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:::* Home > Faculty Members > Chair-Professor - Kai-Wei Juang

** Faculty Members

Chair-Professor - Kai-Wei Juang

Chinese Name:莊愷瑋
Name:Kai-Wei  Juang

Work Address:

Department of Agronomy

National Chiayi University

No. 300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Tel: 886-5-2717387

Fax: 886-5-2717386

Email: kwjuang@mail.ncyu.edu.tw



Ph.D. in Agricultural Chemistry (Jan. 1999), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

M.S. in Agricultural Chemistry (June 1995), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

B.S. in Agricultural Chemistry (June 1993), National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.



Associate Professor, Department of Agronomy, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City, Taiwan, Feb. 2009 – present.

Head, Department of Post-modern Agriculture, MingDao University, Changhua, Taiwan, Feb. 2008 – Jan. 2009.

Associate Professor, Department of Post-modern Agriculture, MingDao University, Changhua, Taiwan, Jan. 2006 – Jan. 2009.

Assistant Professor, Department of Post-modern Agriculture, MingDao University, Changhua, Taiwan, Aug. 2001 – Dec. 2005.

Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Agricultural Chemistry, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 1999 – Jul. 2001.


Professional Activities:

Since 2001, Kai-Wei Juang has been an instructor and researcher at MingDao University for 8 years. At present, Kai-Wei Juang is serving as associate professor at Department of Agronomy, National Chiayi University. He has taught undergraduate courses in soil science, plant nutrition, biometrics, and graduate level courses in advanced biostatistics. He has been technical consultants for internal agencies. His work included applying and developing geostatistical methods for spatial interpolation of soil properties and for delineation of contaminated soils, coupling geostatistical and solute transport models with GIS for the assessment of the fate of chemicals in soils, developing methods for determining the bioavailability of trace elements in soil, and remediation of Cr-contaminated soils using organic matter amendments and phytoremediation. His extramural professional activities are briefly summarized as follows:

Served as Secretary General of Association of Taiwan Organic Agriculture Promotion (ATOAP) (2008 – 2009)

Served as an editorial staff, Journal of the Chinese Agricultural Chemical Society (1995-1997)

Reviewed technical manuscripts for Journal of Environmental Quality, Soil Science Society of America Journal, Bioremediation Journal and other international and domestic journals.

Reviewed research proposals for National Science Council of Taiwan.



Soil chemistry, Plant nutrition, Soil fertility management, Phytoremediation, Geostatistics, Precision agriculture


Teaching experience:

Kai-Wei Juang has 8 years experience in teaching undergraduate courses. He has served as major professor to 3 graduate students and as a committee member of many graduate students. He has taught courses in the following subjects:

Soil and fertilizer

Plant nutrition and soil fertility

Analytical chemistry in agriculture

Biostatistics and experimental designs

Geographical information system (GIS) and precision agriculture


Research Emphases:

Chemistry of trace elements in soils and remediation of heavy metal contaminated soils.

Geostatistics and GIS: using GIS and developing geostatistical methods for evaluation the spatial variability of soil properties and for delineation of contaminated soils.

Fate of chemicals in soils: laboratory and field experiments and computer modeling of adsorption, transformation, and transport of pesticides and trace elements in soils.



1. Juang, K.W., W.J. Liao, T.L. Liu, L. Tsui, and D.Y. Lee. 2008. Additional sampling based on regulation threshold and kriging variance to reduce the probability of false delineation in a contaminated site. Sci. Total Environ. 389:20-28. (SCI)

2. Chen, C.P., D.Y. Lee, K.W. Juang, and T.H. Lin. 2008. Phytotoxicity of soil trivalent chromium to wheat seedlings evaluated by chelating resin extraction method. Soil Sci. 173:638-648. (SCI)

3. Chiu, C.C., C.J. Cheng, T.H. Lin, K.W. Juang, and D.Y. Lee. 2009. The effectiveness of four organic matter amendments for decreasing resin-extractable Cr(VI) in Cr(VI)-contaminated soils. J. Hazard. Mater. 161:1239-1244. (SCI).

4. Cheng, C.J., T.H. Lin, C.P. Chen, K.W. Juang, and D.Y. Lee. 2009. The effectiveness of ferrous iron and sodium dithionite for decreasing resin-extractable Cr(VI) in Cr(VI)-spiked alkaline soils. J. Hazard. Mater. 164:510-516. (SCI)

5. 陳秋萍、莊愷瑋、林紫慧、李達源. 2009. 土壤pH值與有機質含量對Cr(III)之植物毒性及在土壤中型態分佈之影響。台灣農業化學與食品科學47:317-326.

