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:::* Home > Faculty > Hung, Chin-Hsiung

** Faculty

Hung, Chin-Hsiung

Department of Horticulture


Name:Hung, Chin-Hsiung

          Hung, Chin-Hsiung

LAB:Research Room of Vegetable and Mushroom




Specialties and Research Interests:Vegetable, Mushroom, herbal

Courses:Vegetable production and breeding, Mushroom production, herbal production, Genetic.

Education:Master, National Taiwan University.

Publication List

(A) Journal Papers

01. Hung, C. H. 1983. The morphological and anatomical structure in three Auricularia in Taiwan.production technology of Bitter gourd in Taiwan . (1Graduate Institute of Horticulture, National Taiwani University).

02.Lin, S. M., Y. M. Chang , C.H.Hung and H. Yi. 1986. the heat-tolerant and virus resistance breeding of cherry tomatoes in Taiwan. Joural of Chineses society of Horticulture. 32 (1): 43 - 53 .

03.洪進雄譯(Hung, C. H. ) 1986. 蔬菜生產之科技新境界 ( Frontiers  for  Science  and   Technology  in  Vegetable  Production ; Wittwer, Sylvan  H. 原著, AVRDC  Tenth  Anniversary  Monographs ) (1):嘉義農專推廣簡訊 21: 8 -10

04.洪進雄譯(Hung, C. H. ) 1987. 蔬菜生產之科技新境界 ( Frontiers  for  Science  and   Technology  in  Vegetable  Production ; Wittwer, Sylvan  H. 原著,  AVRDC  Tenth  Anniversary  Monographs ) (2): 嘉義農專推廣簡訊 (NCAC Agricultural extension Newsletter)22:15-17

05.洪進雄譯(Hung, C. H. )  1987 蔬菜生產之科技新境界(Frontiers  for  Science  and   Technology  in  Vegetable  Production ;  Wittwer, Sylvan  H. 原著, AVRDC  Tenth  Anniversary  Monographs ) (3):  嘉義農專推廣簡訊(NCAC Agricultural extension Newsletter) 23 : 21 - 26

06.Jin. J. I. et, al.  1987 The  New variety screening trial after rice planting. Vegetable Research Newsletter 5: pp 20.

07.尹震映、林世明、洪進雄、鄒箎生 (Jin. J. I. et,al.)  1987. The  Evaluation  of   Early Vegetative  Generations  of  Sweet  Potato  Clones  in  A  Polycross  Breeding Nursery .  IBPGR  Regional  Committee  for  Southeast  Asia   Newsletter   Special  Issue  On  Characterization  and  Preliminary  Evaluation  of  Crop  Genetic  Resources : 24 - 27  (國科會 77學年度研究獎助 90000)

08.Hung, C. H. and H .I. Chen 1988. The production technology of Bitter gourd in Taiwan . NCAC Agricultural extension Newsletter  28:12 – 16.

09.Hung, C. H. and S, L. Chen 1988. The origin and distribution of Capsicum, Joural of Chineses society of Horticulture. 4 (3):160-176.

10.Hung, C. H. 1989. The survey on the production and marketing of hot pepper (1). Shin-non. 247:23-30.

11.Hung, C. H. 1989. The survey on the production and marketing of hot pepper (2). Shin-non. 248:84-88.

12. Hung, C. H. 1989. The survey on the production and marketing of hot pepper (3). Shin-non. 249:84-87.

13.Hung, C. H. 1990. The production technology of  F1 hybrid tomatoes seed. NCAC Agricultural extension Newsletter 22:15-17

14.Hung, C. H. 19906. The ultilization of tunnel-nethouse on the production of winter Bitter gourd production in Taiwan . Joural of National Chiayi college of agriculture. 23:1-29.

15.Hu M. L. , I. Z. Shu, and C. H. Hung 1992. the sudy on the structure and working-item of agricultural technological manpower ( project supported by Ministry of Education). National Chiayi Institute of Agriculture.

16.Hung, C. H., C. J. Chen and J. T. Hung 1994. The current situation and development of Fresh tomatoes production. Pesticide world. 13322-27.

17.Hung, C. H. and C. H. Yang. 1994. The current situation and development of cherry tomatoes production. Pesicide world. 13328-36.

18.Hung, C. H., C. J. Chen and J. H. Wang. 1994. The current s ituation and development of processing tomatoes production. Pesicide world. 13337 – 41.

