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* * 陳均伊副教授


陳均伊副教授(2012-2016)著作目錄 [嘉大研究成果連結]

(Journal Articles)

1.廖酉鎮、陳均伊(2013)。讓地圖活過來-Google Earth應用於地球科學教學設計之應用。科學教育月刊,
   46。(NSC 101-2120-S-415-001)
   究,6(1),57-84。(為TSSCI收錄期刊)(NSC 101-2511-S-415-004-MY2。)
5.Lin, S. F., Chen, J. Y., Shih, K. Y., Wang, K. H., & Chang, H. P. (2015). Science teachers’ perceptions
   of nanotechnology teaching and professional development: A survey study in Taiwan.
   Nanotechnology Reviews, 4(1), 71-80.

B.研討會論文(Conference Papers)

1.Chen, J. Y. (2012, March). Causal Explanation and Predictive Explanation in Primary Science
   Textbooks. Paper presented at the International Conference “New Perspective for Science
   Education, Florence, Italy. (NSC 99-2120-S-018-002)
2.Chen, J. Y. (2012, July). Developing a diagnostic instrument to investigate undergraduate students’
   misconceptions of primary nanoscale science. Paper presented at the World Conference on
   Physics Education, Istanbul, Turkey.(NSC 101-2120-S-415 -001)
3.Chen, J. Y. (2012, October). Scientific explanation ability: How students make a claim and reason
   from evidence. Paper presented at the Asian Conference on Education, Osaka, Japan.(NSC 100-
   2511-S-415 -010)
   屆科學教育國際研討會。台北市:台北教育大學。(NSC 101-2120-S-415 -001)
6.Chen, J. Y. (2013, January). Elementary science teachers’ need for science teaching materials:
   Investigation on their abilities to scientific inquiry and scientific explanation-oriented inquiry
   teaching. Paper presented at the 11th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education,
   Honolulu, HI. (NSC 100-2511-S-415-010)
   暨成果發表會。花蓮縣:東華大學。(NSC 101-2120-S-415 -001)
   表於中華民國物理年會暨成果發表會。花蓮縣:東華大學。(NSC 101-2511-S-415 -004 -MY2)
9.Chen, J. Y. (2013, August). Implementing inquiry teaching to improve students’ understanding of
   electromagnet and scientific explanation ability. Paper presented at the International Conference on
   Physics Education, Prague, Czech Republic. (NSC 101-2511-S-415-004-MY2)
10.陳均伊、王雅伶(2014, 1月)。國中奈米粒子效應介紹的探究導向教學設計。Paper presented at the
   Annual Meeting 2014- The Physical Society of Republic of China, Taichung, Taiwan. (NSC 102-2120-
11.Chang, Y. H., Chen, J. Y. & Wu, G. L. (2014, April). Integrating scientific explanation into inquiry-
   based teaching to improve sixth grade students' scientific explanation abilities: An example of
   electromagnetism unit. Paper presented at the Fifth Asian Conference on the Arts and Humanities,
   Osaka, Japan. (NSC 101-2511-S415-004-MY2)
12.Chiu, C. Y. & Chen, J. Y. (2014, April). A junior high school science teacher’s action research on
   implementing inquiry-oriented teaching on magnetic nanoparticles. Paper presented at the Fifth
   Asian Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Osaka, Japan. (NSC 102-2120-S-415-002)
13.Chuang, K. H. & Chen, J. Y. (2014, April). Exploring a science teacher's pedagogical content
   knowledge of nanoscale teaching: Topic on photonic crystals. Paper presented at the Fifth Asian
   Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Osaka, Japan. (NSC 102-2120-S-415-002)
14.Wu, G. L. & Chen, J. Y. (2014, April). Are teachers ready to teaching nanotechnology?
   Investigating junior high school science teachers' understanding of nanotechnology. Paper
   presented at the Fifth Asian Conference on the Arts and Humanities, Osaka, Japan. (NSC 102-2120-