6. Chen, C.P., K.W. Juang, T.H. Lin, and D.Y. Lee. 2010. Assessing the phytotoxicity of chromium in Cr(VI)-spiked soils by Cr speciation using XANES and resin extractable Cr(III) and Cr(VI). Plant Soil 334:299-309. (SCI)

7. Lai, H.Y., K.W. Juang, and B.C. Chen. 2010. Copper concentrations in grapevines and vineyard soils in central Taiwan. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 56:601-601. (SCI)

8. Lai, H.Y., K.W. Juang, and Z.S. Chen. 2010. Large-area experiment on uptake of metals by twelve plants growing in soils contaminated with multiple metals. Int. J. Phytoremediat. 12:785-797. (SCI)

9. Chen, B.C., H.Y. Lai, D.Y. Lee, and K.W. Juang*. 2011. Using chemical fractionation to evaluate the phytoextraction of cadmium by switchgrass from Cd-contaminated soils. Ecotoxicology 20:409-418. (SCI) (NSC 96-2313-B-451-003 and NSC 97-2313-B-415-009-MY3)

10. Juang, K.W., H.Y. Lai, and B.C. Chen. 2011. Coupling bioaccumulation and phytotoxicity to predict copperremoval by switchgrass grown hydroponically. Ecotoxicology 20:827-835. (SCI) (NSC 96-2313-B-451-003 and NSC 97-2313-B-415-009-MY3)

11. 張斐婷、莊愷瑋*. 2011. 施用堆肥對土壤中鎘吸附與水稻幼苗鎘累積和毒害之影響作物、環境與生物資訊8:28-38.

12. 李雪甄、莊愷瑋*. 2011. 降低pH對鹼性土壤中磷有效性與可溶性的影響。台灣農業化學與食品科學49:99-110.

13. 王瓊慧、李勇毅、陳柏青、莊愷瑋*. 2011. 銅過量對葡萄扦插苗生長與植體銅濃度的影響。台灣農業化學與食品科學49:141-151. 

14. Juang, K.W., Y.I. Lee, H.Y. Lai, C.H. Wang, and B.C. Chen. 2012. Copper accumulation, translocation, and toxic effects in grapevine cuttings. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 19:1315-1322. (SCI) (NSC 97-2313-B-415-009-MY3)

15. Juang, K.W.*, P.C. Ho, and C.H. Yu. 2012. Short-term effects of compost amendment on the fractionation of cadmium in soil and cadmium accumulation in rice plants. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 19:1696-1708. (SCI) (NSC 97-2313-B-415-009-MY3)

16. Chen, C.P., K.W. Juang, and D.Y. Lee. 2012. Effects of liming on Cr(VI) reduction and Cr phytotoxicity in Cr(VI)-contaminated soils. Soil Sci. Plant Nutr. 58:135-143. (SCI)

17. 何珮綺、游淳卉、陳柏青、莊愷瑋*. 2012. 以生物配位體模式評估鉀和鈣對大豆鎘毒性的減緩效應作物、環境與生物資訊9:1-14.

18. 楊晴晴、鄭景智、劉曜文李達源、莊愷瑋*. 2012. 以地理統計結合X射線螢光光譜分析推估土壤銅濃度的空間分佈作物、環境與生物資訊9:108-112.

19. Chen, B.C., H.Y. Lai, and K.W. Juang*. 2012. Model evaluation of plant metal content and biomass yield for the phytoextraction of heavy metals by switchgrass. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 80:393-400. (SCI) (NSC 96-2313-B-451-003 and NSC 97-2313-B-415-009-MY3)

20. Chen, B.C., P.C. Ho, and K.W. Juang*. 2013. Alleviation effects of magnesium on copper toxicity and accumulation in grapevine roots evaluated with biotic ligand models. Ecotoxicology 22:174-183. (SCI) (NSC 98-2313-B-451-004-MY3 and NSC 97-2313-B-415-009-MY3)

21. 楊慶明何珮綺、游淳卉、莊愷瑋*. 2013. 以生物配位體模式評估鈣及鉀對大豆幼苗吸收鎘之影響作物、環境與生物資訊10:111-122. (NSC 101-3114-C-415-001-ES)

22. Chen, P.Y., Y.I Lee, B.C. Chen, and K.W. Juang*. 2013. Effects of calcium on rhizotoxicity and the accumulation and translocation of copper by grapevines. Plant Physiol. Biochem. 73:375-382. (SCI) (NSC 98-2313-B-451-004-MY3, NSC 101-3114-C-415-001-ES and NSC 102-2313-B-451-004)

23. 余佳倩、莊愷瑋*2013。施用咖啡渣和茶渣生質炭對油菜苗吸收巨量元素之影響土壤與環境16:67-80

24. Juang, K.W., Y.I Lee, H.Y. Lai, and B.C. Chen. 2014. Influence of magnesium on copper phytotoxicity to and accumulation and translocation in grapevines. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf. 104:36-42. (SCI) (NSC 98-2313-B-451-004-MY3 and NSC 102-2313-B-451-004)

