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:::* Home > Faculty > Yeh, Su-Ying

** Faculty


PositionAssistant professor

Name Yeh, Su-Ying


LAB Olericulture Laboratory






Ph.D., 2013, Biotechnology of Natural Products, Technical University of Munich, Germany

M.S., 2004, Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

B.S., 2002, Department of Horticulture, National Chiayi University, Taiwan


Work Experience


2013/03-2022/12  Postdoctoral associate

Biodiversity Research center, Academia Sinica

2022/02-current    Assistant professor

Department of Horticulture, National Chiayi University                   


Area of Expertise

Molecular breeding, Plant biotechnology, Crop transcriptome analysis



Wu, C.C., Hsieh, K.T., Yeh, S.Y., Lu, Y.T., Chen, L.J., Ku, M.S.B. and Li, W.H. (2022) Simultaneous detection of miRNA and mRNA at the single-cell level in plant tissues. Plant Biotechnol J. 1:1-14. (SCI IF: 9.803)

Yeh, S.Y., Lin, H.H., Chang, Y.M., Chang, Y.L., Chang, C.K., Huang, Y.C., Ho, Y.W., Lin, C.Y., Zheng, J.Z., Jane, W.N., Ng, C.Y., Lu, M.Y., Lai, I.L., To, K.Y., Li, W.H. and Ku, M.S.B. (2022) Maize Golden2-like transcription factors boost rice chloroplast development, photosynthesis and grain yield. Plant Physiol. 188:442-459. (SCI IF: 8.340).

Huang, C.F., Chang, Y.M., Lin, J.J., Yu, C.P., Lin, H.H., Liu, W.Y., Yeh, S.Y., Tu, S.L., Wu, S.H., Ku, M.S.B. and Li, W.H. (2016) Insights into the regulation of C4 leaf development from comparative transcriptomic analysis. Curr Opin Plant Biol. 30:1-10. (SCI IF: 7.834).

Yeh, S.Y., Chen, H.W., Ng, C.Y., Lin, C.Y., Tseng, T.H., Li, W.H., Ku, M.S.B. (2015) Down-regulation of cytokinin oxidase 2 expression increases tiller number and improves rice yield . Rice 8:36-48. (SCI IF: 3.59).

Yeh, S.Y., Huang, F.C., Hoffmann, T., Mayershofer, M. and Schwab, W. (2014) FaPOD27 functions in the metabolism of polyphenols in strawberry fruit (Fragaria sp.). Front Plant Sci. 5:518-535. (SCI IF: 4.16).

Ring, L., Yeh, S.Y., Hücherig, S., Hoffmann, T., Blanco-Portales, R., Fouche, M., Villatoro, C., Denoyes, B., Monfort, A., Caballero, J.L.,  Muñoz-Blanco, J., Gershenson, J. and Schwab, W. Denoyes-Rothan, B., Montfort, A., Muñoz-Blanco, J. and Schwab, W. (2013) Metabolic interaction between anthoxyanin and lignin biosynthesis is associated with peroxidase FaPRX27 in strawberry fruit. Plant Physiol. 163:43-60. (SCI IF: 7.394).

Aghofack-Nguemezi, J., Fuchs, C., Yeh, S.Y., Huang, F.C., Hoffmann, T. and Schwab, W. (2011) An oxygenase inhibitor study in Solanum lycopersicum combined with metabolite profiling analysis revealed a potent peroxygenase inactivator. J. Exp. Bot. 62:1313-1323. (SCI IF: 5.364, SCI).

Chen, C.N., Chen, H.R., Yeh, S.Y., Vittore, G. and Ho, T.H. (2009) Autophagy is enhanced and floral development is impaired in AtHVA22d RNAi Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 149:1679-1689. (SCI IF: 6.451).





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