Associate Professor Credential: Peabody Conservatory of Music of the Johns Hopkins University
Phone #:05-2263411 ext. 2722 or 2724
Experience :
A Taiwan native, pianist Joanna Ting won First Prizes in the National Taiwan Music Competition, which presented her in recitals in major concert halls in Taipei.
After going to the U. S., Ms. Ting won First Prize in the Southern California Young Artist Piano Competition, the Brevard Concerto Competition, which awarder her a performance of the Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 1 with the Brevard Symphony Orchestra, and the Eastern Music Festival Concerto Competition, which awarded her a performance of the Shostakovich Piano Concerto No. 2 with Eastern Music Festival Orchestra.
Ms. Ting earned her Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degrees in Piano Performance from the Peabody Conservatory of Music of the Johns Hopkins University, where she was granted with full tuition scholarship. During her studies, she also held two years of Graduate Assistantship in both Accompanying and Ear-Training. Principal piano teachers were Dorothy Huang, Robert Weirich, Gregory Sioles and Ellen Mack.
Joanna Ting has been honored at Peabody with the Lillian Gutman Piano Award, the Sarah Stulman Zierler Prize in Accompanying, and the Annie Wentz Prize.
She is currently active as a performer and teacher in Taiwan where she serves as a full-time Assistant Professor at the National Chia-Yi University. She also teaches at Taipei Municipal University of Education and Fu-Jen Catholic University.