19.Hung, C. H.  and H. I. Chen. 1994. The current situation and development of sweet pepper production. Shin-non. 30988-98.

20.Hung, C. H. and H. I. Chen. 1994. The current situation and development of hot pepper production. Shin-non. 31088-94.

21.Hung, C. H. 1995. The production technology of summer cherry tomatoes in Taiwan . Harvest. 45(3)34-39 .

22.Hung, C. H. 1995. the stragedy of agribusiness from the vie wpoint of technology. Taiwan Agriculture. 311):1-24.

23.Hung, C. H. and J. T. Shu 1995. The current situation of vegetable breeding in Japan., Taiwan Seed and Seedling. 21: 7-10.

24.Hung, C. H. 1995. How to use imformation system in agribusiness. Taiwan Agriculture. 32(2):81-85.

25.Hung, C. H. et. al. 1995. The current situation and development of eggplant production (1). Shin-non. 315:83-87.

26.Hung, C. H. et. al. 1995. The current situation and development of eggplant production (2). Shin-non. 316:68-70.

27.Hung, C. H. et. al. 1995. The current situation and development of hot pepper production (2). Shin-non. 317:88-93.

28.Hung, C. H.  1995. the stragedy of agribusiness from the type of agricultural production and marketing. Taiwan Agriculture. 31 (6)12 - 21.

29.Hung, C. H. 1996. The investigation of technological stragedy of in the management of agribusiness. Taiwan Agribusiness Newsletter. 1: 60-94.

30.Hung, C. H. S. Y. Chou and I, H. Chang 1996. The  Economic analysis of Cat tail willow production and marketing in Taiwan.. J. Chia-yi. Ins. Agri. 48:69-84.

31.Hung, C. H. and S, L. Chen 1996. The effect of different plant growth regulators on the growth and fruit-setting of “cross No.2” cherry tomatoes in summer. J. Chia-yi. Ins. Agri. 49 : 107-122.

32.Hung, C. H.An-chin Hu, and M. H. Lu 1996. The current situation of mechanization and automation of vegetable production in Taiwan. Taiwan agriculture. 33 (1) :2-22.

33.Hung, C. H. 1996. The application of “the difference and similar assemble ” Stragedy in agribusiness mangement. Taiwan agriculture. 33 (1) :2-22. Harvest. 47 (5)69-73. Agribusiness Newsletter. 98-9.

34.Hung, C. H. and W. M. Jong 1997. The Stradgedy of winter acute –luffa production in Taiwan. Harvest. 46 (21)34-39.

35.Hung, C. H.  1997. The Stragedy of summer cherry tomatoes production in Taiwan . Harvest. 47 (15)18-23; 47 (16)32-35 .

36.Hung, C. H.  1997. The Stragedy of agribusiness mangement. Taiwan Florist. 11458-62.

37.Chou, S. Y., C. H. Hung and M. J. Lee 1997. Mangement Diagnosis and SWOT analysis of Fourseason Flower and Nurery Farm. J. Chia-yi. Ins. Agr. 51:121-142.

38.Hung, C. H.  1997. The Marketing of Bell peppers in Holland. Harvest. 47(20)32 -35.

39.Hung, C. H.  1997. The Stradgedy of Bell peppers production in Taiwan. Harvest. 47(17)35-39; 47(9)32-35.

40.Hung, C. H.  1997. The Stradgedy of winter Bitter gourd production in Taiwan. Harvest. 47(20); 47 (21)34-39.

41.Hung, C. H.  1997. The reasonable Stradgedy of agribusiness. Harvest. 47(17)35-39; 47(9)32-35.

42.Hung, C. H.  1997. the stragedy of agribusiness from the type of agricultural production and marketing. Agricultural Cooperation. 2311 - 15249-15.

43.Hung, C. H. et al. 1999. The study on physical characteristics of plug seedling of Chinese cabbage. J. Chia. Ins. Agr. 62:129-141.

44.Hung C. H. et al. 1999. The effect of PEG 6000 prining on the germination of celery (Apium gravelous) . J. Chia. Ins. Agr. 62:129-141.

45.Liu-Huang B. Y. et al. 1999. The effect of PEG 8000 prining on the germination of celery (Apium gravelous) . J. Chia-Yi. Ins. Agr. 63:83-93.