25. Li, F.L., C.M. Yang, C.H. Syu, D.Y.n Lee, B.J. Tsuang, and K.W. Juang*. 2014. Correlation of Pb uptake by rice cultivars, soil Pb availability, and iron plaque formation. Paddy Water Environ. (under review). (SCI)

Conference Papers

1. Juang, K.W.*, and L.C. Shu. 2008. Cadmium Accumulation and Growth Responses in Two Eco-types of Switchgrass. The 5th SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) World Congress, Aug. 3-7.

2. Juang, K.W.*, B.C. Chen, and H.Y. Lai. 2009. Prediction of the Maximum Phytoextraction of Heavy Metal by Switchgrass with Considering Phytoaccumulation and Plant Growth. The 9th Conference of the Ease and Southeast Asian Federation of Soil Science (ESAFS), Seoul, Korea, Oct. 27-30.

3. Juang, K.W*. 2009. Soil-Test Phosphorous in Fertilized Alkaline Soils as Influenced by Decrease of pH. The Annual Meeting of Soil Science Society of America, Pittsburgh, PA, Nov. 1-5.

4. Juang, K.W.*, and D.Y. Lee. 2010. Prediction of Cadmium Removal from Highly Contaminated Soils by Phytoextraction with Different Switchgrass Cultivars. The 19th World Congress of Soil Science: Soil Solutions for a Changing World, Brisbane, Australia, Aug. 1-6.

5. Juang, K.W.*, B.C. Chen, and H.Y. Lai. 2011. Heavy Metals (Cd, Cr, and Zn) Accumulation by Switchgrass and Accompanying Reductions in Biomass Yield for Assessing Phytoextraction. The 10th International Conferences of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct. 10-13.

6. Juang, K.W., C.H. Wang, H.Y. Lai, and B.C. Chen. 2011. Delineating Dose-Response Profile of Copper on Root Elongation of Grapevine. The 10th International Conferences of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct. 10-13.

7. P.C. Ho, C.H. Yu, B.C. Chen, and K.W. Juang*. 2011. Evaluation of the Effects of Calcium and Potassium on Alleviation of Cadmium Toxicity to Soybean Using a Bio-Ligand Model (BLM). The 10th International Conferences of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct. 10-13.

8. C.H. Yu, and K.W. Juang. 2011. Cadmium Toxicity to Nine Cultivars of Paddy Rice in Taiwan. The 10th International Conferences of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), Colombo, Sri Lanka, Oct. 10-13.

9. Juang, K.W.*, H.Y. Lai, and B.C. Chen. 2013. Phytoextraction of soil Cd by switchgrass evaluated with a compromise between plant Cd content and biomass yield. The 13th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements (ICOBTE), Athens, GA, June 16-20.

10. Chih, C.Y., J.C Yu, and K.W. Juang. 2013. Effect of amendments of coffee grounds- and sugarcane bagasse-biochars on dry mass yield of oilseed rape seedlings. The 11th International Conferences of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), Bogor, Indonesia, Oct. 21-24.

11. Chen, P.Y. and K.W. Juang*. 2013. Assessment of copper accumulation and translocation in grapevine plant given calcium nutrition. The 11th International Conferences of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), Bogor, Indonesia, Oct. 21-24.

12. Yang, C.M. and K.W. Juang. 2013. Effectiveness of calcium on the reductions of cadmium accumulation and translocation in soybean plant. The 11th International Conferences of East and Southeast Asia Federation of Soil Science Societies (ESAFS), Bogor, Indonesia, Oct. 21-24.

13. Chiao, W.T., and K.W. Juang. 2014. Time-dependent changes of plant water status to Cd acute toxicity and absorption of Cd in rice seedlings. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), Jeju, Korea, Jun. 8-13.

14. Li, F.L., Y.T. Chang, C.M. Yang, and K.W. Juang*. 2014. Lead uptakes by rice plant related to soil Pb availability and rice genotypes as confounded with iron plaque formation. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), Jeju, Korea, Jun. 8-13.

15. Lin, F.J., and K.W. Juang. 2014. Assessment of P availability in biochar-amended soils and the relation to soil P fractionation. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), Jeju, Korea, Jun. 8-13.

16. Chen. Y.H., C.H. Yu, C.M. Yang, W.T. Chiao, S.L. Wang, and K.W. Juang. 2014. Cadmium uptakes by different rice cultivars related to iron nutritional levels in plant and iron plaque formation. The 20th World Congress of Soil Science (WCSS), Jeju, Korea, Jun. 8-13.





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