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點閱 25107 人次 友善列印


左克強 副教授
專  長:營養醫學、食品營養




  1. 1998/2, Tim K. Tso, Sunmin Park, Yu-Hwai Tsai, GlennWilliams, Jean T. Snook., Effect of apolipoprotein E polymorphism on serumlipoprotein responses to saturated fatty acids, Lipids.

  2. 1999/6, Chen-Kang Chang, Tim K. Tso, Jean T. Snook,William B. Zipf, Rolando A. Lozano, Sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent assayfor plasma cholesteryl ester transfer protein, Clinical Biochemistry.

  3. 2001/1, Chen-Kang Chang, Tim K. Tso, Jean T. Snook,Y.S. Huang, Rolando A. Lozano, William B. Zipf., Cholesteryl ester transfer andcholesterol esterification in type 1 diabetes: relationships with plasmaglucose, Acta Diabetologica.

  4. 2001/12, Tim K. Tso, Jean T. Snook, Rolando A.Lozano, William B. Zipf, Risk factors for coronary heart disease in type 1diabetic children: the influence of apoE phenotype and glycemic regulation,Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.

  5. 2002/11, Chen-Kang Chang, Tim K. Tso, Jean T. Snook,Y.S. Huang, Does increased leukotriene B4 in type 1 diabetes result fromelevated cholesteryl ester transfer protein activity?, Medical Hypotheses. 

  6. 2004/10, Tim K. Tso, Hui-Yu Huang, Chen-Kang Chang,Ying-Ju Liao, Wen-Nan Huang, Clinical evaluation of insulin resistance andβ-cell function by the homeostasis model assessment in patients with systemiclupus erythematosus, Clinical Rheumatology.

  7. 2004/6, Hui-Yu Huang, Ju-Jen Huang, Tim K. Tso,Ying-Chieh Tsai, Chen-Kang Chang, Antioxidant and angiotension-convertingenzyme inhibition capacities of various parts of Benincasa hispida (wax gourd),Nahrung/Food.

  8. 2004/8, Hui-Yu Huang, Chen-Kang Chang, Tim K. Tso,Ju-Jen Huang, Wei-Wei Chang, Ying-Chieh Tsai, Antioxidant activities of variousfruits and vegetables produced in Taiwan, International Journal of Food Scienceand Nutrition.

  9. 2005/11, Tim K. Tso*, Wen-Nan Huang, Hui-Yu Huang,Chen-Kang Chang, Association of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity withcardiovascular risk factors in systemic lupus erythematosus, Lupus.

  10. 2006/4, Tim K. Tso*, Wen-Nan Huang, Hui-Yu Huang,Chen-Kang Chang, Elevation of plasma interleukin-18 concentration is associatedwith insulin levels in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, Lupus.

  11. 2006/5, Tim K. Tso, Hui-Yu Huang, Chen-Kang Chang,Wen-Nan Huang, A positive correlation between homocysteine and brachial-anklepulse wave velocity in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, ClinicalRheumatology.

  12. 2006/9, Tim K. Tso*, Wen-Nan Huang, Hui-Yu Huang,Chen-Kang Chang, Relationship of plasma interleukin-18 concentrations totraditional and non-traditional cardiovascular risk factors in patients withsystemic lupus erythematosus, Rheumatology.

  13. 2007/1, Chen-Kang Chang, Hui-Yu Huang, Hung-FuTseng, Yan-Der Hsuuw, Tim K. Tso*, Interaction of vitamin E and exercisetraining on oxidative stress and antioxidant enzyme activities in rat skeletalmuscles, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.

  14. 2007/1, Kenneth C. C. Yang, Tim K. Tso, Anexploratory study of factors influencing audience's attitudes toward importedtelevision programs in Taiwan, The International Journal on Media Management.

  15. 2007/3, Wen-Nan Huang, Tim K. Tso*, Hui-Yu Huang,Enhanced oxidative status but not corresponding elevated antioxidative statusby anticardiolipin antibody and disease activity in patients with systemiclupus erythematosus, Rheumatology International.

  16. 2007/4, Tim K. Tso*, Wen-Nan Huang, Elevated solubleintercellular adhesion molecule-1 levels in patients with systemic lupuserythematosus: relation to insulin resistance, Journal of Rheumatology.

  17. 2009/5, Tso TK*, Huang WN, Elevation of fastinginsulin and its association with cardiovascular disease risk in women withsystemic lupus erythematosus., Rheumatology Interational.

