang Huang (黃正良), Ming-Shan Tsai (蔡明善), Ching-Hsu Chen (陳慶緒), "Shape evolution of Cu2O in a surfactant-free solution-phase route". (poster AP-033)

蘇炯武   張勝騏

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Chiung-Wu Su (蘇炯武), Sheng-Chi Chang (張勝騏), Yen-Chu Chang (張硯筑), Tsung-Hsuan Tsai (蔡宗軒), "Non-stoichiometric Cobalt-Nitride Magnetic Ultrathin Films by Low-energy Nitrogen Ion Sputtering". (oral C3-2)

蘇炯武   張勝騏

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):S. C. Chang (張勝騏), Y. C. Chang (張硯筑), Y. C. Lee (李永慶), C. W. Su (蘇炯武), "Enhancement of Magneto-Optical Signal In Ultrathin Co/ZnO(002) Surface Under Nitrogen Plasma Sputtering". (poster CP-046)

鄭秋平   陳文彥

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):C.-P. Cheng (鄭秋平), W.-Y. Chen (陳文彥), C.-H. Wei (魏竟軒), T.-W. Pi (皮敦文), "Interfacialelectronic properties of K-doped CuPc: C60 heterojunctions". (oral F5-3)

鄭秋平   薛智豐

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):J.-F. Shiue (薛智豐), S.-W. Fang (方紹為), C.-P. Cheng (鄭秋平), T.-W. Pi (皮敦文), "Electronic properties of a K-doped rubrene surface". (poster FP-017)

鄭秋平   方紹為

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):C.-P. Cheng (鄭秋平), S.-W. Fang (方紹為), J.-F. Shiue (薛智豐), T.-W. Pi (皮敦文), "Electronic properties of the Mg-rubrene interface". (poster FP-009)

鄭秋平   詹益瑋

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Y.-W. Chan (詹益瑋), J.-F. Shiue (薛智豐), C.-P. Cheng (鄭秋平), T.-W. Pi (皮敦文), "Interfacial electronic properties of the rubrene/C60 heterojunction". (poster FP-025)

洪一弘   顏上傑

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):洪一弘, 顏上傑, 廖彥傑, "Self-Organization of Two-dimensional Nanowire Mesh on Si(110)-16×2 Surface". (oral F2-1)

高柏青 蔡秉諭

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):高柏青, 蔡秉諭, 劉思吟, 呂家濠, 林書逸, "新型紅光螢光粉體材料Ca2-2xEuxNaxZnWO6之合成及光譜特性研究". (poster EP-046)

黃俊達 申新煌

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):C. H. Lan (藍志學), J. D. Hwang (黃俊達), S. J. Chang (張守進), H. H. Shen (申新煌), J. S. Liao (廖俊翔), W. J. Lin (林文仁), Y. C. Cheng (程一誠), J. C. Lin (林家慶), "The study of ZnO/p-GaN heterostructure by liquid-phase deposition method". (poster BP-030)

黃俊達   林育賢

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Y. S. Lin(林育賢), J. D. Hwang (黃俊達), "Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector Using Re-crystallization of Porous Silicon". (poster BP-032)

黃俊達   陳彥豪

2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Y. H. Chen (陳彥豪), J. D. Hwang (黃俊達), C. H. Lan (藍志學), "Fabrication and characterization of ZnO/p-Si heterojunction diode by liquid-phase deposition". (poster BP-053)


2010中華民國物理學會年會暨研究成果發表會(國立成功大學 2010. 02. 02 ~ 04):Shun-Tsung Lo (羅舜聰), Kuang Yao Chen (陳光耀), C.-T. Liang (梁啟德), C. F. Huang (黃俊峰), Li-Hung Lin (林立弘), N. Aoki (青木伸之), Y. Ochiai (落合勇一), S.-D. Lin (林聖迪), "Probing electron-electron interactions in direct insulator-quantum Hall transition". (poster BP-044)


Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Nano-metrology Technology(Hsinchu 2010. 05. 04 ~ 05):T. L. Li, J. H. Ting, "High-performance computing clusters constructed for nanoscience simulations". (Nanofabrication and Nanomaterials, poster 83)

