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* 教學專業國際碩士學位學程 Global Master Program of Teaching Profession (English-Taught Program) *
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* About Us
* * Introduction
* * Goal & Core Abilities
* * Admission / 招生資訊new5
* * Law and Rules
* Curriculum information
* * Course structure diagram  PDF RAR
* * Curriculum
* * Course Syllabus
* Students
* * E-Learning
* * Oral Paper
* * Basic Format for Dissertation
* * Download
* * Teaching Resources and Learning Environment
* * Q&A
* Relating forms of Thesis
* * Proposal
* * Final
* * Visiting
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last update time 2023/02/21
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1. Home

  1-1 Introduction

  1-2 Goal & Core Abilities

  1-3 Admission / 招生資訊new5

  1-4 Law and Rules

  1-5 Course structure diagram  PDF RAR

  1-6 Curriculum

  1-7 Course Syllabus
    1-7-1 Fall Semester Academic Year 106
    1-7-2 Spring Semester Academic Year 106

  1-8 E-Learning

  1-9 Oral Paper

  1-10 Basic Format for Dissertation

  1-11 Download
    1-11-1 Recommendation Letter from Advisor  PDF DOC
    1-11-2 Work Permit Application Form for Foreign Student, Overseas Chinese Students, and Ethics Chinese Students PDF RTF
    1-11-3 Medical Cost Application Form PDF DOC
    1-11-4 Chinese Proficiancy Graduation Requirements and Regulation PDF DOCX

  1-12 Teaching Resources and Learning Environment
    1-12-1 Learning Environment

  1-13 Q&A

  1-14 Proposal
    1-14-1 Application form for Graduate Students Thesis Proposal of GMPTP at NCYU PDF DOC
    1-14-2 Professor Feedback form for Thesis Proposal of GMPTP at NCYU PDF DOC
    1-14-3 Receipt Oral Examination Fee for Thesis Proposal of GMPTP at NCYU PDF DOC

  1-15 Final
    1-15-1 Application form for Master Degrees Examination PDF DOC
    1-15-2 Certificate of Approval for Thesis PDF DOC
    1-15-3 Notification for Result of Master Degrees Examination at NCYU PDF DOC
    1-15-4 Notification for Thesis modification PDF DOC
    1-15-5 Receipt Oral Examination Fee for Final Oral Examination of GMPTP at NCYU PDF DOC
    1-15-6 Recommendation Letter of Thesis Advisor PDF DOC
    1-15-7 Score Sheet for Final Oral Examination PDF DOC

  1-16 Visiting

  1-17 Office of International Affairs

  1-18 外國人在臺灣網站

  1-19 嘉義縣文化觀光局

  1-20 Contact Us

  1-21 Visitor

  1-22 facebook社團


Copyright © 2014 National Chiayi University

Global Master Program of Teaching Profession



No.85, Wunlong Village, Minsyong Township, Chiayi County 621, Taiwan (R.O.C)