46.Hung C. H. et al. 1999. The effect of KNo3 prining on the germination of celery (Apium gravelous). J. Chia-Yi. Ins. Agr. 64:1-14.

47.Hung, C. H.  1995. The management diagnosis and SWOT analysis of Banana Farm. J. Chia. Agri. Collage 48:69-84.

48.Hung, C. H. an Y. C, Liu 1999, The study on the marketing channel of agricultural products. J. China. Agri. Markretion association. 11610-20.

49.Hung C. H. 2000. The effect of media on the growth and physical characteristic of Chinese cabbage plug seedling.  J. Chia. Soc. of Hort. Sci. 46(1)11-46.

50.Lee, Yu-chung, C. H. Hung, J. H. Tsai and M. H. Lu, 2001. The effect of diual photoperiod on the absorption and accumulation of the Nitrate in the plant. Scientic agriculture. 49(11,12)288-292.

51.Liu-Huang B. Y. and C. H. Hung, 1999, The study on the behavior of phidephia orchid consumer – the case study of the Taipei and Taichung flower market. Scientic agriculture.51(1112)293~30.

52.Lin W. L. et al. 2004  the effectof temperature on the storage life and quality of Agricus blazei. Fungal Science 19(3-4)169~179.

53.Liu-Huang B. Y. et al. 1999. The interaction effect of Chemical, water potyential , washing and drying days on the germination of hot peppers . J. Chia. Ins. Agr. 63:83-93.

54.Hsio,W. F., Chiang, B. Y. , Hung, J, H., Hung,C. C. 2006.  The ecological study on the silver-leaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolia bellows and Perring, on tomatoes seedlingsin the greenhouse. Plant Prot. Bull. 48:173-187.

55.Chiang, B. Y., Hung, C. C. , Hsio, S. H., Hung, J, H., Hsio,W. F. 2006.  The evaluation of different imidacloprid applicastion on the silver-leaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifolia bellows and Perring, on tomatoes. Plant Prot. Bull. 48:269-280.

56.Lee ,Shin-Hua and Chin-Hsiung Hung  2007. The effect of low temperature and LED light treatments on induction of the primordia formation in Pleurotus ferulae (DC.:Fr.) Quèl (post) — Fungal Science 23.


(B) Conference Papers


01.Lin, S. M., C. H. Hung and J. S. Chen 1985. heat tolerance and disease resistance breeding of F1 hybrid processing tomatoes. In “The Symposium of impoving the production of summer vegetablee ” p77-104.

02.Hung, C. H.  1995. the current production and prospect of Solanceous crops in Taiwan. In “The Symposium of the current  situation and prospect of vegetables production in Taiwan.” p39-110. Taichung District Agriculture Improvement Station, Taiwan.

03.Hung, C. H.  1995. The technical stragedy of agribusiness. In “The Symposium of agribusiness in Taiwan”.Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taiwan.

04.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2000. The stragedy of improving marketing of agricultural products. In “The Symposium of strengthening cooperation between Taiwan strait after joining WTO”.

05.Sieh, L., C. H. Hung and L. Z. Shu  2000. The development and accodomation of agriculture in Indigenous Peoples areas. “The Symposium of development and tendency of agriculture in Indigenous Peoples areas ”.Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

06.Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2002. The Assessment of screening priority aborigine village for Enterprise development in Taiwan. Council of Indigenous Peoples.

07.Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2002. The Assessment of screening priority aborigine village for Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan. In “2002 Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan ”. Council of Indigenous Peoples.

08.Hung, Chin-Hsiung 2003. The Chance of survive and the development of Enterprise of Indigenous Peoples areas in Taiwan. “Symposium of New Tribe policy and the Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan ”. Tatung . National Taiwan University and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

09.Hung , C. H. and L. Sieh. 2004. The Analysis on the management and development of Enterprise at six priority aboriginal village in Taiwan. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

10.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development stragedy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise under the land designing policy. In “ symposium of the land designing policy”  Legister Lau Kuo-Do Office.

11.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2000. The stragedy of improving marketing of agricultural products. In “The Symposium of strengthening cooperation between Taiwan strait after joining WTO”.

12.Sieh, L., C. H. Hung and L. Z. Shu  2000. The development and accodomation of agriculture in Indigenous Peoples areas. “The Symposium of development and tendency of agriculture in Indigenous Peoples areas ”.Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

13.S Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2002. The Assessment of screening priority aborigine village for Enterprise development in Taiwan. Council of Indigenous Peoples.

