of Plant Medicine, College of Agriculture, National Chiayi University.
Professor Yen-Po Lin, Ph. D.

Tel. 886-5-2717814 Fax
2013/11 Doctor
of Philosophy, School of
Biological Sciences,
The University of Queensland, Australia
2007/09 Master
of Science, Advanced Methods in Taxonomy and Biodiversity, Imperial College
of Science, Technology and Medicine, University of London, UK
2002/07 Master of Science, Graduate
Institute of Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
2000/07 Bachelor
of Science: Entomology Division, Department of
Plant Pathology & Entomology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Evolution and Biodiversity of Insects
Insect-plant Interactions
Species Delimitation of Parthenogenetic Pest
Identification of Pest Insects
2018/02- Assistant
Professor, Department of Plant Medicine, College of Agriculture, National
Chiayi University, Taiwan
2017/07-2018/01 Researcher,
Arthropod Ecology and Biological Control Research Group, Department for
Management of Science and Technology Development, Ton Duc Thang University,
2017/04-2018/01 Postdoctoral
Researcher, School of Biological Sciences, The University
of Queensland, Australia
2017/04-2017/10 Endeavour
Postdoctoral Research (PDR) Fellowship, Department of Education and Training,
Australia / School of Biological Sciences, The University
of Queensland, Australia
2016/11-2017/03 Postdoctoral
Researcher, Division of Evolution, Ecology and Genetics, Research School of
Biology, College of Medicine Biology & Environment, The
Australian National University, Australia
2016/07-2016/10 Senior
Research Officer, Division of Evolution, Ecology and Genetics, Research School
of Biology, College of Medicine Biology & Environment, The Australian National University, Australia
2014/07-2016/06 Postdoctoral
Fellow, College of Life Science, Shanxi University, China
2014/07-2016/06 Postdoctoral
Researcher, School of Biological Sciences, The University
of Queensland, Australia
2003/02-2005/05 Research
Assistant, Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
2002/08-2002/12 Research
Assistant, Department of Entomology, National Taiwan
University, Taiwan
Academic researches
1. LIN, Y.-P., P.J. GULLAN
and L.G. COOK. 2010. Species richness
and host-plant diversity are positively correlated in Coccidae (Insecta:
Hemiptera: Coccoidea). Entomologia Hellenica 19:90-98.
2. LIN, Y.-P., T. KONDO,
P.J. GULLAN and L.G. COOK. 2013. Delimiting genera of scale insects: molecular
and morphological evidence for synonymising Taiwansaissetia Tao, Wong
and Chang with Coccus Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Coccoidea: Coccidae). Systematic Entomology 38:249-264. (SCI)
3. LIN, Y.-P., D.H. COOK, P.J.
GULLAN and L.G. COOK. 2015. Does host-plant diversity explain species richness
in insects? A test using Coccidae (Hemiptera). Ecological
Entomology 40:299-306. (SCI)
4. LIN,
Y.-P. 2015. The triptych of asexuality, chastity and
cryptic diversity in Parasaissetia nigra
(Nietner, 1861). Entomological Society of Queensland News Bulletin 43:65-67.
5. LIN, Y.-P., R.D. EDWARDS, T.
KONDO, T.L. SEMPLE and L.G. COOK. 2017. Species delimitation in asexual insects
of economic importance: The case of black scale (Parasaissetia nigra), a cosmopolitan parthenogenetic pest scale
insect. PLoS ONE 12:e0175889. (SCIE)
6. LIN, Y.-P., Z.Y.
DING, P.J. GULLAN and L.G. COOK. 2017. A newly recognised Australian endemic
species of Austrolecanium Gullan
& Hodgson 1998 (Hemiptera: Coccidae) from Queensland. Zootaxa 4272:119-130. (SCIE)
7. LIN, Y.-P., H. TANAKA, T.
KONDO and L.G. COOK. 2017. A newly recognised species that has been confused
with the global polyphagous pest scale insect, Coccus hesperidum Linnaeus (Hemiptera: Coccomorpha: Coccidae). Zootaxa 4320:571-591. (SCIE)
8. LIN, Y.-P., T. KONDO,
P.J. GULLAN and L.G. COOK. 2018. A newly recognised species of Cryptes Maskell 1892 (Hemiptera:
Coccidae) from Western Australia. Zootaxa 4508:101-114. (SCIE)