1. Demonstrate operation
Including: (1) Feed and management of cows, goats, pigs, and chickens. (2) Processing and sale on the meat and milk and other related practice products
2. Assist with educational practices
(1) assist with related faculties on physiology and anatomy, genetics breeding, molecular biology, nutrition and feeds and livestock process and management…etc, relating practice courses.
(2) Providing labor, researching materials (animals, raw milk, processing products) or place to assist Department of Animal Science, Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture and other relating courses.
3. Assist with researching
(1) enthusiastic in parcitipating researching projects, and keep cooperating with school and other relating departments.
(2) Provinding any researching resources: To assist any researching projects including cows, goats, pigs, chickens…etc. or blood, semen, eggs and milks.