Name :
Yuh-Fen Cecilia Tseng( 曾毓芬)
Title :
Credential :
Taipei National University of the Arts, PhD, Majoring in Musicology
Specialty :
Ethnomusicology, Historical Musicology, Esthetics of Music, Piano
Field :
Taiwanese Indigenous Music, Esthetics of Music, History of Western Music, History of Taiwanese Music, Piano
Email :
Phone # : 05-2263411 ext. 2712
Experience :
Yuh-Fen Tseng, received her Ph.D. from Taipei National University of the Arts and her M.A. from New York University. Specializing in Austronesian music and Asian music, she is currently working as professor at the music department of National Jiayi University, Taiwan. Trained professionally in ethnomusicology, Yuh-Fen Tseng realized the urgency of preserving the music traditions that are quickly vanishing. Therefore, she devoted herself to the field-investigation of Taiwanese aboriginal music, recording, transcribing, analyzing, and interpreting tribal music in order to keep it alive.
Among her abundant academic publications, representative works about Taiwanese Indigenous music include: I Singing with Life: A Music Story of Bunun Tribe, Taiwan (Book & 2CDs)(Yushan National Park Headquarter. 2007); The Legend of White-Stone Mountain: A Vedio recording on the Oral Music Tradition of Seediq Tribe and Truku Tribe (2 DVDs)(Center for Traditional Arts, 2007); An Improvisational Study on the Vocal Music of Seediq Tribe & Truku Tribe (SMC Publishing Inc.,2011); Music and Dance of Sakizaya Tribe, Taiwan (Book & CD/DVD)( Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan, 2008); Music and Dance of Bunun Tribe, Taiwan (Book & CD/DVD)( Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan. 2010); A Seediq Music Story: Yonodoni ta, Let’s Dance Together! (DVD & Booklet) ( Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County,2014); Songs, Music and Life of Bunun : An Analysis and Interpretation on Bunun Music Acts Based on a General Musical Survey (SMC Publishing Inc.,2015); Tultul, Hunghung, Latuq, and Balinka—the Tribal Memories of Bunun Traditional Musical Instruments (DVD & Booklet). Nantou: Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County.
[Book, Audio Recording and Vedio Recording]
2001 The Appreciation of Western Classical Music—on Music Styles from the
Medieval Times to Baroque Era. Taipei: Chi-Ying Publishing Co..
2002 Keyboard Music: Theory and Practice. Taipei: New Wen-Jing Publishing
2003 Exploring the Possibilities of Musical Analysis from Musical Aesthetic View. Taipei: Yang-Zhe Culture.
2006 Music and Dance of Gavalan Tribe, Taiwan (Book & CD/DVD). Pingtung: Bureau of Cultural Park, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan.
2007 I Singing with Life: A Music Story of Bunun Tribe, Taiwan (Book & 2CDs).
Nantou: Yushan National Park Headquarter.
2007 The Legend of White-Stone Mountain: A Vedio recording on the Oral Music
Tradition of Seediq Tribe and Truku Tribe (2 DVDs). Yi-Lan: Center for Traditional Arts, Preparatory office of the National Headquarters of Taiwanese Traditional Arts.
2008 A Research on the Vocal Music of Seediq Tribe & Truku Tribe-- Focusing
on the Functioning & Thoughts of Their Musical Improvisation. Taipei: PhD Dissertation of Taipei National University of the Arts.
2008 Music and Dance of Sakizaya Tribe, Taiwan (Book & CD/DVD). Pingtung: Bureau of Cultural Park, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan.
2010 2009 Taiwan Traditional Music Yearbook (Book, E-Book & Website)
(The executive editor & the writer of the chapter “Indigenous
Music”). Taipei: Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.
2010 Music and Dance of Bunun Tribe, Taiwan (Book & CD/DVD). Pingtung: Bureau of Cultural Park, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan.
2011 2010 Taiwan Traditional Music Yearbook (E-Book & Website)
(The writer of the chapter “Indigenous Music”). Taipei: Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.
2011 An Improvisational Study on the Vocal Music of Seediq Tribe & Truku Tribe. Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc..
2012 2011 Taiwan Traditional Music Yearbook (E-Book & Website)
(The writer of the chapter “Indigenous Music”). Taipei: Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.
2013 2012 Taiwan Traditional Music Yearbook (E-Book & Website)
(The writer of the chapter “Indigenous Music”). Taipei: Taiwan Music Institute, National Center for Traditional Arts.
2014 A Seediq Music Story: Yonodoni ta, Let’s Dance Together! (CD & Booklet). Nantou: Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County.
