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last update time 2018/11/09
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The predecessor of Animal Research Farm in National Chia-Yi University is National Chia-Yi Institute of Agriculture’s experince farm, former to be subordinate to Animal Science. There is one director to manage the farm, and a Technician and other two fellow workers to assist with the director. The main purpose of this farm is to assist other faculties in education and provide a place for students and teachers to practice.



1.      Oraganization: subordinate to be National Chia-Yi University, subsidiary to the college of Agriculture subsidiary.

2.      School address: No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
The location of Animal Research Farm: Turn left at the entrance of National Chia-Yi University, and go straight forward for 30 m, there will be a cow which shows where is the ARF.

The total areas of the farm are 5 acers.

Telephone: (05)271-7521

Fax: (05)271-2992

3.      Management:

1.      Head of ARF(from the professors of Animal Science): to be in charge of the ARF and assist with the educational practices

2.      Staff member: a technician and two fellow workers.

Each of them is responsible in: (1) cow management (2) milk process prodution (3) goat management (4) pig management (5) wastewater treatment (6) sales on livestock products and the reserve management (7) educational assistant

4.      Bussiness:

1.      Demonstrate operation

Including: (1) Feed and management of cows, goats, pigs, and chickens. (2) Processing and sale on the meat and milk and other related practice products

2.      Assist with educational practices

(1)   assist with related faculties on physiology and anatomy, genetics breeding, molecular biology, nutrition and feeding livestock process and management…etc, relating practice courses.

(2)   Providing labor, researching materials (animals, raw milk, processing products) or place to assist Department of Animal Science, Department of Veterinary Medicine, College of Agriculture and other relating courses.

3.      Assist with researching

(1)   enthusiastic in parcitipating researching projects, and keep cooperating with school and other relating departments.

(2)   Providing any researching resources: To assist any researching projects including cows, goats, pigs, chickens…etc. or blood, semen, eggs and milks.

5.      Introduction of the Farm:

1.      Dairy farm

Now we have73 dairy cattles, among them that have 25-33 are milking cows, most of them are Holstein-Friesians, and there are 2 Angus as well. We feed them concentrate feeds, and others like alfafa, bermuda, oats, local product corn silage and fresh grass plant by ARF as well, which provides the students and staff in school to have fresh, high quality milk. ARF have automatic milking system, everyday at 5:30 am and 5:30 pm will be milking, and everyday the milk production is about 500-700kg. National Chia-Yi University’s milk all comes from ARF, which means it is very fresh and clean, no pollution on it.

2.      Poultry farm

(1)   Breed: White Leghorn, Taiwan country chicken

(2)   How many: 200-600, the percentage of laying eggs is 80%. Cocks and hens keep together.

(3)   The major usage of eggs is to provide educational experiment and to eat. Also we can provide different hatching days eggs according to the experiment.

3.      Goat farm

(1)   The new goat farm is about 150 level ground. Which can keep 60 milk goats, 60 meat goats, and also the milking mechine can have 2 goats at the same time.

(2)   Breed: most of it will be milking goats. Now we have 60-100, including Nubian, Alpine, Saanen, Toggenburg and Boer.

(3)   Everyday will have fresh goat milk processing and sale, except this, we also provide educational purpose and study in breeding, physiology, nutrition and biotech…etc.

4.      Pig farm

(1)   Now is about 300-400 pigs

(2)   Breed:

Duroc (From the US), Landrace (From Denmark), Yorkshire (From England), Berkshire (From the US), and LY two lines  hybrid breeding, and LYD three lines hybrid breeding.

(3)   Behavior: Curious but very fearful, likes clean, will poo and pee at a stationary place, likes to be living in herd, but only boars will fight with each other.


5.      Dairy product factory

(1)   The High temperature short time (HTST) processing machine from the US is making the milk from our ARF. The cow and goat milk in the school is all comes from the ARF animals. Also the dairy product factory has a milk chemical examination room to control the raw milk quality.

(2)   Now we have 3 kinds of dairy products to provide the staff and students

(3)   Milk processing procedure: raw milk from the milking machine to the factory à 4 milk tank stoke à heat to 70-75 homogenize à 81, 30 second sterlize à cooling to 16 à 4 milk product à packing

6.      Product and production sale

(1)   Dairy product: milk, goat milk, ice cream, yogurt and nougat

(2)   Meat product: original sausage, garlic sausage, old tradition black sausage, jerk

(3)   Eggs

(4)   Where we sell it: National chiayi university center of agriculture extension
If it’s convenient to visit, also can come to ARF to buy.

Office hours: Mon.~Sun. 8:00~12:00






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