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last update time 2023/08/02
:::* Home > About the library > Floor tour

** About the library

Lantan Campus  Library Floor  Distribution

The library floor plan is as follows: 

  • Basement 1:Study room,250-person Auditorium, 50-person meeting room (4 rooms) , concentrated book storage, café, control room.
  • 1F:Current issue area, reference book area, newspaper area, new book display area, reference data area, year book display area, circulation service, information search area, reserves data area, discussion room 101-102, map collection area, dissertation area, art work display area, book donation storage, photocopy room, office (Acquisition & Cataloguing Section, Circulation Section)
  • 2F:Periodicals bonding area, search area, information promotion area, reference desk, photocopy room, office (Reading Section)
  • 3F:Music area, audiovisual area, group audiovisual room, audiovisual discussion room, inquiry service counter, computer system room, office (System Information Section, volunteer)
  • 4F:Chinese books 000-500, teacher/employee work room, search area, discussion room 401-404, study room 401-424, just returned book area, photocopy room, office.
  • 5F: Chinese books 600-900,Western language books, Japanese books, Boer books, Classical Chinese books, search area, study room 501-502, study room 501-524, 5th meeting room, 6th meeting room, photocopy room, Director’s office.
Minsyong Campus Library Floor Distribution   
The library is situated on the northern side of the campus. It is a modern 5-floor building with central air-conditioning system. The floor area is 8948.78 square meters. (approx. 3,000 pins) The library adopts open-stacks management with 500 reading seats, 16 study rooms, and 4 discussion rooms. 

1F:Search area, service counter, newspaper area, children’s library. 
  • Storage area: before entering the library, place your personal belongings in the locker. Only notebooks and stationery are allowed to enter.
  • Search area: united catalogue and respective departments are setup including: cataloguing, book title glossary, author glossary, microfilm glossary, CD database search, international academic internet search, and library information search. Navigation System is also available.
  • Service counter: Book borrow/return and inquiry service provision.
  • Newspaper room, back issue room: 16 newspapers in Chinese and western languages. Back issues for the past year are bounded and stored in back issue room.
  • Children’s library: over 20,000 volumes of elementary school and toddler related reading materials. They are children’s literature learning and study references for teachers and students.
  • Elementary school text book room: storage of text books from the U.S.A., the U.K. Singapore and Taiwan.
  • General library: 180 seats are available for student study use.
  • Collection Section, Acquisition and Cataloguing Section
  • Meeting room
  • Rare books: Si Ku Quan Shu Complete Library in four Branches of Literature
2F: Photocopy area, search area, reference room, periodicals room, back issue periodicals room, journal area, information search room, official publications area. 

  • Reference room: reference books including general tool books such as Chinese/western language dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, category, almanac, annual report, book title, index, statistical data etc.
  • Periodicals room: current periodicals arranged in categoryàtitle (No. of Chinese strokes or alphabetical order) on display in the periodicals area.
  • Back issue periodicals room: bounded back issue periodicals arranged in title (No. of Chinese strokes or alphabetical order) on display in back issue periodicals area.
  • Information search room provides:
    (1) CD database: Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), Social Science Citation Index(Psyclit)Sociology File (Sociofile), Chinese Dissertation Abstract FCDA , Dissertation Abstracts Ondisc(DAO),Books In Print(BIP), National Chinese Literature(NCL)
    (2) Microfilm data: Education literature (ED,1973~),Education periodicals(EJ 304 types,1983~),Dissertation Abstracts Ondisc( DAO ), and Dissertation Abstracts of Ministry of Education(1974~)
  • Journal area, official publication area: school journals, and types of government publications.
  • Teacher and employee work counter
  • Reading Section service counter 
3F: Computer room, book storage, movie theater, international auditorium 
  • Study room  
  • Book storage: Chinese publications including education, language and western publications. 
4F::Book storage, audiovisual classroom 

5F:System Information Section office, audiovisual room, audiovisual classroom

Sinmin Campus Library

After College of Management was established in September, 2000, Linsen Campus Library was setup. In February, 2006, College of Management was transferred to Sinmin Campus and Sinmin Campus Library was officially open. The library is located at Building B, 2F, D02-201 of College of Management. The floor area is approximately 1,071 square meters. Periodicals area, reference area, book storage area, computer search area, study area, discussion room, office area, and circulation counter are available inside the library with 136 reading seats. Library collections are focused on management and commerce books.  





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