15.Wu, G. L. & Chen, J. Y. (2014, June). A case study of a junior high school science teachers’
   understanding of nanotechnology. Paper presented at the International Conference “the Future of
   Education”, Florence, Italy. (NSC 102-2120-S-415-002)
16.Chen, J. Y. (2014, June). Improving elementary school students’ understanding of sound and
   scientific explanation ability through inquiry teaching. Paper presented at the International
   Conference “the Future of Education”, Florence, Italy. (NSC 101-2511-S415-004-MY2)
17.陳均伊、賴佩君(2014, 8月)。國中壁虎效應的探究導向教學設計。論文發表於2014中華民國物理教育
   聯合會議。台東縣:台東大學。(MOST 103-2120-S-415 -002)
18.Kao, H. L., Chiu, M. H., Guo, C. J., Lin, J. W., Chen, J. Y., Lu, Y. L., Yen, M. H.,   Liang, J. C., Yu, H.
   P., Chiu, F. Y., Liu, C. K., &Huang, W. C. (2014). Content analysis of research on methodological
   issues of conceptual change published in selected science education journals from 1982-2011.
   Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Conceptual Change, Bologna, Italy.
19.Yen, M. H., Lin, J. W., Liang, J. C., Chiu, M. H., Huang, W. C., Liu, C. K., Guo, C. J., Kao, H. L., Chen,
   J. Y., Lu, Y. L., Yu, H. P., & Chiu, F. Y. (2014, December). Factors investigated in empirical studies
   concerning conceptual change: a review from 1982-2011. Paper presented at the 2nd International
   History, Philosophy and Science Teaching Asian Regional Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.
20.莊凱涵、陳均伊(2014, 12月)。探討一位國中自然科教師實施奈米科技教學之教學表徵知識-以彩蝶效應為
   例。論文發表於第三十屆科學教育學術研討會。臺北市:臺灣師範大學。(MOST 103-2120-S-415 -002)
21.吳岡倫、陳均伊(2015, 1月)。探討雲嘉地區國中自然科教師對於將奈米科技融入自然與生活科技課程意願
   之研究。論文發表於2015中華民國物理年會。新竹市:清華大學。(MOST 103-2120-S-415 -002)
22.莊凱涵、陳均伊(2015, 1月)。探討國中自然科教師實施奈米磁導航教學之教學表徵知識。論文發表於2015
   中華民國物理年會。新竹市:清華大學。(MOST 103-2120-S-415 -002)
23.Wang, K. H., Lin, S. F., Chen, J. Y., Shih, K. Y., & Chang, H. P. (2015, April). Development of an
   instrument to measure teachers' perceptions of nanotechnology teaching and professional
   development. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in
   Science Teaching, Chicago, IL.
24.Chen, J. Y. (2015, July). Developing teaching material to integrate nanoscience into high school
   scientific curriculum. Paper presented at the International Conference “the Future of Education”,
   Florence, Italy. (MOST 103-2120-S-415 -002)
25.陳均伊、蕭叡鄖(2015, 8月)。探究導向的奈米科技教學活動—奈米光觸媒。論文發表於2015中華民國物理
   教育聯合會議。新竹市:清華大學。(MOST 103-2120-S-415 -002)
26.Sinaga, L. & Chen, J. Y. (2015, December). Exploring science teachers’ perspectives of
   approaches to inquiry teaching: Taiwanese and Indonesian science teachers. Paper presented at
   the 31th Annual International Conference of Association of science education, Kenting, Taiwan.
   (MOST 104-2511-S-415-009)
27.Manalu, M. & Chen, J. Y. (2015, December). Developing web–based inquiry teaching to implement
   remediation instruction in senior high school in Indonesia: An example of Newton's law unit. 論文發
   表於2015兩岸四地物理教育研討會。屏東縣:高雄師範大學。(MOST 104-2511-S-415-009)
28.Chen, J. Y. (2016, May). Investigating science volunteers’ intentions to participate in volunteer
   education program and their self-efficacy of science teaching. Paper presented at the International
   Conference on Social Science, Arts and Education, Lynbrook, NY. (MOST 103-2511-S-415 -007)
   論文發表於2016中華民國物理教育聯合會議。台南市:成功大學。(MOST 104-2511-S-415-009)





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教師   數理教育碩士班教師


專題演講  Dr. Jim Shymansky

專題演講.1  Prof. Usiskin專題演講