  18. 2010/6, Tso TK*, Huang WN, Chang CK., Estimates ofenergy expenditure using the RT3 accelerometer in patients with systemic lupuserythematosus., Health.

  19. 2010/7, Tso TK*, Huang WN, Chang CK., Theassociation of circulating interleukin-18 with fasting insulin and weight lossin obese children., Health.  

  20. 2011/1, Huang HY, Chieh SY, Tso TK, Chien TY, LinHT, Tsai YC, Orally administered mycelial culture of Phellinus linteus exhibitsantitumor effects in hepatoma cell-bearing mice, Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 133 ,460-466 .

  21. 2012/4, Huang WN, Tso TK, Kuo YC, Tsay GJ, Distinctimpacts of syndesmophyte formation on male and female patients with ankylosingspondylitis, International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases, 15 ,163-168 .

  22. 2013/6, Chen HJ, Chen CN, Sung ML, Wu YC, Ko PL, TsoTK, Canna indica L. attenuates high-glucose- and lipopolysaccharide-inducedinflammatory mediators in monocyte/macrophage, J Ethnopharmacol, 148 ,317-321 .

  23. 2015/6, Hsiu-Fen Yang, Tim K. Tso, Chen-Chih Huang,Wen-Nan Huang, Okara supplementation relieves fatigue and muscle damage thatoccur during exercise training, Journal of Food and Nutrition Research,3 , 352-356 .

  24. 2016/12, Huang WN, Tso TK. Tsay GJ, Impairedtransglutaminase 2 expression in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, FormosanJournal of Rheumatology, 30 , 41-47 .

  25. 2016/12, Huang WN, Tso TK, Wu HC, Yang HF, Tsay GJ,Impaired phagocytosis of apoptotic cell material in serologically activeclinically quiescent patients with systemic lupus erythematosis, InternationalJournal of Rheumatic Diseases, 19 , 1310-1316 .

  26. 2018/2, Huang WN, Tso TK, Etoricoxib improvesosteoarthritis pain relief, joint function, and quality of life in the extremeelderly, Bosn J Basic Med Sci., 18 , 87-94 .


  1. 996/4, Sunmin Park, Tim K.Tso, Yu-Hwai Tsai, Jean T. Snook, Glenn Williams, Effects of saturated fattyacids on lipoprotein metabolism in different apoE phenotypes,  , FASEB J1996; 10: A234./Experimental Biology .

  2. 1997/4, Tim K. Tso, Yu-HwaiTsai, Sunmin Park, Jean T. Snook, J Kovacic, Effect of apoE polymorphism onserum lipoprotein responses to experimental diets,  , FASEB J 1997; 11:A380./Experimental Biology.

  3. 1998/4, Tim K. Tso, Jean T.Snook, William B. Zipf, Alma M. Saddam, Rolando A. Lozano, The effect of Lp(a)polymorphism and glycemic control on plasma Lp(a) concentrations in youngchildren with IDDM,  , FASEB J 1998; 12: A250/Experimental Biology .

  4. 1998/4, William B. Zipf,Tim K. Tso, Jean T. Snook, Alma M. Saddam, Rolando A. Lozano, Effect of apoEpolymorphism and glycemic control on plasma atherogenic factors in youngchildren with IDDM,  , FASEB J 1998; 12: A250/Experimental Biology.

  5. 1998/4, Alma M. Saddam, TimK. Tso, Jean T. Snook, William B. Zipf, Rolando A. Lozano, ApoE phenotypemodified the association of dietary factors with plasma concentrations of lipidand lipoprotein in young children with IDDM,  , FASEB J 1998; 12:A224./Experimental Biology.

  6. 1998/4, Chen-Kang Chang,Tim K. Tso, Jean T. Snook, William B. Zipf, Rolando A. Lozano, Contribution ofglycemic control and lipid profile to cholesteryl ester transfer protein andLCAT Activities in IDDM children,  , FASEB J 1998; 12: A250./ExperimentalBiology.

  7. 1999/4, Chen-Kang Chang,Tim K. Tso, Jean T. Snook, William B. Zipf, Rolando A. Lozano, Increasedcholesteryl ester transfer and cholesterol esterification in insulin-dependentdiabetes mellitus – Relationships with glucose and arachidonic acid,  ,FASEB J 1999; 13: A54./Experimental Biology.

  8. 1999/4, Chen-Kang Chang,Tim K. Tso, Jean T. Snook, William B. Zipf, Rolando A. Lozano, Sandwichenzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for plasma cholesteryl ester transferprotein,  , FASEB J 1999; 13: A1043./Experimental Biology.

