Name:Chun-Hsien Chang(張俊賢)
Title:Professor, Vice President
Credential:DMA at the University of Northern Colorado, USA
Dr. Chun-Hsien Chang is currently the director of the Department of Music of NCYU. He received his B.M. at the National Taipei Teachers’ College, M.M. at the National Taiwan Normal University, and DMA at the Northern Colorado University. Professor Chang conducts the NCYU Symphony Orchestra and teaches orchestral literature, orchestration, and conducting courses at the Department of Music. While being a full-scholarship exchange scholar at the Northern Colorado University, Dr. Chang led the UNC Symphony Orchestra in many fine performances and was awarded the First Prize in the American Collegiate Orchestral Competition hosted by the Down Beat Magazine. His mentors include Dr. Russell Guyver and Professor Da-Shien Chang.
A Study of the Technique and Function of Orchestration in Selected
Works of Claude Debussy: Prelude a l’apres-midi d’un Faune,
Nocturnes, La mer, and Pelleas et Melisande; Win Join Book Co.,
Ltd. Taipei. ISBN957-9489-27-0
A Thematic Study of Liszt's Faust Symphony 嘉大學報第75期
指揮者左手功能之研究。 嘉大學報第75期
A Research of the Cyclic Form in Tchaikovsky’s Symphonies with
Focus on Manfred Symphony and Symphony no.5. 嘉義大學人
2002 獲選為美國國家音樂學術榮譽學會(Pi Kappa Lambda)會員
2000,9,26指揮Silvestre Revueltas, Sensemaya獲得美國Down Beat雜誌評選為管絃樂團首獎
2000.3.28指揮Evan Copley博士的第十號交響曲舉行世界首演
2006.03 指揮嘉義大學室內管絃樂團巡迴美國演出
2006.10 指揮嘉義大學交響樂團巡迴中國大陸演出
2009.08 擔任音樂學系主任