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* Department of Landscape Architecture *
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last update time 2021/06/08
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Taiwan is rapidly being developed into a well-developed country. The society is in urgent need of professionals in environmental planning, design, and conservation. In order to improve landscape architecture research, landscape planning and design, as well as landscape operation and management, the established goals of the department are as follows:

1.      To pursue advanced knowledge in the field of landscape architecture.

2.      To provide landscape architecture professionals with international perspective.

3.      To train students to be capable of doing landscape and environmental research.


The department integrates the interdisciplinary resources in the university, to enhance cultural and natural investigation, to increase the depth and the scope of planning and design, and to help establishing consciousness of ecological conservation and environmental protection. The features of the department are as follows:

1.      Emphasize on case analysis and project research.

2.      Provide both innovative and practical training.

3.      Utilize computer aided design and information system in landscape planning and research.


According to the rapidly development of economic construction in region of Taiwan, it brings out the problem of develop of environmental resource, and the increasingly impact between people and environment. In order to covering the needs of professional in the aspect of environment resource planning and design, nursing for the whole society, also seek out the specialty knowledge in depth to cultivate landscape architect who possess international standard to help internal landscape scope to enhance and develop the research, planning, design, management, and decision which relate to Landscape architecture.

Except the application of environment planning and managing, landscape design, plant material, landscape engineering, and application of computer, the teaching points are as follows.

 1. To strengthen the planning of cities and towns, the research about the landscape for leisure and journey, also combine leisure and journey with course of management to cultivate people who capable of landscape management and maintenance.
2. Emphasize the project research and case analysis, and furthermore practical practice and innovative.
3. Computer learning, and making use of technology aid to design, initiate research and planning in the scope of landscape use information system.
The Department aims to provide students with basic principles and practical training in Landscape Architecture, and help them understand and utilize the knowledge and skills in the development of modern landscape. Our program attempts to develop well-educated and –trained landscape specialists who have the capability to modify the traditional building and scenery system into modern landscape model.
The core values of the department include:

The training and development for landscape architecture students who are capable of designing, constructing, and maintaining project sites.
The involvement of professional dialogue in the ideas of ecological design, community development, quality way of life, and the participatory designing effort.

The advancement of landscape architecture theory, practices, and research.





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