  9. 2001/8, Tim K. Tso, Wen-NanHuang, Hui-Yu Huang, Yu-Ming Song, Yen-Chen Liao, Plasma lipoprotein(a) levelsin elderly Chinese diabetic patients: emphasis on glycemic control andalbuminuria,  , Ann Nutr Metab 2001; 45(Suppl 1): 286./The 17thInternational Congress of Nutrition , Vienna, Austria .

  10. 2001/8, Hui-Yu Huang,Ying-Chieh Tsai, Tim K. Tso, Ru-Jen Huang, Wei-Wei Chang, Antioxidant activityof sweet potato extracts,  , Ann Nutr Metab 2001; 45(Suppl 1): 263./The17th International Congress of Nutrition , Vienna, Austria .

  11. 2002/4, Wen-Nan Huang, TimK. Tso, Hui-Yu Huang, Yen-Chen Liao, Yu-Ming Song, Effect of lipid-loweringtherapy on cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetic patients withhypercholesterolemia,  , 26th International Congress of Internal Medicine,Kyoto, Japan  , Kyoto, Japan.

  12. 2002/4, Tim K. Tso, Wen-NanHuang, Hui-Yu Huang, Yen-Chen Liao, Yu-Ming Song, Effect of pravastatin therapyon lipoprotein oxidation in type 2 diabetic patients with hypercholesterolemia, , FASEB J 2002; 16(4): A237./Experimental Biology 2002 , NewOrleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. 

  13. 2003/8, Tim K. Tso, Su-JuYang, Chin-Pin Hsu, Body composition and dietary pattern of gestationaldiabetic women in the first month of postpartum,  , 18th InternationalDiabetes Federation Congress, Paris, France , Paris, France .

  14. 2004/4, Tim K. Tso, Hui-YuHuang, Wen-Nan Huang, Clinical evaluation of insulin resistance and secretionby the homeostasis model assessment in patients with systemic lupuserythematosus,  , FASEB J 2004; 18(4): A139./Experimental Biology2004 , Washington DC, U.S.A. .

  15. 2004/6, Tim K. Tso, Wen-NanHuang, Hui-Yu Huang, Ying-Ju Liao, Chen-Kang Chang, Effect of anticardiolipinantibody on lipoprotein oxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities innormalipidaemic patients with systemic lupus erythematosus,  , Ann RheumDis 2004; 63(Suppl I): 218./EULAR 2004-Annual European Congress ofRheumatology , Berlin, Germany .

  16. 2004/6, Tim K. Tso, Wen-NanHuang, Hui-Yu Huang, Ying-Ju Liao, Chen-Kang Chang, Oxidative status andantioxidant enzyme activities in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, , Ann Rheum Dis 2004; 63(Suppl I): 218./EULAR 2004-Annual EuropeanCongress of Rheumatology , Berlin, Germany .

  17. 2004/6, Wen-Nan Huang, TimK. Tso, Hui-Yu Huang, Ying-Ju Liao, Chen-Kang Chang, Association ofhomocysteine with PWV in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus,  ,Ann Rheum Dis 2004; 63(Suppl I): 218./EULAR 2004-Annual European Congress ofRheumatology , Berlin, Germany .

  18. 2005/4, Hui-Yu Huang, TimK. Tso, Hsiao-ling Lu, Anti-HBV and antioxidant effect of Herba Patriniaeextract. FASEB J 2005; 19(4): A444,  , FASEB J 2005; 19(4):A444./Experimental Biology 2005 , San Diego, California, U.S.A. 

  19. 2005/4, Hui-Yu Huang, TimK. Tso, Yu-Ting Hsieh, Chen-Hao Lin, Chien-Shih Yung, Tzu-Liang Yang, Theevaluation of antioxidant capability with wax gourd Fermented Product,  ,FASEB J 2005; 19(5): A1473./Experimental Biology 2005 , San Diego,California, U.S.A. 

  20. 2005/4, Hui-Yu Huang, TimK. Tso, Chia-Hung Li, Jen-Wei Cheng, Wen-Hung Shen, Isolation and partialcharacterization of collagen from edible Phopilema esculenta Jellyfish,  ,FASEB J 2005; 19(5): A1032./Experimental Biology 2005  , San Diego,California, U.S.A.  

  21. 2005/6, Tim K. Tso, Wen-NanHuang, Hui-Yu Huang, Relationship between brachial-ankle pulse wave velocityand cardiovascular risk factors in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, , Ann Rheum Dis 2005; 64(Suppl III): 567./EULAR 2005-Annual EuropeanCongress of Rheumatology , Vienna, Austria .