2015 Songs, Music and Life of Bunun : An Analysis and Interpretation on Bunun
Music Acts Based on a General Musical Survey. Taipei: SMC Publishing Inc..
2015 Tultul, Hunghung, Latuq, and Balinka—the Tribal Memories of Bunun
Traditional Musical Instruments (DVD & Booklet). Nantou: Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County.
[Journals and periodicals]
1996 “Discussion on the Basic Elements, the Form, and the Reference of Music from the Eclectic-Aesthetic Angle,” Chia-Nan Annual bulletin Vol. 22, pp. 272-285.
2003 “The Application of the Twentieth-Century Music in General Education —An Discussion on the Possibilities and Methods from the Viewpoints of Hermeneutic Phenomenology,” in Conference of the Arts and Humanities Education, TNUA.
2004 “Overtone Singing: Physics and Metaphysics of Harmonics in East and
West—A Book Review on Mark C. van Tongeren’s Overtone Singing,”
Oriental Humanities Vol. 3, No.2, pp.209-236.
2004 “The Excellent Model of the Comprehensive and Improvisational
Characteristics of Folk Arts—An Discussion on the Performing Skills and Music of Yang, Xiu-Heng’s Hakka Acrobatics Show,” International Symposium on “Ganzhou and the Hakka World”. Peking: People’s Daily Publishing Co..
2005 “The Love and Salvation in Music—Exploring Mahler’s Symphony No.8,”
in Album of NSO Mahler Cycle, pp.142-156. Taipei: National Symphony Orchestra.
2005 “The Fusion between Declining Tradition and Modernism—an Essay on
Zhu Jian-er’s Tenth Symphony, Fishing in Snow,” Arts Review Vol.15, pp.27-72.
2005 “A Chronological Observation on the Evolution of Bunun’s Pasibutbut Singing taken place in Mingde Village, Nantou,” Symposium on the Traditional Arts of Nantou County, pp. 139-170. Yi-Lan: National Center of Traditional Arts.
2006 “The Wildness and Tenderness in Burmese Music—An Essay on the Style of Burmese Traditional Music and Saing Waing Ensemble,” in the Illustrated Book of “2006 Exhibition on the Traditional Percussion Instruments of Asian-Pacific Area: Simplicity, Elegancy and Wildness”, pp.24-41. Yi-Lan: National Center of Traditional Arts.
2007 “The Singing Along Li-Wu River—Traditional music and Dance of Truku
Tribe,” Music Browser 100. Taichung: National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra
2007 “The Musical Improvisation of Taiwanese Aborigine Seediq Tribe
—Illustrated by the Ritual Dance Song “Uyas Kmeki,” Guandu Music Journal Vol. 7, pp.93-129. Taipei: Graduate Institute of Musicology, Taipei National University of the Arts
2008 “Same Gaya, Different Tunes—Comparing the Similarities and Differences between the Music Culture of Seediq Tribe and Truku Tribe,” Traditional Arts Vol. 75, pp.37-41. Yi-Lan: National Center of Traditional Arts.
2008 “The Fantastic Sound from the Land of Philippines—Tracing the Cultural Context of South-Eastern Asian Music through the Diversity of Philippine Instrumental Ensemble,” Traditional Arts Vol. 78, pp.19-28. Yi-Lan: National Center of Traditional Arts.
2009 “The Dazzling Golden Color and Passionate Feelings—Remarks on the Improvisational Beauty of Burmese Saing Waing Ensemble,” Traditional Arts Vol. 84, pp.12-16. Yi-Lan: National Center of Traditional Arts.
2009 “The Revival of a Missing Tribe--Rethinking the Cultural Reconstruction Issue of Taiwanese Indigenous Tribes through the Process of Investigating Sakizaya’s Tradition Music,” 2009 Taiwan Musicology Forum.
2012 “Tuilage, Accords, or Heterophony? A Study on the Behavior and
Aesthetics of Bunun Polyphonic Singing,” Proceedings of 2012 International Forum on Living Musical Cultures in Taiwan -- Rooting and Innovating . Chiayi: National Chiayi University.
2012 “Music As the Tool of Ethnic Recognition—Illustrated by the Vocal Music
System of Seediq Tribe and Truku Tribe,” Journal of Performing and Visual Arts Studies, vol. 5:2. Tainan: College of Performing and visual Arts, National University of Tainan.
