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last update time 2015/06/01
:::* Home > Job safety and employment security



Be aware of employment traps.

 (A) Before interview

1. Check the job information from the government agencies

   such as National Youth Commission, Bureau of

   Employment and Vocational Training

2. Security is the priority of the workplaces

3. Filter job ads carefully, and not to apply for the exaggerative

   job ads

4. Before applying the job, verify the existence of that office.

 (B) During interview

1. Tell family or friends clearly where the interview will be held.

2. Ask for family or friends’ company during the interview

   when it’s necessary.

3. Don’t drink or eat things from the interviewer.

4. Only provided copied documents, and think twice before

   making any promises.

 (C) Job security

1. Job security of the workplace is important.

2. Have appropriate clothing, attitude and behavior at work.

3. Refuse irrational invitation or requirement.

4. Try to be familiar with the environment and pay attention to

  the office operating conditions to protect one’s safety and


5. Don’t pay guarantee money or borrow from remuneration





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