14.Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2003. The Assessment of screening priority aborigine village for Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan. In “2002 Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan ”. Council of Indigenous Peoples.

15.Hung, Chin-Hsiung 2003. The Chance of survive and the development of Enterprise of Indigenous Peoples areas in Taiwan. “Symposium of New Tribe policy and the Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan ”. Tatung . National Taiwan University and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

16.Hung , C. H. and L. Sieh. 2004. The Analysis on the management and development of Enterprise at six priority aboriginal village in Taiwan. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

17.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development stragedy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise under the land designing policy. In “ symposium of the land designing policy”  Legister Lau Kuo-Do Office.

18.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development policy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples craft. In “ symposium of Indigenous Peoples craft and culture in Taiwan  Indigenous Peoples Culture Center.

19.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development policy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise. In “ symposium of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise”  Indigenous Peoples Bureau, Hualien county.

20.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development policy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise. In “ symposium of Forest and sightseeing”  Jen-Su township.

21.Wang,  C. F., C. H., Hung and W. F. Wang 2006. The action to shifting the survey to the imformation  by  talking, thinking and writing. In “ the symposium of biodiversity of Indigenous Peoples ”(ISBN 978-01-4873-2). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Research Center, NTU, Taiwan .

22.Hung,  Chin-Hsiung and Lee , Shin-Hua 2007 The effect of low temperature and mechanical treatments on induction of the primordia formation in Pleurotus ferulae (DC.:Fr.) Quèl. In “ the 8th symposium of  fungus between the Taiwan strait”. Jilin Unversity, China.

23.Lee , Shin-Hua and Chin-Hsiung Hung 2007 The effect of low temperature and LED light treatments on induction of the primordia formation in Pleurotus ferulae (DC.:Fr.) Quèl. In “ the symposium of large fungus”. Mingdow Unversity, Taiwan.

24.Hung, C. H. L. Z. Shu and  L Sieh,., 2001. The current situation of vegetable production in Indigenous Peoples’ areas. In”the symposium of current situation and development of vegetable production ”,  National Chiayi Unversity, Taiwan.

25.Hsai, J. L. et. al. 2008. Protection on Su-Men dam and its water-gathering regions---1rst stage in protection on water- gathering regions project.( 2006-2007 final report). Ministry of Economical Construction.

26.Hung, C. H. et. al. 2007. the stragedy of the development of Indigenous Peoples tribe enterprise in central Taiwan from the view point of assistant team. 2007 workshop  and conference of integrating marketing of tribes enterprise of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples . Council of Indigenous Peoples .

27.Hung, C. H. 2008. The current situation and development of high mountain agriculture in Taiwan. In ”the symposium of current situation and development of high mountain agriculture beween Taiwan strait ”. the metropolitan development center, Jei-Chian Unversity.


(C) Research Reports


01.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Ali township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

02.洪進雄、段兆麟 1999  震川農場經營診斷及SWOT策略分析報告  農業發展委員會、台灣省農林廳、中華民國農場經營協會合辦, PP.57

03.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Ali township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

04.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Ali township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

05.Yuan, Chin-Yu  2001. The ultra-structure of spore of bird-nest fern by scanning EM. Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insitute of Horticultural Science, NCYU.

06.Chen, Ya-Lien 2001. The effect of physical property of different media on the growth of Eustoma seedling. Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insituteof Horticultural Science, NCYU.

07.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Ali township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

08.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (DA-Ttung township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

09.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Jen-S township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

10.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (ma-Cha township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

11.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Sandimen township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

12.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung 2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Wu-Tai township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

13.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Lai-I township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

14.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung 2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Zen-Ai township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

15.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Tai-Wu township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

16.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung 2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Nan-Au township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

17.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Fu-Shin township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

18.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Chun-Ju township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

19.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Jo-Si township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

20.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Su-Jiz township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

21.Sieh, L., I. Z. Shu and C. H. Hung  2001. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Wang-Rong township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

22.Hung, C. H.  2002. The Agribusiness stragedy from marketing channel. Agricultural Extension Center, NCYU.

23.Wu, Guon-chin  2002. The effect of physical property of different media on the growth of sweet pepper seedling. Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insituteof Horticultural Science, NCYU. 

