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last update time 2022/03/02
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** Bilingual
*Chinese English Department
氣候變遷與環境衝擊 * *Climate change and environmental impact * Center of Enviromental Safety
災害防救 * *Disaster prevention and response * Center of Enviromental Safety
天然災後消毒 * *Disinfecting measures after natural disasters * Center of Enviromental Safety
排放標準 * *Effluent standards * Center of Enviromental Safety
消除登革熱孳生源 * *Eliminating dengue fever mosquito breeding sources * Center of Enviromental Safety
環境綠美化與空氣淨化 * *Environmental greenification and air purification * Center of Enviromental Safety
環境影響評估 * *Environmental impact assessment (EIA) * Center of Enviromental Safety
環境衛生 * *Environmental sanitation * Center of Enviromental Safety
環境衛生及飲用水 * *Environmental sanitation and drinking water * Center of Enviromental Safety
廚餘回收 * *Food waste recycling * Center of Enviromental Safety

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