Shu-Chi Huang
Associate Professor
Diploma of performer from Vienna Music Conservatory
Current Positions:
Director of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra
1976 Went to Department of Music, Provincial Taipei Normal College to study under Mr. Zhou Jing-zi for the piano and Ms Ouyang Ru-pin for vocal music. Also studied trombone under Messrs Fu Li-de and Zhang Bo-zhou.
1980 Selected by the Ministry of Education, participated in the Second Youth Wind Music Com-petition in the U.S. with You Shi Wind Ensemble and won the first prize 3A.
1983 Worked at Provincial Taiwan Symphony Orchestra (current National Taiwan Symphony Or-chestra)
1983 ~1987 Conducting Wind Ensemble of Changhua Affiliated High School to win championship for three years in a row in Taiwan Music Competition, which promoted the wind mu-sic trend in central Taiwan and led his personal career to another beginning.
1986 Passed the examination of Vienna Music Conservatory and studied trombone under the fa-mous professor Kublbock.
1991 Won diploma of performer from Vienna Music Conservatory and returned to Taiwan to work at the symphony orchestra while teaching at National Taipei Normal University, Tunghai University, Chiayi University, and National Taichung Teachers College, etc. Also led Wind Ensemble of Taichung Girls’ Senior High School to win championships in Taiwan Music Competition.
1996 Won fellowship from Council of Cultural Affairs to study orchestra administration in Ger-many and Austria. Wrote two books—Teaching Materials for Bass Winds and Operation of German and Austrian Symphony Orchestras.
2000 Under consignment of Hsinchu County Government, arranged works of Deng Yu-xian and composed a book, Redness in the Four Seas—Spring Winds on the Face, in memory for the contribution to the popular music in Taiwan made by Deng Yu-xian.
2002 Obtained the Associate Professor qualification from Ministry of Education with the work, Study on Trombone Performance Skills.
2004 Promoted as the Deputy Director of National Taiwan Symphony Orchestra in March