Ph. D 2007 Horticulture.
University of Georgia, Athens, GA. U.S.
Title: Regulation of Sulfate Uptake and Expression of Sulfate Transporter Genes
in Rapid-Cycling Base Populations of Brassica
oleracea as Affected by Temperature, SeO4-2 and SO4-2 Nutrition.
M.S. 2003 Horticulture. University of Georgia, Athens,
GA. U.S.
Title: Changes of Flavor Components of Onion (Allium cepa L.) in a
Saline Environment.
1996 Agriculture. Chung-Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.
Work Experience
Postdoctoral fellow, under the direction of Dr. Kuo-Chen Yeh, in Agricultural
Biotechnology Research Center in Academia Sinica, Taiwan.
Assistant professor, Dep. of Horticultural Science, National Chiayi
Associate professor, Dep. of Horticultural Science, National Chiayi
of Expertise
Plant nutrition, soil and fertilizer, pomology,
plant physiology
Meng-Shiun Tsai, Tan-Cha Lee, and Pai-Tsang Chang* 2013. Comparison
of paper bags, calcium carbonate, and shade nets for sunscald protection in
‘Murcott’ tangor fruit. HortTechnology23(5):659-667
C. Lin, S.C. Popescu,
S.C. Huang, P.T. Chang, and H.L. Wen 2015. A
novel reflectance-based
model for evaluating chlorophyll concentrations of fresh and water-stressed
leaves. Biogeosciences 12: 49-66
Tan-Cha Lee,
Pei-Juan Zhong, and Pai-Tsang Chang* 2015.The
effects of preharvest shading and postharvest storage temperatures on the
quality of ‘Ponkan’ (Citrus reticulata
Blanco) mandarin fruits. Scientia Horticulturae 188:57-65
Jyh-Shyan Tsay, Pei-Hsin Ko, Pai-Tsang Chang 2015. Carbon storage potential of avenue trees: a comparison of Barringtonia racemosa, Cyclobalanopsis
glauca, and Alnus formosana Journal of Forestry Research 2015. 26(2): 307-317
Pai-Tsang Chang*,
Cheng-Chia Hsieh, and Yi-Lu Jiang 2016. Responses of ‘Shih Huo Chuan’ pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus (Weber) Britt.
& Rose) to different degrees of shading nets. Scientia Horticulturae 198:154-162
Tan-Cha Lee, Chin-Hung Hsieh, Pai-Tsang
Chang 2016. Packaging affects the postharvest quality of atemoya
fruits (Annona cherimola M. × Annona squamosal L.) Net Journal of
Agricultural Science 2016. 4(4):58-62