1. Lien, T. F., C. P. Wu. P. H. Lin, B. J. Wang, J. J. Lu and T. Y. Shiao. 1998. Effect of different protein and limiting amino acid levels coupled with a supplement of chromium picolinate on lipid metabolism and carcass characteristics of pigs. Anim. Sci. 67:601-607. (SCI)
2. 連塗發,吳建平,詹德芳。1998。產蛋菜鴨與來航產蛋雞蛋黃中脂蛋白分佈及脫輔基脂蛋白成分之比較。中華農學會會誌180:45-56。
3. 陳國隆,連塗發,盧金鎮。1998。飼糧中菸鹼酸鉻對雌火雞生產性能、血液及屠體性狀之影響。中華生質能源學會會誌17:56-62。
4. 連塗發。1998。飼糧中添加砒啶甲酸鉻對公火雞血液及精液性狀之影響。嘉技學報 57:13-21。
5. 連塗發,詹德芳。1998。菜鴨之脂質代謝:任飼與禁飼之血漿各種脂蛋白中之脫輔基脂蛋白。中畜會誌27(2):179-188。
6. Lien, T. F., R. C. R. Chou, S. Y. Chen, Y. I. Jeng and D. F. Jan. 1999. Lipid metabolism of Tsaiya ducks: Plasma and liver related traits under Ad libitum and fasting. J. Sci. Food Agric. 79:1413-1416. (SCI)
7. 連塗發,莊志豪,許育如,洪炎明。1999。高溫環境下日糧中添加碳酸氫鈉及鋅對蛋雞血液性狀及蛋殼品質之影響。中華生質能源學會會誌 18:132-136。
8. Lien, T. F. and D. F. Jan. 1999. The effect on the lipid metabolism of Tsaiya ducks when high levels of choline or methionine are added to the ducks' diet. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 12(7):1090-1095. (SCI)
9. Lien, T. F., Y. M. Horng and K. H. Yang. 1999. Growth performance, serum characteristics, carcass traits and lipid metabolism of broilers as affected by supplement of chromium picolinate. Brit. Poultry Sci. 40:357-363. (SCI)
10. Lien, T. F., and D. F. Jan. 1999. The lipogenic capacity of hepatocytes and lipolytic rate of adipocytes in Tsaiya ducks during growing and laying periods. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 12(8):1258-1262. (SCI)
11. 王璧娟,連塗發,陳秋麟,林高塚。2000。牛蒡對血糖、血脂質與尿酸的影響。台灣農業化學與食品科學38(2):181-183。
12. Lien, T. F., C. P. Wu, K. L. Chen and K. H. Yang. 2000. Effects of different fatty acids and levels on the lipogenesis capacity and lipolysis rate of broilers in vitro. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 13(9):1285-1289. (SCI)
13. Lien, T. F., and Y. M. Horng. 2001. The effect of supplementary dietary L-carnitine on the growth performance, serum components, carcass traits and enzyme activities in related to fatty acid β-oxidation of broiler chickens. Brit. Poultry Sci. 42:92-95. (SCI)
14. Lien, T. F., C. P. Wu, B. J. Wang, M. S. Shiao, T. Y. Shiao, B. H. Lin and C. Y. Hu. 2001. Effect of supplemental levels of chromium picolinate on the growth performance, serum traits, carcass characteristics and lipid metabolism of growing-finishing pigs. Anim. Sci. 72:289-296. (SCI)
15. Chen, K. L. J. J. Lu, T. F. Lien and P. W. S. Chiou. 2001. Effects of chromium nicotinate on performance, carcass characteristics and serum chemistry of growing male turkeys. Brit. Poultry Sci. 42: 395-400. (SCI)
16. Lien, T. F., J. J. Lu and D. F. Jan. 2001. Alterations in lipid metabolism between the growing and the laying periods of white Leghorn layers. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 14(10): 1460-1464.(SCI)
17. Lien, T. F., and D. F. Jan. 2003. Enzyme activities related to lipid metabolism in the liver and adipose tissue of Tsaiya ducks under fasting and ad libitum feeding conditions. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 16:403-408. (SCI)
18. Lien, T. F., C. P. Wu, and J. J. Lu. 2003. Effects of cod liver oil and chromium picolinate supplements on the serum traits, egg yolk fatty acid and cholesterol content in laying hens. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 16:1177-1181. (SCI)
19. 連塗發、王選雄、楊國鑫、王璧娟、鄭作林。2004。大豆胜肽之大白鼠急性毒性試驗。中華農學會報 5(2): 159-170。
20. Lien, T. F., K. L. Chen C. P. Wu and J. J. Lu. 2004. Effects of supplemental copper and chromium on the serum and egg traits of laying hens. British Poultry Science. 45: 535-539. (SCI)
21. 許寓玲、蔡明志、連塗發。2004。日糧中添加乳酸菌對免疫反應、生長及血液性狀之影響。中華農學會報 5: 526-534。
22. Lien, T. F., K. H. Yang and K. L. Lin. 2005. Effects of chromium propionate supplementation on growth performance, serum traits and immune response in weaned pigs. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. 18: 403-408. (SCI)
23. 吳建平、洪炎明、連塗發、呂曉雯。2005。生長仔公羊日糧添加砒啶甲酸鉻對葡萄糖代謝之影響。中華農學會報6:149-160。
24. Lien, T. F., D. F. Jan, and K. L. Chen. 2005. Lipoprotein profiles and components in Tsaiya ducks under ad libitum feeding and fasting. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. 142(3):325-330. (SCI).
