Hung-Ling Chen(陳虹苓)
Associate Professor
Ed.D, Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
Master of Education at Teachers College, Columbia University, USA
B.M. at Music Department, National Taiwan Normal University
Dr. Hung-Ling Chen
Dr. Chen graduated from Music Department of National Taiwan Normal University, with major in piano and minor in composition. To continue her interest in music teaching, she pursued graduate study at Teachers College, Columbia University in New York, then received her Master’s and Doctoral degrees with a major in music education.
She has been a full time associate professor in the Music Department of National Chiayi Teachers College, then in the Music Department of National Chiayi University ever since. Dr. Chen serves as a member of National Textbook Committee for High School, also of teacher education program for performing arts. She teaches courses such as “Introduction to Music Education”, “Dalcroze Approaches”, “Music Fundamentals”, “Research Methods and Thesis Writing”, “History of Western Music I&II”. Her teaching was highly regarded, thus awarded as “Teacher of the Year” by NCYU in 2006.
Dr. Chen has held four solo piano recitals in National Recital Hall, in the mean time, completed three major research for NSC and National Bureau of Education. She keeps her roles both as a pianist and a music scholar.
Professor Hung-Ling Chen is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Music of the NCYU. Dr. Chen received her B.M. at the National Taiwan Normal University, Master of Education and EdD of Teachers College at Columbia University, USA. Dr. Chen has been the faculty of NCYU since 1996. Recently, She had a duo piano recital with Shu-Fen Lin at Chi-Yi University in June, 2010.
1. 陳虹苓(2008)。非科班國小音樂教師之教學因應與工作壓力。國民教育研究學報,21,167-201。
2. 陳虹苓,蕭啟專(2006)。 肢體聯想取向之音樂欣賞教學研究。 2006國立台灣師範大學音樂教育學術研討會論文集。
3. 陳碧娟,陳虹苓(2005)。 傳統語法在近代台灣音樂創作上之應用。 國立嘉義大學台灣音樂的傳承與鑑賞學術研討會論文集。
5. Chen, H. L. (1996). An investigation of self-directed learning among non-music majors adult piano learners in one-to-one piano instruction. Doctoral dissertation, Teachers college, Columbia university.
Music Education
Introduction to Music Education
、Fundamentals of Music
、MusicEducation: TeachingPractice
、Dalcroze Method
、Creative Teaching Methods in Music
得獎; 1998-1999. 獲國科會研究獎勵補助:“師範學院音教系畢業生實習教學之研究”