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* * 沈永祺副教授





1. Shen, Y. C., Lin, G. T. R., Lin, J. R. & Wang, C. H. (2017). A cross-database comparison to discover potential product opportunities using text mining and cosine similarity. Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 76(1), 11-16. (SCI)

2. Shen, Y. C. (2017). Identifying the key barriers and their interrelationships impeding the university technology transfer in Taiwan: a multi-stakeholder perspective. Quality & Quantity ,51(6),2865-2884. (SSCI)

3. Shen, Y. C., Chen, P. S. & Wang, C. H. (2016). A study of enterprise resource planning (ERP) system performance measurement using the quantitative balanced scorecard approach. Computers in Industry, 75, 127-139. (SCI)

4. Hwang, B. N. & Shen, Y. C. (2015). Decision making for third party logistics supplier selection in semiconductor manufacturing industry: a non-additive fuzzy integral approach. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2015. (SCI)

5. Hsu, D. W. L., Shen, Y. C., Yuan, B. J. C. & Chou, C. J. (2015). Toward successful commercialization of university technology: performance drivers of university transfer in Taiwan. Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 92, 25-39. (SSCI)

6. 林亭汝、沈永祺、李延春( 2014 )。以專利共被引分析法探討生物復育之核心技術。生物產業科技管理叢刊,第 5 卷第 1 期, 1-35

7.Chang, S. H., Chen, M. L., Kuo, Y. K. & Shen, Y. C. (2011). A simulation-based LED design project in photonics instruction based on industry-university collaboration. IEEE Transactions on Education, 54(4), 582-589. (SCI)

8. Shen, Y. C., Lin, G. T. R., Li, K. B. & Yuan, B. J. C. (2010). An assessment of exploiting renewable energy sources with concerns of policy and technology. Energy Policy, 38(8), 4604-4616. (SSCI)

9.Lin, G. T. R., Chang, Y. S. & Shen, Y. C. (2010). Innovation policy analysis and learning: comparing Ireland and Taiwan. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 22(7&8), 731-762. (SSCI)

10.Shen, Y. C., Chang, S. H., Lin, G. T. R. & Yu, H. C. (2010). A hybrid selection model for emerging technology. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 77(1), 151-166. (SSCI)

11.林亭汝、沈永祺、胡菊芬、孫嘉祈( 2009 )。 Constructing and employing the appraising model of intangible assets 。交大管理學報,第 29 卷第 2 期, 131-161 。( TSSCI

12.Yung-Chi Shen, Ming-Yeu Wang, Ya-Chu Yang (2020). "Discovering the potential opportunities of scientific advancement and technological innovation: A case study of smart health monitoring technology", Technological Forecasting & Social Change, Accepted. (SSCI)

13.Shen, Y. C. (2020). What do people perceive in watching video game streaming? Eliciting spectators’ value structures. Telematics and Informatics, accepted. (SSCI)



1.Shen, Y. C., Wang, M. Y. and Yang, Y. C.(2019). Detecting the potential opportunities of scientific advancement and technological innovation for smart health monitoring technology, ICEASS 2019 , Guam, USA.

2. 王俊賢、沈永祺、陳怡雯、吳曉春(2019)供應鏈合作能力對廠商績效之影響-供應鏈平台的角色。載於國立台北大學舉辦之「 2019國立台北大學企業管理學系學術研討會」,台北。

3.  楊雅筑、沈永祺( 2016 )。利用文件相似度建構技術地圖:以遠距照護技術為例。載於國立中興大學舉辦之「 2016 生物產業學術研討會」,台中。

4.  Shen, Y. C. (2016). Identifying the key barriers of university-industry linkage in Taiwan. Paper presented at ISPIM Innovation Forum, Boston, MA.

5. 梁智堯、沈永祺、王明妤、楊雅筑( 2015 )。以科學與技術引用網絡確認技術演化趨勢:以心電圖感測器為例。載於國立台北大學舉辦之「 2015 國立台北大學企業管理學系學術研討會」,台北。

6. 沈永祺、楊雅筑、林怡萱、蔡素芬、楊穎莉( 2015 )。消費者對植物工廠蔬菜購買意願之因子探討。載於國立嘉義大學舉辦之「 2015 生物產業學術研討會」,嘉義。

7. 沈永祺、王明妤、梁智堯( 2014 )。以專利引用網絡與文件探勘確認 TRIZ 技術演化模式:以心電圖感測器為例。載於中華大學舉辦之「 2014 中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會」,新竹。

8. Shen, Y. C. (2014). The performance drivers of successful university technology transfer. Paper presented at XXV ISPIM Innovation Conference, Dublin, Ireland.

9. Shen, Y. C. & Hsu, W. L. (2013). Knowledge creation and diffusion in Taiwan's universities: knowledge trajectory from patent data. Paper presented at GBATA 15th Annual International Conference, Helsinki, Finland.


  1. 計畫名稱:大學技術移轉中心績效驅動因子之探討,2013/2/1~2014/7/312011/08/01~2013/07/31,國科會專題研究計畫。




1. 計畫名稱:電玩直播平台服務使用者之價值結構與願付價格2018/08~2019/07,科技部,計畫主持人PF10708-0269

2. 計畫名稱:大專院校教學實踐研究計劃-培養學生的創業能力:應用專題式學習進行新產品管理與商業計畫書撰寫之行動研究2018/08~2019/07,教育部。

3. 計畫名稱:商品碼商業模式可行性分析與建構2018/05~2018/10,其他政府機關-其他政府單位

  1. 計畫名稱:結合文件探勘與TRIZ揭露技術演化趨勢2016/08~2017/07,科技部,計畫主持人PF10507-2235






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