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last update time 2023/03/16
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Brief Introduction to the Military Education Office

 The organization of Military Education Office has a chief military education officer and 8 military education officers. Since the university has four campuses, the military education office is subdivided into four divisions: the Lantan campus division (the main division), the Mingsuin Campus, the Linsen Campus, the Mingsheng Campus.

The missions of this office are to provide the general education of national defense, to supervise the students’ conduct on campus, to improve the campus security by giving 24-hour aids to the students with difficulty situations, to manage the student dormitory, and to take an active part in student labor service education.

The Military Education Office delicate to improve the students’ discipline and manner by devoting work and service. By our loyalty, sincerity, and a loving heart we believe we can achieve the goals of this office to establish a harmonious, secure, and progressive NCYU culture.

Member Introduction

Job Description of Military Training Instructor Office of National Chiayi University

Army Lieutenant Colonel Director: 
Tsai, Ming-Tsan
Phone : (05)2717310
Mail : mba9707

1. Dealing with integrated students military affairs, completing mission assigned by President.

2. Aiding the Dean of Student Affairs doing student counseling

Lieutenant Colonel, Military Instructor
Phone : (05)2717312
Mail :wangyisue


1.      Assisting the Campus Safety Center on integrated affairs (including student safety, traffic safety, fire and earthquake prevention)

2.      Student outside campus rent security services

3.      Collecting and organizing the outcomes of student counseling of military instructors

4.      Dealing the freshman ceremony

5.      Handling tasks assigned temporarily

 LieutenantColonel, Military Instructor
 Lai ,Chia-Hsing
Phone : (05)2717312
Mail :


1.      Military personnel businesses (military performance, promoting candidate, leave and vacation, rewards and punishments, further education, demobilization, awards, promotion, relocation, posts, etc.)

2.   Scheduling the duty table of military instructors and declaring the duty fees

Military logistics (military uniforms, physical examination, loans, national health insurance, military insurance, pension fund, etc.)

4. Organizing the student workers and declaring the student workers fees

5.    Assisting campus safety affairs and student counseling of College of Engineering

6      Designing and protecting the websites of Military Training Office

7      Managing and purchasing the property of Military Training Office and classrooms

8      Financial management and verification of Military Training Office


9      Handling tasks assigned temporarily

Lieutenant Colonel, Military Instructor
 Lee, Cheng-Te

Phone : (05)2717312
Mail :

1. Military instruction integrated businesses (required and elective courses, results compiled, course exemptions, academic papers, offsetting length of civilian service, instruction plans designing, teaching evaluation, courses submitted, etc.)

2. Professional military training seminar, affairs meeting information and meeting documentation

3. Scheduling and controlling the training seminar in winter and summer vacation

4. Planning and implementing
national defense education


5. Handling tasks assigned temporarily

Major, Military Instructor
   Huang, Wu-Shiung

Phone : (05)2717312


1.   Assisting campus safety affairs and student counseling of Agricultural College

2. Integrated affairs of Military Training Office (including military work planning, reporting, affairs schedule, meeting data documentation, handling petitions)


3. Checking the e-mail of Military Training Office

4. Handling tasks assigned temporarily

Lieutenant Colonel, Military Instructor
      Kao, Wei-Pi

Phone : (05)2717312
Mail : apin1218


1. Assisting campus safety affairs and student counseling of College of Life Science


2. Propagating the military recruitment


3 Handling tasks assigned temporarily

 Lieutenant Colonel, Military Instructor
        Wang, Zhi-qing

Phone: (05)2263411*1251
Mail : ching7700


1.      Assisting campus safety affairs and student counseling of College of Arts

2.      Dealing the integrated military affairs of Min-Shiung campus


3.     Chun-Hui Programs (Propagating anti-drugs, anti-AIDS, and NO cigarettes, alcohol, betel nuts)

3.      Designing and protecting the website of Chun-Hui Programs

4.      Assisting the traffic safety among campus and propagating the Chun-Hui Programs

5.      Youth mobilization business

Major, Military Instructor
   Lee, Fan-Chun

Phone: (05)2263411*1252
Mail : plum366


1.      Assisting campus safety affairs and student counseling of College of Education

2.      Assisting the military education affairs of Min-Shiung campus

3.      Organizing student workers, declaring the student workers fees, and managing the property of Min-Shiung campus office and classrooms

4.     Assisting the traffic safety among campus 

5. Handling tasks assigned temporarily

Lieutenant Colonel,  Military Instructor

Phone: (05)2732956
Mail : jiphni


1.  Assisting campus safety affairs and student counseling of Management College

2.      Chun-Hui Programs (Propagating anti-drugs, anti-AIDS, and NO cigarettes, alcohol, betel nuts)

3.     Propagating the military recruitment reserve officer exam, ROTC

4.      Handling tasks assigned temporarily







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No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-5-2717312