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last update time 2023/03/16
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Create Date:2023-03-13
Update Date:2023-03-13
Department:Military Education Office

The organization of Military Education Office has a chief military education officer and 11 team members.

Since the university has four campuses, the military education office is subdivided into four divisions: the Lantan campus division (the main division), the Ming hsiung Campus, the Linsen Campus, the Singming Campus.

The missions of this office are to provide the general education of national defense, to supervise the students conduct on campus, to improve the campus security by giving 24-hour aids to the students with difficulty situations.

The Military Education Office delicate to improve the students' discipline and manner by devoting work and service By our loyalty, sincerity, and a loving heart we believe we can achieve the goals of this office to establish a harmonious, secure, and progressive NCYU culture..





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