1.Fuh-Gwo Jeng, Shu-Yuan Lin, Bing-Jian Wang, Chih-Hung Lin and Tzung-Her Chen*
(2012), “On the Security of Time-Bound Hierarchical Key Management Scheme for
Secure Broadcasting”,ICIC Express Letters, Vol.6, No.10, pp2541-2550, Oct. 2012.
(EI) (ISSN 1881-803X) (NSC 100-2221-E-415- 011)
2.Ching-Yu Yang* and Chih-Hung Lin(2012), “High-Quality and Robust Reversible Data
Hiding by Coefficients Shifting Algorithm,” Journal of the Electronics and
Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI Journal), Vol. 34, No. 3, pp 429-438,
June 2012. (SCI, IF:0.897, 5-year IF:0.776) (ISSN 1225-6463) (Times Cited: 0)
3.Ching-Yu Yang*, Chih-Hung Lin and Wu-Chih Hu(2012), “Prediction-Based Lossless
Data Hiding by ACB Algorithm,” Journal of Communication and Computer, Vol. 9,
No.2, pp 22-27, Feb. 2012. (ISSN 1548-7709)
4.Ching-Yu Yang*, Chih-Hung Lin and Wu-Chih Hu(2012), “Reversible Data Hiding for
High-Quality Images Based on Integer Wavelet Transform,” Journal of Information
Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Vol.3, No.2, pp. 142-150, April 2012. (EI)
(ISSN 2073-4212 (Print), ISSN 2073-4239 (Online)
5.Chih-Hung Lin, Tzung-Her Chen* and Chang-Sian Wu(2013), “A Batch Image
Encryption Scheme Based on Chaining Random Grids”, Scientia Iranica, Vol.20,
Issue 3, pp. 670-681, Jun 2013. (SCI, IF:1.025, 5-year IF:0.952)(ISSN 1026-3098)
(NSC 101-2221-E-415-013- and NSC 101-2221-E-415-022-)
6.Chih-Hung Lin, Tzung-Her Chen* and Chun-Wei Chiu(2013), “Color Image
Authentication with Tamper Detection and Remedy Based on BCH and Bayer Pattern,"
Displays, Vol.34, Issue 1,pp.59-68, Jan. 2013. (SCI/SSCI, IF:1.033, 5-year IF:1.010)
(ISSN 0141-9382) (NSC 101-2221-E-415-013- and NSC 101-2221-E-415-022-)
7.Chih-Hung Lin, Tzung-Her Chen*, Yan-Ting Wu, Kai-Hsiang Tsao and Kai-Siang Lin
(2014), "Multi-factor Cheating Prevention in Visual Secret Sharing by Hybrid
Codebooks", Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol.25,
no.7, pp.1543-1557, Oct. 2014, (SCI, IF:1.218, 5- year IF:1.420)(ISSN 1047-3203)
(NSC102-2511-S-415-012-MY4 and NSC102-2221-E-415-014-)
8.Fuh-Gwo Jeng, Kai-Siang Lin, Chih-Hung Lin, and Tzung-Her Chen(2014), "Visual
Multi-Secret Sharing with Friendliness," Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University
(Science), (EI), Vol.19, Issue 4, pp.455-465, Aug. 2014.
9.Kai-Siang Lin, Chih-Hung Lin, Tzung-Her Chen*(2014), “Distortionless Visual Multi-
Secret Sharing Based on Random Grids”, Information Sciences, Vol.288, pp. 330-346,
20 Dec. 2014 (SCI, IF:4.038) (ISSN 0020-0255) (NSC 102-2511-S-415-012-MY4 and
NSC 102-2221-E-415-014-)
10.Chih-Hung Lin, Yao-Sheng Lee, Tzung-Her Chen*(2015), "Friendly progressive
random-grid-based visual secret sharing with adaptive contrast", Journal of Visual
Communication and Image Representation, Vol.33, pp.31-41, Nov. 2015 (SCI, IF:1.
218, 5-year IF:1.420)(ISSN 1047-3203)(NSC102- 2511-S-415-012-MY4 and
NSC102-2221-E-415 -014-)
11.Kai-Hsiang Tsao, Shyong Jian Shyu, Chih-Hung Lin, Yao Sheng Lee and Tzung-Her
Chen*(2015), "Visual Multiple-Secret Sharing for Flexible General Access Structure by
Random Grids", DISPLAYS, Vol. 39, pp. 80-92, Oct. 2015. (SCI/SSCI, IF:1.033, 5-year
IF:1.010) (ISSN 0141-9382) (NSC 101-2221-E-415-013- and NSC 101-2221-E-415-
12.Chung-Ping Young; Yen-Bor Lin*; Chih-Hung Lin(2015), "Non-iterative and Spatial
Domain Focus Map Estimation Based on Intentional Re-blur from a Single Image
(NasBirSi)," Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, Vol.26,
pp.80-93, Jan. 2015, (SCI, IF:1.218, 5-year IF:1.420)(ISSN 1047-3203)
1.Chih-Hung Lin, Ching-Yu Yang, and Chia-Wei Cha(2012),” An Efficient Algorithm for Protecting
and Authenticating Medical Image,” The Eighth International Conference on Intelligent
Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IEEE IIHMSP2012),Piraeus-Athens, Greece,
pp.67-70, July 18-20, 2012. (NSC 100-2221-E-415-021)
2.Ching-Yu Yang, Chih-Hung Lin and Wu-Chih Hu(2012),” Lossless Data Hiding Based on Smart
Boundary Adjustment,” The Eighth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and
Multimedia Signal Processing, IEEE IIHMSP2012, Piraeus-Athens, Greece, pp.55-58, July 18-20,
3.吳建頤, 林志鴻, 陳宗和, 楊中平(2013), “「2012 全國奈米科技應用創意競賽」參加者前後測表現測與居住區
域、父母學歷、性別之相關研究," 12th Conference on Information Technology and Applications in
Outlying Islands (ITAOI2013), Quemoy,May 24-26, 2013. (NSC 101-2221-E-415-022, NSC 101-2221-
E-415-013 and NSC 101-2120-S-006-005.)
