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*Chinese *English *Department
駐警隊員 * Campus Security Guard * Personnel Office
駐警小隊長 * Campus Security Officer * Personnel Office
中心 * Center * Personnel Office
講座教授 * Chair Professor * Personnel Office
系主任 * Chairperson/Chairman * Personnel Office
系主任 * Chairperson/Chairman * Personnel Office
總教官 * Chief Military Instructor * Personnel Office
主任秘書 * Chief Secretary * Personnel Office
辦事員 * Clerk * Personnel Office
產學合作 * Collaboration between industry and university * Personnel Office

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No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 600355, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: TEL: +886-5-2717000 FAX: +886-5-2717095


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