2012 “ The Interaction between the Calendrical Rituals, Folk Culture, and
Traditional Music -- A Systematic Classification on Bunun Traditional Songs from the Standpoint of Their Social Function,” Proceedings of 2012 the Forum on Academic Researches of Nantou Cultures. Nantou: Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County.
2014 “ Cultural Memory of Bunun Instrument tultul--A Research on the
Improvisational Principles of Bunun Pestles Ensemble and Its ultural Significance,”Guandu Music Journal Vol. 20, pp.7-42. Taipei: Graduate Institute of Musicology, Taipei National University of the Arts
2014 “Restoring a Historical Memory Long Forgotten -- A documentary on the Instrument-Making Technique of Bunun Pestles Ensemble Tultul at Maifubu Tribe,” Proceedings of 2014 Forum on Living Musical Cultures in Taiwan -- Rooting on Tradition, Prospecting Modernity, pp.61-106. Chiayi: National Chiayi University.
2015 “Bamboo, Strings and Harmonics—A Study Based on the Field
Investigation of Bunun Musical Bow, Jew’s Harp and Five-Stringed Zither,” Guandu Music Journal Vol. 22, pp.39-80. Taipei: Graduate Institute of Musicology, Taipei National University of the Arts
2015 “Remaining Individuality within Sameness, While Pursuing Harmony from
Various Standpoint--A Study on the Polyphonic Singing of Bunun from the View of Music Improvisation,” Shuanghsi Music Journal Vol. 3, pp.93-129. Taipei: Shuanghsi Music Forum.
[Research Projects]
2005 Executing the Project of “The Writing and Compiling of an Audio
Anthology of Bunun Music Based on Their Traditional Customs, Ritual and Legends,” commissioned by Yushan National Park Headquarter. Undertaking the work of field investigation, interviewing, recording and writing.
2005 Executing “The Investigation Project on Copyright and Intellectual Properties of Traditional Hakka Music,” commissioned by Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan. Responsible for the work of collecting data, analyzing, interviewing, consulting the lawyers and writing.
2005 Executing the Project of “ Zhong Yun-Hui Hakka Ba-Yin(Hakka Instrumental Ensemble) Performing in Paris, France,” invited by Maison
des Cultures du Monde and sponsored by Council of Cultural Affairs and Council for Hakka Affairs, Executive Yuan. Serving the post of executing producer and English translator.
2005 Executing the Project of “ 2005 International Cultural Festival of Bamboo,” commissioned by Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County. In charged of inviting Philippine Mudukayan Ensemble and Vietnamese Truc Vang Band,
and hosting during their performances.
2005 Attending “The 7th World Symposium on Choral Music, 2005” held in Japan with The Voice of Lileh—a performing group from Bunun Tribe,
Taiwan. Hosting and translating “The Workshop of Bunun’s Pasibutbut.”
2006 Executing the Project of “ The Investigation on the Cultural Resource of
Seediq Tribe,” commissioned by National Center of Traditional Arts. Undertaking the work of field investigation, interviewing, recording and writing.
2006 The executing producer of “2006 Exhibition on the Traditional Percussion
Instruments of Asian-Pacific Area: Simplicity, Elegancy and Wildness,” commissioned by National Center of Traditional Arts. In charge of Instruments purchasing, arrangement of the exhibition, and also the writing, English translating and compiling of the Illustrated Book.
2007 The executing producer of the Hakka Musical “My Daughter’s Wedding
--The Taming of the Shrew,” Responsible for the proposal writing, music compiling, and performing administration.
2008 The executing producer of “2008 Asia-Pacific Traditional Art Festival —The Fantastic Sound from the Land of Philippines,” commissioned by National Center of Traditional Arts.
2009 The executing producer of “2009 Asia-Pacific Traditional Arts Festival—Legend of the Mekong River: Court and Folk Arts,” commissioned by National Center of Traditional Arts.
2010 Principal investigator, the project of “Writing and Compiling of Music and Dance of Bunun Tribe, Taiwan (Book & CD/DVD).” Pingtung: Bureau of Cultural Park, Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan.
2011-2012 Principal investigator, the project of “ Comprehensive Investigation on the Traditional Music of Bunun in Nantou County,” commissioned by Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County.
2013-2015 Principal investigator, the project of “ Investigation on the Traditional
Musical Instruments of Bunun in Nantou County,” commissioned by Cultural Affairs Bureau of Nantou County.
2016 Principal investigator, the project of “Elaborating the Preservation and
Maintenance of Important Traditional Arts - Bunun Music Pasibutbut,”commissioned by Bureau of Cultural Heritage, Ministry of Culture.