* Global Master Program of Tourism and Management *
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Dear NCYU School of Management Prospective Students/Applicants,

Greeting from National Chiayi University (NCYU).

We are recruiting more international students to enroll in the Master of Tourism and Management (MTM) Program


Here is a summary of this program.

1.     All the courses in the MTM program are taught in English.

2.     Students must complete a minimum of 33 credit hours (9 required credit hours, 24 selective credit hours) plus a thesis (6 credit hours)

3.     The focuses of this program is on tourism and/or management.

Our faculty members consist of  the faculty members from the College of Management at NCYU and visiting international scholars.

@@ Important notice: Qualification to get scholarship or tuition fees/credit fees waiver is based on the GPA on a 4.0 scale.

(vary depending on the qualification of applicants )


Tuition and

Miscellaneous fees

Credit Fees


(NT $8,000 per month)

GPA ≥3.4







Not available



Not available

Not available


waived 50%

Not available

Not available


English: CEF B1 (ITP TOEFL 457, CBT TOEFL 137, iBT TOEFL 47, IELTS 4, TOEIC 550)

All test scores are considered valid for two years beyond the test date.


If you are interested in applying for this program, please contact us as soon as possible. We look forward to your applications.


Staff to contact: Ms. Vivian Lu

Email: mtm@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

cc. School of Management, gramgt@mail.ncyu.edu.tw


** News/最新消息
* 日期 類別 標題
* 2015-06-08 演講公告 / Seminar Smart Tourist Destinations
* 2015-04-23 畢業論文 / Thesis 完成碩士論文時間流程圖 / Time flow chart to complete thesisRAR(49.04 KB) / DOCX(52.45 KB)
* 2014-12-27 畢業論文 / Thesis 2014國立嘉義大學MTM碩士班碩士論文格式 /Thesis Template 2014RAR(22.86 KB) / DOC(76.50 KB)
* 2014-12-15 演講公告 / Seminar Culture Difference in Hospitality Worlds
* 2014-12-08 演講公告 / Seminar Thesis Proposal and Thesis Writing: Do's and Don'ts
* 2014-11-19 演講公告 / Seminar Introduction to Project Management
* 2014-11-17 演講公告 / Seminar Trends in the Global Economy
* 2014-05-28 演講公告 / Seminar Human Resource Management “'Issues in Travel and Tourism” (II)
* 2014-04-10 演講公告 / Seminar How about "Research Design: How Do We Know What Know?"
* 2013-11-05 畢業論文 / Thesis Procedure on how to upload thesis on NCYU website and process clearance and diplomaPDF(868.93 KB) / RAR(816.80 KB)

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傳真:(05) 273-2805            通訊地址:60054 嘉義市新民路580號  

聯絡電話:(05) 273-2817           EMAIL:mtm@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

      MTM(中)                      MTM(Eng.)

