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last update time 2024/01/10
:::* Home > Faculty > Dr. Chih-Da John Wu, Associate Professor

** Faculty


 Curriculum Vitae

    Chih-Da (John) Wu


Address: 300 Syuefu Rd.,

Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan 

TEL: 886-5-2717488

FAX: 886-5- 2717467



Associate Professor


Research Lab of Climate Change and Environmental Health (CCEH)

Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan






Ph. D., Forestry, 2010           National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

M.S., Forestry, 2004              National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan

B.S., Forestry, 2002               National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan





Associate Professor                           August 2017~Preset

Assistant Professor                            February 2014~July 2017

n   Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan


Visiting Scientist                                                           June 2016~June 2017

n   The Center for Health and the Global Environment (CHGE), Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA


Visiting Scientist                                                           April 2013~June 2015

n   Exposure, Epidemiology & Risk Program, Dept. of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA


Post-doctoral Fellow                                                      July 2013~January 2014

n   Department of Environmental & Occupational Health, School of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan


Research Fellow                                                         April 2012~March 2013

n   Exposure, Epidemiology & Risk Program, Dept. of Environmental Health, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA


Research Fellow                                                          March2012~June 2013

n   Sustainability and Environmental Management Program, Harvard University Extension School, Boston, MA, USA


Postdoctoral Fellow                                            May 2010~March2012

Research Center for Environment Changes, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan                                  





n   Geomatics: Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS)

n   Air pollutions exposure assessment

n   Spatial modeling of air pollutant variability

n   Climate change impact assessment





Excellent presentation, 2014 Conference on Sustainable Development of Forest Resources, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan.



Best presentation, 2013 International Young Scientists' Conference on Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, Future Earth & Sustainability, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.



Grant recipient from the Postdoctoral Research Abroad Program, National Science Council, Taiwan.

Our published paper “Applying GIS and fine-resolution digital terrain models to assess three-dimensional population distribution under traffic impacts” was selected as the “Highlight of the A-IMBN Research website”, an online journal that highlights the best research published by researchers in the Asia-Pacific region; Website:



Fine Doctoral Dissertation Award, Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (CSPRS)



Fu An-Ming Excellent Paper Award, CSPRS

Award for Academic Research in a Doctoral Thesis, College of Bioresources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University



Annual Best Paper Award, CSPRS



Fine Thesis Award, CSPRS



Recipient of travel grants from the National Science Council, Ministry of Education, and Academia Sinica for participating international conferences




Ministry of Education, Taiwan, PI                                  2016

Climate Change and Health Adaptation Course Integration Project


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI                   2016

Effects of Fine Particulate Matter and Environmental Greenness on Renal Diseases using Spatial Informatics


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, CoPI                 2016

Relation between rice production, trade and virtual water cost under climatic change condition(I)


National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan, PI                       2015

Development of Emission Oriented Land Use Regression Model of Fine Particulate Matter using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing


Younlin County Government, Taiwan, PI                         2015

Construction of Eco-corridor in the Land Subsidence Area of Yunlin County


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI                   2015

Effects of Fine Particulate Matter and Environmental Greenness on Type 2 Diabetes using Spatial Informatics (MOST 104-2119-M-415-003 -)


Academia Sinica, Taiwan, CoPI                               2015

Integrated Multi-source and High-resolution Heat Wave Vulnerability Assessment of Taiwan (AS-104-SS-A02)


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, PI                   2014Linking Mental Health with the Surrounding Greenness using Spatial Informatics (MOST 103-2119-M-415-001-)


Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, CoPI              2014 to 2016

The Technology Development Project of Cross-Sectoral Vulnerability Assessment in Public Health II & III (Title of Main Project: Taiwan Integrated research program on Climate Change Adaption Technology, TaiCCAT) (NSC 103-2621-M002-002-) (MOST 104-2621-M-002-002 -)


Ministry of Interior, Taiwan, CoPI                       2014 to 2016

The Establishment and Assessment of Water Resource Index for attaining Sustainable Agriculture (NSC102-2621-M004-005-MY3).


National Science Council, Taiwan, CoPI                        2013

An analysis of long-term land-use and ecosystem services change in Taiwan mountain regions after WWII- based on multi-source and multi-stage digital archive images with agent-based simulation (NSC102-2410-H-035-047).





Wu, C. D. 2010. Study on the Hydrological Cycle of the Northern Taiwan Using Remote Sensing Techniques. (Doctoral Dissertation). School of Forestry and Resource Conservation College of Bio-resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (Fine Doctoral Dissertation Award, Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, CSPRS).