24.Lee, Yu-chung 2002. The comparison of the Nitrate and Nitrile in several leafy vegetable s from different production sources. P21. Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insituteof Horticultural Science,NCYU. Pp21.

25.Chang, Chao-chen 2003. The effect of physicalproperties of growing media and shading on the growth of Anoectochilus formosanus Hayata. Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf. Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insituteof Horticultural Science, NCYU. Pp37.

26.Hung, C. H. et. al.  2003. The Assessment on potential tribe screening of 2003 Indigenous Peoples Enterprize development project.  Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

27.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung 2003. The Assessment on efficiency o f marketing center in aborigine areas in Taiwan. National Chiayi Unversity.

28.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2003. The Analysis on the management of aboriginal Artists and their stores at different aborigine areas in Taiwan. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

29.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2003. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (Jin-Fong township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

30.Lin, Pei-Chin  2003. The Effect of on the growth of leek and welsh onion . Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insituteof Horticultural Science, NCYU. Pp21.

31.Chen, Li-jing and Yin-Chia Chen 2003. The comparison of the Nitrate and Nitrile in several leafy vegetable s from different production sources and seasons. Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insituteof Horticultural Science, NCYU. Pp33.

32.Kuo, Su-Ju  2003. Karyotype analysis of Pahpiopedilum spp. Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insituteof Horticultural Science, NCYU. Pp21.

33.Kuo, Chia-Huei  2003. Karyotype analysis of Pahpiopedilum spp. Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Lu M. H., Chin-Hsiung Hung and T. H. Tsay)Insituteof Horticultural Science, NCYU. Pp21.

34.Hung , C. H. and L. Sieh, 2003. The Assessment on potential tribe of 2002 and 2003 Indigenous Peoples Enterprize development project. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

35.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung 2004. The assessment on the economic profit in participation, cooperation and entrusted system in managing indigenous conservative land (2004) . Indigenous Peoples. National Chiayi Unversity.

36.Chia, Bi-Yen  2004. Studies on the protection of white fly (AdvisorDr. Hsiao W. F. and Prof. Chin-Hsiung Hung)(1Graduate Institute of Agriculture, National Chia-Yi University) PP.94. 

37.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung 2005. The Analysis on the Characteristics and Potential of Agriculture at 30 aborigine villages in Taiwan (san-ming township). Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

38.Lin, Shih-Wen 2005 Studies on the Inheritance of Resistance to Pepper Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum acutatum (AdvisorProf. Chin-Hsiung Hung)(1Graduate Institute of Agriculture, National Chia-Yi University) PP.94.

39.Wang, Ya-Hung 2003. The effect of priming on the germination and growth performance of celery (Apium gravelous). Research report of Insituteof Horticultural Science (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)Insituteof Horticultural Science, NCYU. Pp45.

40.Leeroy Joshua 2006 Studies on the Production Technique of ThreeLeafy Amaranthus in Taiwan (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)(1Graduate Institute of Horticulture, National Chia-YiUniversity).  

41.Lin,Ching-Sung 2007 The Satisfaction Analysis of Inhabitant and Tourist to Leisure Tourism and Ecotourism Development of Three Southern Cou Villages,Ali Mountain.( AdvisorChin-Hsiung Hung Prof. and Jung-Jer Tsai Ph.D.)Graduate Institute of Agriculture National Chiayi University Master Thesis.

42.Lee ,Shin-Hua 2007 Study on the Nutritional Requirements and Primordia Induction of Pleurotus ferulae(DC.:Fr.) Quel (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)(1Graduate Institute of Horticulture, National Chia-YiUniversity).

43.Lin , Wan-Lu  2009.  The effect of pretreatments before drying on the quality of dried shiitake mushroom. (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung)(1Graduate Institute of Horticulture, National Chia-YiUniversity).


(D) Books & Other Works


01.Hung , C. H. 1996. Cultivation of bitter gourd. in “Culivation of vegetable production under structures in subtropical areas. ”. Taichung District Agriculture Improving Station.

02.Hung , C. H. 1996. Cultivation of tomatoes. in “Culivation of vegetable production under structures in subtropical areas. ”. Taichung District Agriculture Improving Station.

03.Hung , C. H. 1996. the stragedy of vegetable production after joinWTO. 1996 Trainee course of capital-reducing on agricultural production and marketing. National Chiayi Institute of Agriulture.

