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* Master Program in Educational Administration and Policy Development, Department of Education *
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last update time 2023/05/26
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** Sitemap


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1. Home

  1-1 News

  1-2 Join us

  1-3 Introduction

  1-4 Faculty
    1-4-1 Yueh-Chun Huang
    1-4-2 Lain-Chyi Yeh
    1-4-3 Juei-Hsin Wang
    1-4-4 Yu-Liang Chang
    1-4-5 Hsuan-Fu Ho
    1-4-6 Shan-Hua Chen
    1-4-7 Jason Yang
    1-4-8 Other Support Teacher

  1-5 Equipment

  1-6 Curriculum
    1-6-1 Center Ability
    1-6-2 Graduate Program
    1-6-3 Introduction of Courses DOC PDF

  1-7 Coursework

  1-8 Forms Download

  1-9 For International Students
    1-9-1 What is「National Health Insurance」?
    1-9-2 International Students Health Insurance
    1-9-3 What is「Work Permit」?
    1-9-4 Work Permit Application Form and info PDF RTF
    1-9-5 International Students Alumni General Information PDF DOC

  1-10 News Express

  1-11 Office of International Affairs

  1-12 Chinese version

  1-13 S.O.P


Copyright © 2014 National Chiayi University

Master Program in Educational Administration and Policy Development, Department of Eductaion

No.85, Wunlong Village, Minsyong Township, Chiayi County 621, Taiwan (R.O.C)

TEL:+886-5-2263411#2421~2423     Fax:+886-5-2260149