  22. 2005/6, Wen-Nan Huang, TimK. Tso, Hui-Yu Huang, Effect of fasting insulin level on cardiovascular risk factorsin patients with systemic lupus erythematosus,  , Ann Rheum Dis 2005;64(Suppl III): 240./EULAR 2005-Annual European Congress of Rheumatology ,Vienna, Austria .

  23. 2006/1, Wen-Nan Huang, TimK. Tso, Hui-Yu Huang, Association of soluble adhesion molecules with Th1/Th2cytokines in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus,  , Ann Rheum Dis2006; 65(Suppl III): 198./EULAR 2006-Annual European Congress of Rheumatology , Amsterdam, Netherlands.

  24. 2006/4, Tim K. Tso, Wen-NanHuang, Hui-Yu Huang, Effect of fasting insulin level on circulating Th1 and Th2cytokines in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus,  , FASEB Journal2006; 20(4): A185/Experimental Biology 2006 , San Francisco, California,U.S.A. 

  25. 2006/4, Tim K. Tso, Wen-NanHuang, Hui-Yu Huang, Association of circulating interleukin-18 levels withcardiovascular risk factors in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, , FASEB J 2006; 20(4): A185/Experimental Biology 2006 , SanFrancisco, California, U.S.A. 

  26. 2006/4, Hui-Yu Huang, TimK. Tso, Chia-Hung Li, Hsiao-Li Chang, The immune modulation effect of oraladministration Mycelium of Phellinus linteus in young health BALB/c mice, , FASEB J 2006; 20(5): A1020./Experimental Biology 2006 , SanFrancisco, California.

  27. 2006/6, Tim K. Tso, Wen-NanHuang, Hui-Yu Huang, Relationship of soluble adhesion molecules to insulinresistance in systemic lupus erythematosus,  , Ann Rheum Dis 2006;65(Suppl III): 361/EULAR 2006-Annual European Congress of Rheumatology ,Amsterdam, Netherlands .

  28. 2006/9, Tim K. Tso, Chen-KangChang., Wen-Nan Huang, Hui-Yu Huang, Weight reduction and its relation tohyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance in obese children.,  , ObesityReview. 7(Suppl. 2): 324/ The 10th International Congress on Obesity ,Sydney, Australia.

  29. 2007/4, Tim K. Tso,Chen-Kang Chang, Hui-Yu Huang, Wen-Nan Huang, Plasma interleukin-18 levels inobese children: emphasis on weight reduction and insulin resistance,  ,FASEB Journal 2007; 21: 537.6/Experimental Biology 2007 , Washington DC,U.S.A. 

  30. 2007/4, Hui-Yu Huang, TimK. Tso, Hsiao-Li Chang, Shih-Yung Chien, Yu-Ting Hsieh, Shih-Yung Chien.,Suppression of hepatocellular carcinoma growth in mice via Mycelia ofliquid-cultured Phellinus liteus, is associated with inhibition of tumor cellgrowth and natural killer cell activation,  , FASEB J 2007; 21:852.4/Experimental Biology 2007 , Washington DC, U.S.A. 

  31. 2008/4, Huang HY, Chu HC,Wang YC, Hsieh YT, Tso TK., Beneficial effect of Pracparatum mungo on changeliver enzyme profile and liver protection in Balb/c mice.,  , FASEBJournal/Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego, California, U.S.A. ,Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego, California, U.S.A. 

  32. 2008/4, Tso TK, Chang CK,Huang HY., Association of circulating adipokines with insulin resistance inobese children.,  , FASEB Journal/Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego,California, U.S.A. , Experimental Biology 2008, San Diego, California,U.S.A. 

  33. 2008/9, Huang WN, Tso TK,Chang CK, Lin GY, Lin ZC., Evaluation of energy expenditure by RT3accelerometer in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.,  , 13thCongress of the Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology. ,Yokohama, Japan.

  34. 2009/10, Tso TK, Huang WN,Chang CK, Kuo YC., Gender dimorphism in inflammation and bone turnover inpatients with ankylosing spondylitis.,  , Annals Nutrition &Metabolism/The 19th International Congress of Nutrition, Bangkok,Thailand , Bangkok, Thailand.

  35. 2009/6, Huang WN, Tso TK,Chang CK., Gender differential relationship between prolactin and biomarkers ofbone regulation in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.,  , Annalsof the Rheumatic Diseases/EULAR 2009-Annual European Congress of Rheumatology,Copenhagen, Denmark , Copenhagen, Denmark.

