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last update time 2018/06/29
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** Bilingual
*Chinese English Department
阿里山國家公園 * *Alishan National Scenic Area * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
全包式渡假旅館 * *All-inclusive resort * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
美洲旅遊協會 * *American Society of Travel Ahents(ASTA) * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
民宿 * *Bed & breakfasts (B&B) * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
遊憩承載量 * *Carrying capacity * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
包機 * *Charter flights * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
中正紀念堂 * *Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
共掛班號 * *Code Share * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
補償理論 * *Compensatory theory * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management
目的地 * *Destinations * Graduate Institute of Recreation, Tourism and Hospitality Management

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