李宗隆   田哲羽

Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Nano-metrology Technology(Hsinchu 2010. 05. 04 ~ 05): J. H. Ting, Z. Y. Tian, T. L. Li, Y. H. Lin, F. Y. Huang, B. H. Yan, "Effect of bottom metal thickness on the lateral growth of carbon nanotubes by thermal CVD". (Nanofabrication and Nanomaterials, poster 87)


Symposium on Nano Device Technology, Nano-metrology Technology(Hsinchu 2010. 05. 04 ~ 05): J. H. Ting, Y. H. Lin, T. L. Li, F. Y. Huang, B. H. Yan, "Geometric effect of metal stack structure on the laterally suspended growth of carbon nanotubes". (Nanofabrication and Nanomaterials, poster 88)

羅光耀   劉宗維

The 37th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductor (ISCS 2010)(Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan 2010. 05. 31 ~ 06. 04):Chun Chu Liu (劉春蘜), Jun Han Huang, Chung Wei Liu (劉宗維), Yi Jen Huang, Chuan Pu Liu, Kuang Yao Lo (羅光耀), "The formation of grain boundary in ZnO films grown on Si(111) detected by reflective second harmonic generation". (poster)


2010台灣磁性技術協會年會暨第22屆磁學與磁性技術研討會(國立中興大學惠蓀林場 2010. 06. 23 ~ 25):Sui-Pin Chen (陳穗斌), "The Influence of the Bias Voltage on the Tunneling Magnetoresistance in a Tunneling Junction with an Inserted Metal". (invited talk, FI2)


2010台灣磁性技術協會年會暨第22屆磁學與磁性技術研討會(國立中興大學惠蓀林場 2010. 06. 23 ~ 25):Chiung-Wu Su (蘇炯武), "Surface Magneto-optic Faraday effect of Nitride- based Cobalt Ultrathin Films on ZnO Crystal and magneto-optic interference phenomenon". (invited talk, CI1)


The 15th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2010) 光電子學與通訊國際會議(Sapporo, Japan 2010. 07. 05 ~ 09):Fang-Wen Sheu (許芳文), Hong-Yu Wu (吳泓諭), and Sy-Hann Chen (陳思翰), "Trapping and Propelling Microparticles by a Slightly Tapered Optical Fiber". (poster 7P-35)

蘇炯武   張勝騏

The 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Magnetic Materials and Applications (ISAMMA 2010)(日本仙台市東北大學 2010. 07. 12 ~ 16 ):C.-W. Su (蘇炯武), S.-C. Chang (張勝騏), Y.-C. Chang (張硯筑), "Polarization Oscillation of Surface Magneto-optic Faraday Effect on Co/ZnO and CoNx/ZnO Semiconductor Surfaces" (鈷/氧化鋅及氮化鈷/氧化鋅半導體中表面磁光法拉第效應的極化振盪現象). (oral)

羅光耀   鄭淨遠

2010 Symposium on Spectroscopic Technologies and Surface Sciences 第28屆光譜技術與表面科學研討會( 國立中正大學物理學系 2010. 07. 14 ~ 16):Chun Chu Liu (劉春蘜), Jin-Yuan Chang (鄭淨遠), Chung Wei Liu (劉宗維), Yi Jen Huang, Kuang Yao Lo (羅光耀), "The evolution of surface reconstruction of implanted vicinal Si(111) studied by optical second harmonic generation". (oral)


2010 International Conference on Superlattices Nanostructures and Nanodevices (ICSNN-2010) 第16屆國際超晶格納米結構與納米器件會議 (中國科學院 半導體研究所 2010. 07. 18 ~ 23):Chien-Yie Tsay (蔡健益), Chien-Ming Lei (雷健明), Kai-Shiung Fan, Wan-Yu Chiu, Li-Hung Lin (林立弘), "Electrical resistivity and photoluminescence properties of sol-gel derived Ga-doped ZnO thin films". (poster H-017)


