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Create Date:2010-07-13
Update Date:2010-08-18
Department:Department of Agronomy

NCYU Agronomy Volunteers Hold Solar Exploration Center Science Summer Camp for Elementary Pupils

NCYU Agronomy Volunteers Hold Solar Exploration Center Science Summer Camp for Elementary Pupils NCYU Agronomy Volunteers Hold Solar Exploration Center Science Summer Camp for Elementary Pupils

  To emphasize the role of science in training the brain and the importance of recycling, NCYU Agronomy Volunteer Team (AVT), which consisted of 25 members, and Shueishang Solar Exploration Center (SEC) jointly organized the “Solar Exploration Center Science Summer Camp” from July 12 through July 13. The camp aimed to enrich the summer vacations of the participating pupils from elementary schools across Yunlin and Chiayi counties and cities, and promote the idea of environmental protection.

  According to Hou Jin-Ri, chairman of the Department of Agronomy and faculty advisor of the AVT, this was the fourth time that the club has held activities at the SEC. Last April, Chen Shu-Chuan, head of SEC, invited the outstanding service-oriented club of NCYU, the AVT, to organize the science summer camp. The camp, designed for 120 third to sixth graders studying in Yunlin and Chiayi counties and cities, reached full capacity within a week. Participating students came from around thirty elementary schools throughout Chiayi County and City. Attracting participants from a wide spectrum of elementary schools, the camp promotes interaction among pupils from different schools and helps them know more about the elementary schools spanning Yunlin and Chiayi counties and cities.

  Chang Chun-Hung, organizer of the event, indicated that a “science camp”, as implied by the name, was targeted at incorporating games, lectures and various activities into science education, and introducing students to the concept of recycling. Several games were designed on the concept for recycling. By making kites, the pupils learned why a kite flies. In making grass-headed dolls, they better understood the mysteries of plants. Furthermore, there were also science games that combined tedious science activities with exciting games to enhance the learning effects of the pupils.

  To help them get accustomed to the activities and other participants, the organizer arranged an activity called “Science Camp Amusement Park, scheduled to take place after registration. The activity includes a series of checkpoint games ranging from ring throwing, eco-friendly puzzle, boat blowing, hopscotch, CD patting, spinning top, sand bag throwing, newspaper balls kicking, stilt walking, bamboo dragonfly, and magic square 3 x 3 to Super Stacker. All the children had great fun in the exciting games.

  According to Zuo Mu-Min, leader of AVT, the team was slated to organize three camps during this summer vacation. The “Solar Exploration Center Science Summer Camp” marked the second camp, preceded by the “Rural Life Experience Camp” at Chiayi City Family Caring Association on July 6 and 7. “Summer Vacation Science Camp” will take place at Zhongshan Elementary School, Jhongpu Township from August 11 to 13. The team, dedicated to serving pupils from underprivileged families and remote regions, serves as a model example of college students.





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