04.Hung , C. H. 1996. Automation of vegetable Production . Trainee course of vegetable Production under structures. Training report of Automation teaching course for horticultural crops32-49 .. National Chiayi Institute of Agriulture.

05.Hung , C. H.  1997. Production of Fruit vegetable . Trainee course of vegetable Production under structures. Short-median term training course for young farmers51-74 .

06.Hung , C. H. and J. C. Ju 1997. Vegetable transplanter . Training report of Automation teaching course for horticultural crops51-74 . National ChiayiInstitute of Agriulture.

07.Hung , C. H. and J. C. Ju 1997. Plug and Growing medium . Training report of Automation teaching course for horticultural crops51-74 . National ChiayiInstitute of Agriulture.

08.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  1999. Cultivation and Utilization of Bird-nest Fern. National Chiayi Unversity.

09.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  1999. Cultivation and Utilization of Log Shitake mushroom. National Chiayi Unversity.

10.Hung, C. H. and L. Sieh, 2000. Current Situation and Development of Agriculture at Aborigine Areas in Taiwan. National Chiayi Unversity.

11.Hung, C. H.  2000. The current tendency and development of  local enterprise in ” 2000 training course on improving officer of Indigenous Peoples  ”. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

12.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2001. The research on What the government had done for Indigenous Peoples. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

13.Sieh, L., C. H. Hung and I,Z. Shu  2001. The research on Agricultural demand of Indigenous Peoples. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

14.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2005. The assessment on the development of recreation and tour in three southern villages at ali mountain. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

15.Sieh, L., C. H. Hung and L. Z. Shu  2001. The tour guide map in three southern villages at ali mountain. Mt. Ali. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

16.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2001. The cultural guide map of Cuo Ethnics. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

17.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2001. The myth and legend of Cuo Ethnics. Council of Indigenous Peoples and National Chiayi Unversity.

18.Hung, C. H. 2001.the cultivation and utilization of bird-nest fern, Agricultural extension center, college of agriculture, NCYU.  

19.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2002. the training course on B and B mangement of Indigenous Peoples .Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.     

20.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2002. the workshop on the development of Indigenous Peoples enterprise. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

21.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2002. the computer training course of Indigenous Peoples .Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.     

22.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung 2002. the training course of herbs and local cousie of Indigenous Peoples. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

23.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2001. “the cultivation and utilization of herbs ”in “training course of herbs and local cousie of Indigenous Peoples”. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.  

24.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2001. the training course of handcraft of Indigenous Peoples. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.  

25.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2002. the training course of marketing of Indigenous Peoples agricultural products. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.  

26.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2001. the training course of forest manger of Indigenous Peoples conservative lands. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.   

27.Hung, C. H. 2002. The Analysis on the management of agricultural market at different aborigine areas in Taiwan. Agricultural Extension Center , NCYU.

28.Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2002. The Assessment on the impact of Education and Culture at different aborigine areas in Taiwan After Joining the WTO. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

29.Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2003. The Assessment of screening priority aborigine village for Enterprise development in Taiwan. Council of Indigenous Peoples.

30.Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2003. The Analysis on the management and development of Enterprise at six priority aboriginal village in Taiwan. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

31.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2003. The basic information of aborigine artist in Taiwan. (2003) Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

32.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2001. The culture tour guide of Cuo Ethnics. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

33.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung 2003. The tour guide of Cuo southern three villages . Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

34.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2003. Mythology and fiction of Cou tribe. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

35.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2003. The Forest tree cultivated at aborigine areas in Taiwan.(2003) Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU. 

36.Hung, C. H. 2004. Training on the management of organic agriculture in Ali mountains (2004). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

37.Hung, C. H. 2005. The assessment of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

38.Hung, C. H. and L. Sieh, 2003.Bioresources and ecotourism handbook of three southern Cou villages, Ali mountain .(ISBN 986-00-3154-1) (2005). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

39.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al. 2005. The learing camp for indigenous teenager in southern Taiwan (final report) (2005). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

40.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al. 2005. The invocation camp for indigenous children in southern Taiwan (final report) (2005).Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

41.Hung, Chin-Hsiung 2005. The promotion of industry and business in Jin-fong township (final report) (2005).Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

42.Hung, Chin-Hsiung  2005. The promotion of the management of agribusiness in Kaohsiung country (final report) (2005). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

43.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al. 2005. The Culture Policy  and the Development of Tribe. The theorectical and fillfullment of learning Tribe. Council of Indigenous peoples and Chan- ChuanUniversity.

