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Orchid Spider lily Slender goldshower
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Welcome to the World Wide Web of National Chiayi University. Please feel at more ease to use this web site for internet services provided by computer center in NCYU. Our security policy is illustrated as follows.



Data security and protection

(1) Firewall and intrusion detection systems (IDS) are used to prevent the intrusion and illegal data access to World Wide Web of National Chiayi University.


(2) All files downloaded from World Wide Web of National Chiayi University are examined in advance. Please feel at ease to access for your usage.


Self protection mechanism

(1) Do not provide your personal information to somebody else who is not related staff. Please remember to logout the system before you leave after login the administration web.


(2) The copyright about the data such as text, graph, audio and vedio provided by World Wide Web of National Chiayi University is belonging to National Chiayi University. If citation and hyper linking are needed, please inform the administrator by e-mail and make a description of “powered by National Chiayi University.


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No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 600355, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Tel: TEL: +886-5-2717000 FAX: +886-5-2717095


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