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* * Introduction/學程簡介

點閱 3218 人次 友善列印


Global Mater Program of Life Sciences


                   The global master program of Life Sci. (GMPLS) is to provide English taught courses plus a Chinese culture guided leaning environment. The research activities of the GMPLS is reinforced by the College of Life Sciences comprises 5 graduate programs in Food Science, Aquatic Biosciences, Biological Resource, Biochemical Science and Technology, Microbiology, Immunology and Biopharmaceuticals, and 1 independent research center: Analytical and Technical Service Center.  


                  The GMPLS is designed for students seeking master of science degree in the field focusing on a broad safety topics in relating to Food, Aquaculture, Ecology and Environment, as well as the health related topics in discovery of natural medicines, applied microbiology, infectious diseases, biological mechanisms. A comprehensive research study is of your choice in more than 50 independent research laboratories, and one research center. Research labs are running by more than 60 academic well-recognized faculties and technicians. Annually, there are over 40 National fund or industrial supported research projects that afford plenty opportunities for students in developing graduate researches and future careers. 





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生命科學全英碩士學位學程  蘭潭校區:60004嘉義市鹿寮里學府路300號(綜合教學大樓七樓)

TEL:+886-5-2717930、+886-5-2717932-3 FAX:+886-5-2717931