44.Hung, Chin-Hsiung  2006. SWOT analysis and diagnosis on the legal Indigenous peoples BB in Taiwan (final report) (2006). Council of Indigenous peoples and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

45.Hung, Chin-Hsiung  2006. Grading on the legal Indigenous peoples BB in Taiwan. (final report) (2006). Council of Indigenous peoples and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

46.Hung, Chin-Hsiung  2006. DM design of the legal BB of Indigenous peoples in Taiwan. (final report) (2006). Council of Indigenous peoples and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

47.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al. 2006. Constructing learning tribe and manpower for community development- the study of oral literature and history in southern Taiwan (training course) (2006) . Council of Indigenous peoples and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

48.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al. 2006. Constructing learning tribe and manpower for community development- the study of oral literature and history in southern Taiwan (final report) (2006) Council of Indigenous peoples and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

49.Lee, Ming-Jen et. al.  2007. Protection on Su-Men dam and its water-gathering regions---1rst stage in protection on water- gathering regions project.( final report). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

50.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al. 2007.The 6th conference on indigenous education policy between central  and local government.(sponsored by Ministry of Education and Council of Indigenous Peoples ) (conference papers )Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

51.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al.  2007. The 6th conference on indigenous education policy between central and local government. (sponsored by Ministry of Education and Council of Indigenous Peoples ) (final report) . Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

52.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al.  2007.The academic conference on the theory and practice of Indigenous education in Taiwan(sponsored by Ministry of Education and Council of Indigenous Peoples ) , conference papers. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

53.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al.  2007. The academic conference on the theory and practice of Indigenous education in Taiwan(sponsored by Ministry of Education and Council of Indigenous Peoples ) , (final report).l Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

54.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al.  2007. A training project for improving education among  Indigenous people family, woman and children education. (sponsored by Ministry of Education and Council of Indigenous Peoples ) ,  (final report). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

55.Hung, Chin-Hsiung et. al.  2007.  Program on development and implementation of indigenous enterprise the consulting group for promoting the development of indigenous enterprise in central Taiwan. (final report). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

56.Hung, Chin-Hsiung , Chin-fah Wang, and L. Shiei  2008.  The study on the Eco-Resources and Eco-tour at Dapon and Licha Village [The North four villages in Ali-Mountain] (final report). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

57.Hung, Chin-Hsiung , Chin-fah Wang, L. C. Su and L. Shiei 2008.The guide handbook on the Eco-Resources and Eco-tour at Dapon and Licha Village [The North four villages in Ali-Mountain] (ISBN 978-01-4873-2). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

58.Lee, Ming-Jen et. al. 2008. Protection on Su-Men dam and its water-gathering regions---1rst stage in protection on water- gathering regions project.( 2007 final report). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

59.Hung, C. H. 2008. The assessment of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.


(E) Paper presentation


01.Lin, S. M., C. H. Hung and J. S. Chen 1985. heat tolerance and disease resistance breeding of F1 hybrid processing tomatoes. In “The Symposium of impoving the production of summer vegetablee ” p77-104.

02.Hung, C. H.  1995. the current production and prospect of Solanceous crops in Taiwan. In “The Symposium of the current  situation and prospect of vegetables production in Taiwan.” p39-110. Taichung District Agriculture Improvement Station, Taiwan.

03.Hung, C. H.  1995. The technical stragedy of agribusiness. In “The Symposium of agribusiness in Taiwan”.Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, Taiwan.

04.Sieh, L. and C. H. Hung  2000. The stragedy of improving marketing of agricultural products. In “The Symposium of strengthening cooperation between Taiwan strait after joining WTO”.

05.Sieh, L., C. H. Hung and L. Z. Shu  2000. The development and accodomation of agriculture in Indigenous Peoples areas. “The Symposium of development and tendency of agriculture in Indigenous Peoples areas ”.Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

06.S Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2002. The Assessment of screening priority aborigine village for Enterprise development in Taiwan. Council of Indigenous Peoples.

07.Hung , C. H. et. Al. 2003. The Assessment of screening priority aborigine village for Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan. In “2002 Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan ”. Council of Indigenous Peoples.

