Music Department
The Department aims to provide quality music education to students interested in the areas of performance, research, and education. Our department regularly schedule choir and orchestra performances. The curriculum's emphasis encourages students who are interested in performance and the related technical training. In the field of music education we offer students practicum experience in both adult education and community extension programs.
For music majors, of the 128 credit hours required by the NCYU for graduation, 100 must be taken through the Department of Music. Of the 100 music credit hours, 50 are from required courses and 50 are as electives. The required courses include harmony, counterpoint, choir, orchestra, and graduate recital. Electives will include the required courses for the student's major instrument: keyboard, voice, woodwind, brass, and composition. Also available are courses in computer music, Jazz and Pop music bands, the four most important music methodologies, and music education practicum, which we offer both Elementary and Middle School teaching certificate training. The ability to communicate in verbal English is an important aspect to the department's curriculum.
Our teaching facility is considered one of the finest in Taiwan. Our superb facilities include four well-equipped, music appreciation classrooms, four group electric piano classrooms, two large lecture rooms, a computer room, an Orff method classroom, an orchestra rehearsal hall and a chamber music rehearsal room, percussion classroon and movement room, and twelve air-conditioned, sound-proofed teaching studios. Also available are 52 air-conditioned, sound-proofed student practice rooms, and a 278-seat recital hall complete with light and sound control. In addition, we also have one newly renovated Concert Hall with seating capacity of 1418, the best of its kind in the nation, not to mention our recently purchased six Steinway Grand Pianos to meet the needs of our 235 students and faculty members.
In our transition phase from a Department of Music Education Department to a Department of Music, we are in the process of upgrading the facilities and curriculum to provide quality, professional-level education to students interested in music education as well as performance. Through this development the orchestra and choir will be more active in the community and our teachers will be encouraged to be involved in the community with recitals, lectures, and independent research. Our English requirement will provide students with the ability to interact with musicians and music organizations from outside Taiwan.
Career Development
Graduates of our department have opportunities to go on for advanced studies in music and arts schools, or go on to careers as music teachers, professional orchestral performers, music administrators, or music-related industries.