  36. 2009/6, Tso TK, Huang WN,Lin ZC., Relationship between plasma ratio of n-6 to n-3 polyunsaturated fattyacid and inflammatory cytokines in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus., , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases/EULAR 2009-Annual European Congress ofRheumatology, Copenhagen, Denmark , Copenhagen, Denmark.

  37. 2010/6, Huang WN, Tso TK.,Association of insulin resistance with bone mineral density and bodycomposition in premenopausal patients with systemic lupus erythematosus., , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases/EULAR 2010-Annual European Congress ofRheumatology, Rome, Italy , Rome, Italy.

  38. 2011/5, Huang WN, Tso TK,Wu HC, Hsieh YF, Yen JH, Tsay GJ, Impaired phagocytosis and clearance ofapoptotic cells in serologically active clinically quiescent patients withsystemic lupus erythematosus, 壁報發表  , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 70(Suppl3):509/EULAR 2011-Annual European Congress of Rheumatology , London,United Kingdom.

  39. 2012/10, Tim K. Tso,Hsiu-Fen Yang, Chen-Chih Huang, Okara supplementation relieves fatigue andmuscle damage that occur during exercise training, 壁報發表  , 101年國科會人文處體育學專題研究計畫成果發表會 .

  40. 2012/6, Tso TK, Huang WN,Metabolic syndrome and physical activity in systemic lupus erythematosus:emphasis on interaction of insulin resistance, bone metabolism, andinflammation, 書面發表  , Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 71(Suppl 3):680/EULAR2012-Annual European Congress of Rheumatology , Berlin, Germany .

  41. 2012/6, Huang WN, Tso TK,Wu HC, Hsieh YF, Yen JH, Tsay GJ, Comparison of mRNA expression oftransglutaminase 2 on peripheral blood mononuclear cells in patients withsystemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis, 書面發表  , Annals of theRheumatic Diseases 71(Suppl 3):680/EULAR 2012-Annual European Congress ofRheumatology , Berlin, Germany.

  42. 2013/6, Tso TK, Yang HF,Huang CC, Huang WN, Okara supplementation relieves fatigue and muscle damagethat occur during exercise training, 壁報發表  , 18th Annual Congress of theEuropean College of Sport Science , Barcelonia, Spain.

  43. 2013/6, Huang WN, Tso TK,Wu HC, Scavenger receptor expression, glycation, and matrix metalloproteinaseactivity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 壁報發表  , Annals of the RheumaticDiseases 72(Suppl 3):591/EULAR 2013-Annual European Congress of Rheumatology.

  44. 2014/10, Yang KC, Tso TK,Predicting Taiwanese Viewers' Attitudes Toward Foreign Television Programs: ACountry-of-Origin Perspective, 書面發表  , In: Spotts H. (eds) Revolution in Marketing:Market Driving Changes. Developments in Marketing Scien.

  45. 2014/6, Tso TK, Huang WN,Chen JL, Expression of regulatory factors related to reverse cholesteroltransport in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, 書面發表  , Annals of theRheumatic Diseases 73(Suppl 2):991/EULAR 2014-Annual European Congress ofRheumatology , Paris, France.


  1. 2006/8, 科技部 , 肥胖兒童發炎指標、同半胱胺酸、與胰島素敏感性:交互關係與減重之影響 , 2006/08/01, 2007/07/31。

  2. 2007/8, 科技部 , 運動對全身性紅斑性狼猖疾病之抗發炎效應 , 2007/08/01, 2009/07/31。

  3. 2009/8, 科技部 , 身體活動與代謝症候群:以全身性紅斑性狼瘡疾病為例探討 , 2009/08/01, 2011/07/31。

  4. 2010/08, 科技部 , 身體活動與代謝症候群:以全身性紅斑性狼瘡疾病為例探討 (2/2), 2010/08/01, 2011/07/31。

  5. 2011/08, 科技部 , 運動訓練之氧化壓力與發炎反應:以黃豆渣機能性為例探討 (1/2), 2011/08/01, 2013/10/31。

  6. 2011/08, 科技部 , 運動訓練之氧化壓力與發炎反應:以黃豆渣機能性為例探討 , 2011/08/01, 2013/10/31。

  7. 2011/08, 科技部 , 運動訓練之氧化壓力與發炎反應:以黃豆渣機能性為例探討 (1/2), 2011/08/01, 2012/07/31。

  8. 2012/08, 科技部 , 運動訓練之氧化壓力與發炎反應:以黃豆渣機能性為例探討 (2/2), 2012/08/01, 2013/10/31。







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