* Global Master Program of Tourism and Management *
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::: * 首頁 > Goal & Core Abilities / 教育目標與核心能力

* * Goal & Core Abilities / 教育目標與核心能力



教育目標 Educational Gaol

1. 培育觀光休閒產業之專業人才。 
    Train the professionals in tourism and leisure industry.

2. 培育觀光休閒產業專業經營管理及規劃能力。
    Foster the ability in tourism and leisure industry management and planning.
3. 建立文化意識及寬廣視野之人生觀。
    Build the cultural sense and the wide view for life.

4. 培育企業管理專業人才。
    Foster the professionals in business administration.


核心能力The Core Abilities

1. 觀光休閒/企業管理專業能力
    Professional abilities of tourism, leisure and business administration

2. 獨立思考創新能力
    Independent thinking and innovation abilities

3. 溝通、領導與團隊合作能力
    Communication, leadership and team cooperation abilities

4. 國際觀與外語能力
    International view and language ability

5. 人文關懷服務能力
    The abilities of humanities and concerning


核心能力指標  The Indexes of Core Abilities

1. 培養觀光休閒產業暨遊憩資源之經營管理知能。 
    Foster the management knowledge about the tourism and leisure industry and recreation resource.

2. 培養企業管理專業能力。
    Foster the ability of business administration

3. 訓練策略分析、經營管理及表達專業之能力。
    Train the abilities of strategy analysis, management and professional expressing

4. 培養問題發掘、分析及解決能力。
    Foster abilities of discovering problems, analysis and solutions

5. 強化溝通協調與團隊合作能力。
    Strengthen the abilities of communication, negotiation and team work

6. 深化獨立思考與管理決策能力。
    Intensify independent thinking and decision-making abilities

7. 培養良好的國際觀
    Foster the good international views

8. 培養責任心與專業倫理及社會多元關懷。
    Cultivate responsibility and professional ethical view and concern society through variety ways. 





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