25. Lien, T. F., Y. L. Hsu, W. L. Chen and Robin Y. Y. Chiou. 2006. Lens Protein Characterization and Bone-related Traits of the Ovariectomized Rats and Osteoprogenitor Cells as Affected by Supplementation of Soy Aglycone Isoflavones. J. Agriculture and Food Chemistry. :54:8027-8032.
26. Lien, T. F., Y. M. Horng, and C. P. Wu. 2007. Feasibility of replacing antibiotic feed promoters with the Chinese traditional herbal medicine Bazhen in weaned piglets. Livestock Producing Science. 107:97-102.
27. Lien. T. F., C. P. Wu, and Y. M. Horng. 2007. Chromium picolinate depressed proliferation and differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Nutrition Res. 27:176-180.
28. Tsa, M. C., and T. F. Lien. 2007. Chromium Picolinate did not Effect on the Proliferation and Differentiation of Myoblasts. Am. J. Animal and Vet. Sci. 2:79-83.
29. Lien, T. F., H. S. Yeh, and Wu. T. Su. 2008. Effects of adding extracted hesperetin, naringenin and pectin on egg cholesterol, serum traits and antioxidant activity in laying hens. Archives of Animal Nutrition. 62:33-43.
30. Bo-Si Lin, Tu-Fa Lien, Mao-Rong Chao, Tzu-Yuan Lai, Ju-Chun Chang, Shieh-Jen Chou, Hui-Fen Liao and Robin Y-Y Chiou. 2008. Toxicological and nutraceutical assessments of peanut sprouts as daily supplements to feed Spragqe-Dawley rats for 18 weeks. J. the Science of Food and Agriculture 88:2201-2207.
31. T. F. Lien, L. B. Chang, Y. M. Horng, and C. P. Wu. 2008. Effects of propylene glycol on milk production, serum metabolites and reproductive performance during the transition period of dairy cows. Asian-Aus. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).
32. Lien, T. F., H. S.Yeh, F. Y. Lu , and C. M. Fu. 2009. Nanoparticles of chromium picolinate enhance chromium digestibility and absorption. J. Sci. of Food and Agric. 89:1164-1167.
33. Lien T. F., Y. L. Hsu, D. Y. Lo and Robin Y.-Y. Chiou. 2009. Supplementary health benefits of soy aglycons of isoflavone by improvement of serum biochemical attributes, enhancement of liver antioxidative capacities and protection of vaginal epithelium of ovariectomized rats. Nutrition and Metabolism 6:1-7.
34. Amy G. E., C. M. Fu, F. Y. Lu, and T. F. Lien. 2009. Effects of nanocopper on copper availability and nutrients digestibility, growth performance and serum traits of piglets. Livestock Sci. (Accepted)
國際會議 paper:
1. Lien T. F. and J. J. Lu. 1999. The detection of ostrich serochemistry that feeding under artificial enviroment. The Word Ostrich conference II. (South Africa)
2. Lien, T. F., C. P. Wu, K. L. Chen and K. H. Yang. 2000. Effects of different fatty acids and levels on the lipogenesis capacity and lipolysis rate of broilers in vitro. The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP) Conference. (Australia)
3. Lien, T. F., K. J. Lin, J. J. Lu, L. L. Yang, and L.G. Chen. 2004. Effects of supplemental levels of Ba-Tseng on the growth performances, serum traits, carcass meat quality and antioxidant activity of Taiwan country chickens. The World Poultry Congress. (Turkey)
4. Lien, T. F., K. S. Yang, and K. J. Lin. 2004. Effects of chromium propionate supplementation on growth performance, serum traits and immune response in weaned pigs. The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP) Conference. (Malaysia)
5. Lien T.-F. Y. L. Hsu and W. T. Su. 2006. Effects of aglycones soy isoflavones on bone traits of ovariectomized rats. The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP) Conference. (Korea)
6. Yeh H. S., K. J. Lin and T. F. Lien. 2006. Effects of supplemental traditional chinese herbal complex medicine on the feasible of antibiotics substitution and meat quality of pigs The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP) Conference. (Korea)
7. 連塗發、蘇武典。2006。日糧添加萃取之橙皮素、柚皮素及果膠對產蛋雞蛋品質、血液性狀及抗氧化能力之影響。兩岸三地優質雞研討會。(中國廣西)
8. H. S. Yeh, C. M. Liao, C. K. Chou, and T. F. Lien. 2007. Effects of supplemental various levels of chinese traditional herbal complex medicine on the feasible of antibiotics substitution and meat quality of pigs. Meat science and Technology Congress. (中國北京)
9. Tu-Fa Lien, Hui-Shuang Yeh, J. J. Lu and Yi-Fan Lin. 2008. The study of igy production with taiwan native Tsaiya ducks and leghorn laying hens. World’s Poultry Science congress. (Australia)
10. Hui-Shuang Yeh, Bor-Chun Weng, Kou-Joong Lin, Tu-Fa Lien. 2008. Effects of supplemental various levels of Chinese traditional herbal medicine complex on the feasibility of antibiotics substitution of pigs. The Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies (AAAP) Conference. (Vietnam)
AJAS Purina outstanding research award. In the Asian-Australasian Asociation of Animal Production Societies (AAAP) Conference. (Australia)
Asian Admirable Achievers, 2006.