4.郭倉碩, 楊中平, 林志鴻(2012), “以行程轉移機制達成異質性多核心平台系統回復之實現,”2012 Conference
on Information Technology and Applications in Outlying Islands, ITAOI2012, Penghu, Taiwan,
pp.287-290, May 25-26, 2012
5.Jing-Ya Yan, Tzung-Her Chen, and Chih-Hung Lin(2013)," Encryption in High Dynamic Range
Images " The Ninth International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia
Signal Processing (IEEE IIHMSP2013), Beijing, China, Oct 16-18, 2013.
6.Sheng-Shiang Chang, Chih-Hung Lin, Tzung-Her Chen, Kai-Siang Lin(2013), “Robust watermarking
for multiple images and users based on visual cryptography," The Seventh International
Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC2013), Prague, Czech Republic, pp.
175-182, Aug 25-27, 2013. (NSC 101-2221-E-415-013- and NSC 101-2221-E-415-022-)
7.Kai-Siang Lin, Chih-Hung Lin, Tzung-Her Chen, Sheng-Shiang Chang(2013), “A tailor- made
encryption scheme for high-dynamic range images," The Seventh International Conference
on Genetic and Evolutionary Computing (ICGEC2013), Prague, Czech Republic, pp.183-192, Aug
25-27, 2013. (NSC 101-2221-E-415-013- and NSC 101-2221-E-415-022-)
8.Chih-Hung Lin, Shu-Yuan Lin, Tzung-Her Chen(2013), “Dynamic Range Optimization by Flexible
Local Contrast Enhancement Using Luminance Map," The 5th International Conference on Digital
Image Processing (ICDIP 2013), Beijing, China, April 21-22, 2013.
9.Shu-Yuan Lin, Tzung-Her Chen, and Chih-Hung Lin(2013), “Hybrid Depth-Estimation Method for 2D-
to-3D Conversion", Digital Technology Information Management (DTIM2013), 2013 數位科技與創新管
理研討會, New Taipei City, pp. 761-771, Jun 22, 2013. (NSC 101-2221-E-415-013- and NSC 101-2221-
E- 415-022-)
10.Tao-Yi Chang, Chih-Hung Lin, Yen Ting Chen(2014), "Application of Computing Cloud for
Indigenous Primary School Students in Learning Science and Mathematics", The Asian Conference
on Arts and Humanities 2014(ACAH2014), Osaka, Japan, Apr 3-6, poster, 2014. (NSC102-2511-
S-415- 012-MY4)
11.Tao-Yi Chang, Chih-Hung Lin(2014), "Establishment of Cloud E-learning System for Indigenous
Children", Proceeding of 2014 The Sixth International Conference on Technology and Mathematics
Education and Workshop of Mathematics Teaching, May 24-25, Taichung Taiwan, 2014. (NSC102-
12.林俊廷, 林志鴻(2014), "運用行動載具進行六年級數學補救教學之研究", The Fourth National Conference
on Web Intelligence and Application (NCWIA2014), Penghu Taiwan, May 2-3, 2014
13.Chia-Ni Chan, Chih-Hung Lin and Wan-Ting Liu(2015), "The behavioral intention of teacher
teaching Indigenous People in Taiwan and general district elementary school toward Indigenous
People in Taiwan cloud-learning platform based on TAM", The European Conference on Education
(ECE2015), Brighton, United Kingdom, July 1-5, poster, 2015. (NSC102-2511-S-415-012-MY4)
14.Wan-Ting Liu, Chih-Hung Lin, Chia-Ni Chan and Meng-Lung Lai(2015), "The study of exploring the
learning motivation of third-grade students among aboriginal and general district elementary
school toward aboriginal mathematics learning platform", The European Conference on Education
(ECE2015), Brighton, United Kingdom, July 1-5, poster, 2015. (NSC102-2511-S-415-012-MY4)
15.林志鴻(2015), "動態數學工具GeoGebra融入民族數學電子書對原住民學童學習成效與學習動機影響之研
究", 2015年全國計算機會議, 大仁科大, Dec.18-19, 2015
16.齊育忻, 林志鴻(2015), "以 TAM 觀點探討原住民學校教師使用文化融入式數位學習平台之意願:以阿里山鄒
族小學為例", 2015年兩岸原住民族/少數民族數理科教/學理論與實務學術研討會, 台東大學, Dec. 11-13, 2015 17.郭彩軒, 林志鴻(2015), "原住民數學電子書之研發", 數學之火可以燎『原』:2015原住民數學學習研討會,
台中教育大學, Oct. 31, 2015
18.翁仲昱, 林志鴻(2015), "雲端數學學習平台建置0與1", 數學之火可以燎『原』:2015原住民數學學習研討
會, 台中教育大學, Oct. 31, 2015
19.Chih-Hung Lin, Yu-Hsin Chi and Chia-Ni Chan(2016), "Applying Dynamic Mathematics Geogebra to
On-line Culture Mathematics e-book: A Case Study for Tsou Fifth-grade Indigenous Students in
Taiwan", The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2016 (ACAH2016), Kobe, Japan, Apr 7-10,
poster, 2016. (NSC102-2511-S-415-012-MY4)