Shih-Wei Lin
Credential:Hochschule feur Musik Detmold
Specialty:clarinetist and conductor
Shih-Wei Lin, clarinetist and conductor, holds the post of YAMAHA woodwind instrument spokesman . Mr. Lin completed his bachelor in National Taiwan University of Arts and later graduated from Hochschule feur Musik Detmold with honor of full score excellence and received diploma in clarinet performance. At the same time, he received the admission from National Soloist Contest of German. In 1995, Lin received first place in the Concerto Competition hosted by National Taiwan University of Arts. During the time in German, Lin was invited to assign the role as the Principle Clarinet in National Youth Symphony Orchestra of Brandenburg, German. In 1995 and 1996, Lin represented Taiwan to enter and received admission from Asian Youth Orchestra. In 2002, Lin served in Taipei Symphony Orchestra. Mr. Lin now provides lectures in clarinet teaching, chamber music, symphony orchestra and wind orchestra in National Chiayi University Music Department, Tainan National University of the Arts in seven years consistent system, Chinese Culture University Music Department, and numerous high schools’ music classes. In addition, Lin is invited to occupy the role of Principle in National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra Wind Ensemble.
Address:嘉義縣民雄鄉文隆村85號Tel:(05)2263411轉2701, 2702Fax:(05)2266504 Department of Music, National Chiayi UniversityCopyright c 2008 - 2016