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* * 林樹聲教授




2.Lin, T.-C., Hsu, Y.-S., Lin, S.-S., Changlai, M.-L., Yang, K.-Y., Lai, T.-L. (2012). A review of empirical
   evidence on scaffolding for science education. International Journal of Science and Mathematics
   Education, 10(2), 437-455. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-011-9322-z【SSCI】
   刊,20(4),343-366。(*通訊作者) 【TSSCI】
5.Zeidler, D.L., Herman, B., Ruzek, M., Linder, A. & Lin, S.-S. (2013). Cross-cultural epistemological
   orientations to socioscientific issues. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 50(3), 251-283. 【SSCI】
6.林樹聲(2014)。資深科學教師實踐論證言談之個案研究。通識教育與跨域研究。14, 73-104。
8.Lin, S.-S. (2014). Science and non-science undergraduate students’ critical thinking and
   argumentation performance in reading a science news report. International Journal of Science and
   Mathematics Education, 12(5), 1023-1046. DOI: 10.1007/s10763-013-9451-7【SSCI】
9.董又愷、林樹聲* (2014)。以結構式探究教學促進國小學生了解證據和從事論證之行動研究。科學教育月刊,


1.Lin, S.-S. (2012). Elementary school science teachers’ views on integrating socioscientific issues
   into science instruction in Taiwan. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Arts and
   Humanities  2012, April 5-8, Ramada hotel , Osaka, Japan.
2.盧俊達、林樹聲 (2012)。高中學生面對社會性科學議題之道德判斷與判斷依據之初探。口頭發表於「各級教
3.Lin, S.-S. (2012). The change of science teacher talk after integrating argumentation skills into
   science instruction. Poster paper presented at 2012 International Academic Conference, June
   24-27, Valamar Dubrovnik hotel, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
4.Lin, S.-S. (2012). The undergraduate students’ performance of critical thinking in the context of
   reading science related news. Poster paper presented at the 5th Biennual Conference of the
   European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction: Special Interest Group 16,
   September, 5-8. Milan, Italy.
5.Lin, S.-S. (2012). Fostering the sixth grade students’ moral reasoning in socioscientific contexts.
   Paper presented at the 3 rd world conference on learning, teaching and educational leadership,
   October 25-28, Brussels, Belgium.
9.Chen, Y.,-K., Hsu, Y.-S., Lin, S.-S., Changlai, M.-L., Lin, S.-F. (2013). Scaffolding the development of
   decision-making criteria on socio-scientific issues: A meta-cognitive approach. Paper presented at
   EASE 2013 Conference, July 4-6, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China.
10.Lin, S.-S. & Hsu, Y.-S. (2013). Improving high school students’ ability to evaluate evidence and
    use evidence in socioscientific contexts and educational software environments. Poster paper
    presented at ED-MEDIA 2013- the 25th World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia
   & Telecommunications, June 24-28, Victoria, Canada.
11.Lin, S.-S. & Hsu, H.-S. (2013). A survey of sixth-grade students’ understanding of the concept of
   evidence in Taiwan. Poster paper presented at the 10th Biennual Conference of the European
   Science Education Research Association, September 2-7. University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus.
14.Liu, Y.-C. & Lin, S.-S. (2014). A survey on fifth grade students’ decision-making skills on the
   establishment of power plant in Taiwan. Paper will be orally presented at the Asian Conference on
   Arts and Humanities 2014, April 3-6, the Osaka International Conference Center, Rihga Royal hotel,
   Osaka, Japan.
15.Wu, C.-I. & Lin, S.-S. (2014). Exploring grade six students’ decision-making skills within a
   socioscientific issue in Taiwan. Paper will be orally presented at the Asian Conference on Arts and
   Humanities 2014, April 3-6, the Osaka International Conference Center, Rihga Royal hotel, Osaka,
16.Lin, S.-S. (2014). Enhancing high school students’ skills of evaluating and using evidence through
   the discussion of a socioscientific issue. Paper will be orally presented at the Asian Conference on
   Arts and Humanities 2014, April 3-6, the Osaka International Conference Center, Rihga Royal hotel,
   Osaka, Japan.
   頭發表於「2014教師專業與教學研究學術研討會」。南臺科技大學,5月29 日。南臺科技大學通識教育中心
18.Lin, S.-S. & Hsu, Y.-S. (2014). Equipping high school students with the abilities of evaluating
   evidence and formulating evidence for an on-line decision-making task. Paper will be presented at
   2014 ICCE- the 22th International Conference on Computer in Education, Novmember 29-30, Todaiji
   Culture Center, Nara, Japan.
20.林鶴林、林樹聲 (2015)。國小六年級生之做決定教學研究。口頭發表於「2015第31屆科學教育國際研討
21.Lin, S.-S. & Huang, C.-J. (2015). Exploring fifth and seventh grade students’ ability to justify for
   evaluating the reliability or validity of evidence. Poster paper will be presented at the 11th
   Biennual  Conference of the European Science Education Research Association, August 31-
   September 4. Expo and Convention Centre, Helsinki, Finland.
22.Lin, S.-S.(2015). A comparative study on undergraduate students’ and high school students’ skills
   of justifying arguments, evaluating and formulating evidence. Poster paper was presented at the
   European Conference on Education, July 1-5, the Thistle Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom.
23.Lin, S.-S., Wang, J.-R., Lin, Y.-C., Huang, P.-H., & Wang, Y.-C. (2015). Developing a reading
   comprehension-based argumentation instruction for elementary school students. Poster was
   presented at the Inaugural Asian Conference on Education & International Development2015
   (ACEID 2015), March 29-April 1, the Osaka International Conference Center, Rihga Royal Hotel,
   Osaka, Japan.
24.Lin, S.-S, Teng, L-K., & Li, C.-H. (2016). The Experiences of Two Elementary School Teachers’ NOS
   Instruction through Historical Science Stories. Poster paper presented at the 1th European IHPST
   (International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching) Biannual Conference, August 22-August
   25. Europa-Universität Flensburg, Flensburg, Germany.
25.Lin, S.-S. &Wu, Kuo-Jui (2016). Improving High School Students’Construction of Scientific
   Knowledge and Argumentation Skills through Embedding Argumentation Activities into Scientific
   Reading Instruction. Poster paper presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text &
   Discourse, July 18-July 20. The Department of Psychology of the University of Kassel, Kassel,





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教師   數理教育碩士班教師


專題演講  Dr. Jim Shymansky

專題演講.1  Prof. Usiskin專題演講
