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last update time 2023/08/06
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Tasks and Responsibilities



Operational project

Duty agent


Dean of General Affairs

Jain-Song Ju

In charge of General Services Business

1.Special assistant 

2.Senior secretary Chuan-Hsu Hung

Direct-dial telephone:


Campus extension No.: 7500


E-mail :

Vice Dean of General Affairs

Supervision of all construction and maintenance related business.

1.Senior secretaryChuan-Hsu Hung

2.LeaderYu-Chin Zhang

Direct-dial telephone:


Campus extension No.: 7156

Fax: +886-5-2717115

E-mail :

Senior secretary

Chuan-Hsu Hung

1.General planning of the formulation and implementation, and track progress in implementation and evaluation on the result.

2. Fully integrated business management and co-ordination across business units.

3.Assist in the coordination and supervision of general affairs and control the progress of each set of business.

4.The annual budget and annual work project planning.

5.Web site reflect the views of management and the handling of units.

6.The General Office of the meetings held and contacts.

7.Procurement case and the verification of the common supply contract with stamp and the urgency of our significant progress in control of procurement cases.

8.Routine reports, inventory, and the application form (book) verification.

9.Completion of the procurement unit of the report, refund guarantee (warranty) application for payment and verification of the use of seals.

10.Employees to work overtime, vacation, attendance records, control and verification.

11.Review and vetting the draft document.

12.Matter of temporary tasks.

1.LeaderYu-Chin Zhang

2.LeaderLi-Wen Wang

Direct-dial telephone:


Campus extension No.: 7156

Fax: +886-5-2717115


Assistant Technical Specialist

Jung-Chung Hsu

1.The General Department for electronic document delivery closed archive matters.

2.Units for the school to sign such notice or communication to matters.

3.Compiled in each group will be referred to the Finance Department reported that the administrative forum, the Executive Council and the University Council and other important meetings information.

4.To deal with General Department for the annual work plan and work compiling and submission issues.

5.Send and receive e-mail for General Services Administration issues.

6.Assist in site management and the unit reflects the views of the treatment.

7.Budget information for each group and pooled funds expended to assist with the online visa control.

8.Transaction of official business vehicle insurance, registration and payment of tax matters.

9.Order flower wreaths for ceremonies, registration and applications for red and white posts.

10.To deal with ISO file for management of General Services.

11.The room property management and related issues.

12.Matter of temporary tasks.

1.Senior secretaryChuan-Hsu Hung

2.School worker Fang-Pin Chen

Direct-dial telephone:


Campus extension No.: 7177

Fax: +886-5-2717115


School worker

Fang-Pin Chen

1.General Services Department to assist with matters such as filing paperwork.

2.The office of the Department of cleaning, handling of garbage, flowers and trees maintenance.

3.Thermos and coffee machine washed and filled with water.

4.Arranged meeting place, tea services and information related meetings photocopy finishing.

5.The consolidation of various reports and bookcases.

6.Switch doors and windows before and after the work

7.Typed in the paper to assist binding matters.

8.Matter of temporary tasks.

OfficerJung-Chung Hsu

Direct-dial telephone: +886-5-2717177

Campus extension No.: 7177

Fax: +886-5-2717115






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