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last update time 2015/06/01
:::* Home > Where would be dangerous?



Prevent the accidents from happening in advance

It’s dangerous when you’re alone at the following sites:

   (A) Corners at the campus

1. Stairwell

2. Toilet

3. Tea room, Lunch Box Steaming Room, Storage

4. Depot, Basement

5. Far classroom

6. Sports facilities at the edge of campus

7. Forests, flowering shrubs

8. Side of the campus walls

9. Space between school buildings


   (B) Dangerous places

1. Elevator and the top floor balcony

2. The corner of the stairs

3. Corners of buildings or corridor

4. lavatory without supervisors

5. Narrow roads without light fixtures

6. The parking area

7. Park, bushes, suburban fields, or embankment

8. An overpass, an underground passage

9. Construction sites, empty houses, or old houses without






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