08.Hung, Chin-Hsiung 2003. The Chance of survive and the development of Enterprise of Indigenous Peoples areas in Taiwan. “Symposium of New Tribe policy and the Enterprise development of Indigenous Peoples in Taiwan ”. Tatung . National Taiwan University and Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

09.Hung , C. H. and L. Sieh. 2004. The Analysis on the management and development of Enterprise at six priority aboriginal village in Taiwan. Taiwan Indigenous Peoples education and Enterprize Center, NCYU.

10.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development stragedy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise under the land designing policy. In “ symposium of the land designing policy”  Legister Lau Kuo-Do Office.

11.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development policy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples craft. In “ symposium of Indigenous Peoples craft and culture in Taiwan  Indigenous Peoples Culture Center.

13.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development policy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise. In “ symposium of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise”  Indigenous Peoples Bureau, Hualien county.

14.Hung, C. H. 2005. The current situation and development policy of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Enterprise. In “ symposium of Forest and sightseeing”  Jen-Su township.

15.Wang,  C. F., C. H., Hung and W. F. Wang 2006. The action to shifting the survey to the imformation  by  talking, thinking and writing. In “ the symposium of biodiversity of Indigenous Peoples ”(ISBN 978-01-4873-2). Taiwan Indigenous Peoples Research Center, NTU, Taiwan.

16.Hung ,Chin-Hsiung and Lee ,Shin-Hua 2007 The stimulation of low temperature and mechanical treatments on induction of the primordia formation in Pleurotus ferulae (DC.:Fr.) Quèl —In”the symposium of fungus between Taiwan strait ”,  Jilin Unversity, Jilin , China .

17.Lee , Shin-Hua and Chin-Hsiung Hung 2007 The effect of low temperature and LED light treatments on induction of the primordia formation in Pleurotus ferulae (DC.:Fr.) Quèl. In “ the symposium of large fungus”. Mingdow Unversity, Taiwan.

18.Hung, C. H. L. Z. Shu and  L Sieh,., 2001. The current situation of vegetable production in Indigenous Peoples’ areas. In”the symposium of current situation and development of vegetable production ”,  National Chiayi Unversity, Taiwan.

19.Hsai, J. L. et. al. 2008. Protection on Su-Men dam and its water-gathering regions---1rst stage in protection on water- gathering regions project.( 2006-2007 final report). Ministry of Economical Construction.

20.Hung, C. H. et. al. 2007. the stragedy of the development of Indigenous Peoples tribe enterprise in central Taiwan from the view point of assistant team. 2007 workshop  and conference of integrating marketing of tribes enterprise of Taiwan Indigenous Peoples . Council of Indigenous Peoples .

21.Hung, C. H. 2008. The current situation and development of high mountain agriculture in Taiwan. In ”the symposium of current situation and development of high mountain agriculture beween Taiwan strait ”. the metropolitan development center, Jei-Chian Unversity.


(F) Paper presentation


01.Pi-Yuan Liu Huang , Chin-Hsiung Hung , Da-Hsing Huang , Ruel-Jen Ye 2004. A study on the characteristics of Phalaenopsis consumers behavior 8th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference P.54 Poster show.

02.Pi-Yuan Liu Huang, Chin-Hsiung Hung , Su-Ju Kuo 2004. The karyotype analysis of four Paphiopedilum speies Paph. armoniacumPaph .tranliemianum Paph maliponse and Paph delenatii2004 8th Asia Pacific Orchid Conference P.54 Poster show.

03.Leeroy Joshua 2005. Studies on theeffect of fertilizer and photoperiod on the growth of three Leafy Amaranthus in Taiwan (AdvisorProf.Chin-Hsiung Hung), the college of agriculture , NCYU .

04.Lee ,Shin-Hua and Chin-Hsiung Hung 2007. The effect of low temperature and LED light treatments on induction of the primordia formation in Pleurotus ferulae (DC.:Fr.) Quèl (post) — Annual meeting of Chinese Society of Fungus ( Jan. 5, 2008). Taipei Medical University, Taipei , Taiwan.

05.Lin , Wan-Lu and Chin-Hsiung Hung 2009. The effect of pretreatments before drying on the quality of dried shiitake mushroom. Annual meeting of Chinese Society of Fungus ( Dec. 28, 2008). National Museum, Taichung, Taiwan.

update Dec 24 2008 by Webmaster





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