2010 International Conference on Superlattices Nanostructures and Nanodevices (ICSNN-2010) 第16屆國際超晶格納米結構與納米器件會議 (中國科學院 半導體研究所 2010. 07. 18 ~ 23):C.-T. Liang (梁啟德), L.-H. Lin (林立弘), Kuang Yao Chen (陳光耀), Shun-Tsung, Lo (羅舜聰), Yi-Ting Wang (王翊亭), D.-S. Lou (羅東昇), Gil-Ho Kim, Y.H. Chang (張顏暉), Y. Ochiai (落合勇一), N. Aoki (青木伸之), J.C. Chen (陳正中), Yiping Lin (林怡萍), C.F. Huang (黃俊峰), S.-D. Lin (林聖迪), D.A. Ritchie, "On the direct insulator-quantum Hall transition in two-dimensional electron systems in the vicinity of nanoscaled scatterers". (poster B-009)

林立弘 彭載峰  

2010 International Conference on Superlattices Nanostructures and Nanodevices (ICSNN-2010) 第16屆國際超晶格納米結構與納米器件會議 (中國科學院 半導體研究所 2010. 07. 18 ~ 23):Dong-Sheng Luo (羅東昇), Li-Hung Lin (林立弘), Yi-Chun Su (蘇亦雋), Yi-Ting Wang (王翊亭), Zai Fong Peng (彭載峰), Shun-Tsung Lo (羅舜聰), Kuang Yao Chen (陳光耀), Y. H. Chang (張顏暉), Jau-Yang Wu (巫朝陽), Yiping Lin (林怡萍), Sheng-Di Lin (林聖迪), J. C. Chen (陳正中), C. F. Huang (黃俊峰), and C.-T. Liang (梁啟德), "A delta-doped GaAs single quantum well with extra modulation doping". (poster B-020)


第十四屆奈米工程暨微系統技術研討會(國立中山大學 2010. 09. 02 ~ 03):Y.-J. Tsai, I-F. Yu, Y.-W. Cheng, J.-H. Li, S.-H. Chen (陳思翰), and T. W.-H. Sheu, "Focusing Properties of Near-field Plasmonic Fresnel Zone Plates". (oral C08_26)

鄭秋平   詹益瑋

25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition & 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion (25th EU PVSEC/ WCPEC-5) 歐洲太陽能電池國際會議(Valencia, Spain 西班牙 瓦倫西亞 2010. 09. 06 ~ 10) :C.-P. Cheng (鄭秋平), Y.-W. Chan (詹益瑋), J.-F. Shiue (薛智豐), and T.-W. Pi (皮敦文), "Interfacial electronic properties of the organic heterojunctions: rubrene/ C60 and C60/ rubrene". (poster)

十二 黃俊達 陳咸利  林佑霖

2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan 台灣光電科技國際研討會 OPT10 (南台科技大學2010.12.03~04) : H. L. Chen (陳咸利), J. D. Hwang (黃俊達)*, W. S. Hsieh (謝萬善), Y. S. Lin (林佑霖), L. S. Lin (林力上), and T. J. Hsueh, "As Large as 57.68 mA/cm2 Short-Circuit Current Density on Spin-On-Dopant Prepared Solar Cells with Porous-Silicon Antireflector".

十二 蔡明善
-  劉錡霖

2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan 台灣光電科技國際研討會 OPT10 (南台科技大學2010.12.03~04) : Ching-Hsu Chen*, Chi-Lin Liu, and Ming-Shan Tsai, "Ghost diffraction with pseudo-thermal light using single CCD".

十二 陳慶緒 -  林宥豪

2010 International Conference on Optics and Photonics in Taiwan 台灣光電科技國際研討會 OPT10 (南台科技大學2010.12.03~04) :Ching-Hsu Chen*, Ren-Cheng Wang, You-Hau Lin, and Cheng-Liang Huang, "SYNTHESIS AND SHAPE EVOLUTION OF WELL-DEFINED TRUNCATED EDGE POLYHEDRAL CUPROUS OXIDE".

十二 高柏青 劉思吟 林書逸

2010台灣鍍膜科技協會年會 (TACT 2010) (明道大學2010.12.10) :高柏青, 劉思吟, 林書逸, 楊正憲, "使用Quinacridone衍生物發光摻雜材料之有機發光二極體光電研究". (poster)






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