Wu, C. D. 2004. Monitoring of Landscape Change on Unlawful Cultivated Forestland. (Mater Thesis). School of Forestry and Resource Conservation College of Bio-resources and Agriculture, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (in English with Chinese abstract) (Fine Master Thesis Award, Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, CSPRS).


n 34 published journal papers

n 38 international conference papers

n 47 local conference papers

n 1 edited book


n 34 published journal papers

13 SCI papers, 7 TSSCI papers, 2 EI papers

13 first author papers and 6 corresponding author papers


鍾綉雯, 吳治達(通訊作者), 林士淵, 林俊德, 莊永忠(2016)應用遙測技術與大氣環流模式探討氣候變遷對台東集水區蒸發散之影響。中華林學季刊(已接受)


陳映融, 吳治達(通訊作者), 潘文驥, 陳穆貞, 龍世俊, 蘇慧貞, 張坤城(2016)老年人口自殺與熱島效應之空間關聯分析:以2000年至2008年台北都會區生態調查研究爲例。台灣衛誌 35(4):406-417(TSSCI)


Wu, C. D., and S. C. C. Lung. 2016. Application of 3-D urbanization index to assess impact of urbanization on air temperature, Scientific Reports 6, 24351; doi: 10.1038/srep24351 (SCI, Impact factor: 5.578).


Casey, J., P. James., K. Rudolph., C. D. Wu., B. Schwartz. 2016. Greenness and birth outcomes in a range of Pennsylvania communities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 13(3): 311; doi:10.3390/ijerph13030311 (SCI, Impact factor: 2.063).


Pan, W. C., C. D. Wu., M. J. Chen., Y. T. Huang., C. J. Chen., H. J. Su., and H. I. Yang. 2016. Fine Particle Pollution, Alanine Transaminase, and Liver Cancer: A Taiwanese Prospective Cohort Study (REVEAL-HBV). Journal of the National Cancer Institute 108(3): djv341doi: 10.1093/jnci/djv341 (SCI, Impact factor: 12.583).


Kallawicha, K., Y. J. Tsai., Y. J. Chun., S. C. C Lung., C. D. Wu., and H. J. Chao. 2015. The spatiotemporal distributions and determinants of ambient fungal spores in the greater Taipei area. Environmental Pollution 204:173-180 (SCI, Impact factor: 3.902).


Kallawicha, K., S. C. C Lung., C. D. Wu., T. H. Chen., Y. J. Tsai., and H. J. Chao. 2015. Spatiotemporal distributions and land-use regression models of ambient bacteria and endotoxins in the greater Taipei area. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 15(4):1448-1459 (SCI, Impact factor: 2.664).


Wu, C. D., E. McNeely., J. G, Cedeño-Laurent., W. C. Pan., G. Adamkiewicz., F., Dominici., S. C. C. Lung., H. J. Su., and J. D. Spengler. 2014. Linking student performance in Massachusetts elementary schools with the "greenness" of school surroundings using remote sensing, PLoS ONE 9(10): e108548. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0108548 (SCI, Impact factor: 3.534).


Wilker, E. H., C. D. Wu., E. McNeely., E. Mostofsky., J. Spengler., G. A. Wellenius., and M. A. Mittleman. 2014. Green space and mortality following ischemic stroke. Environmental Research 133:42-48 (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.951).


李素馨, 林敬妤, 吳治達, 莊永忠(2014)運用生境價值評估工具建構永續農村地景空間配置。都市與計畫 41(1)485-514 (TSSCI)



Wu, C. D (Corresponding author)., P. MacNaughoton., S. Melly., K. Lane., G. Adamkiewicz., J. L. Durant., D. Brugge., and J. D. Spengler. 2013. Mapping the vertical distributions of population and particulate air pollution in a near-highway urban neighborhood: implications for exposure assessment. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 24:297-304 (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.050).


李崇睿, 龍世俊, 吳治達(2013)乾淨空氣何處尋?空氣污染暴險之人口及地理不均等分布。人口學刊 47:1-33(TSSCI)


連美琦, 吳治達, 莊永忠, 廖學誠(2013)桃園海岸防風林時空變遷之研究-馬可夫及logit模式之應用。工程環境會刊 30:21-34


Wu, C. D., S. C. C. Lung., and J. F. Jan. 2013. Development of 3-D urbanization index for surface urban heat island effects in two subtropical cities. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 81:1-11 (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.902).


李素馨, 林敬妤, 吳治達, 莊永忠(2013)農村生境地圖繪製模式的建構與應用。建築學報 86:169-190 (TSSCI)


Wu, C. D (Corresponding author)., C. C. Cheng, and Y. C. Chuang. 2012. Spatial variability of evapotranspiration of old-growth cypress forest using remote sensing - a case study of Chilan mountain cypress forest in Taiwan. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42(6):1060-1071 (SCI, Impact Factor: 1.559).


李素馨, 林敬妤, 吳治達(2012)都市邊緣農村地景破碎化研究。台灣土地研究15(2):59-85 (TSSCI)


林敬妤, 吳治達(通訊作者), 莊永忠(2012)宜蘭農村地景變遷時空分析。地理學報 64:1-20 (TSSCI)


Wu, C. D., and S. C. C. Lung. 2012. Applying GIS and fine-resolution digital terrain models to assess three-dimensional population distribution under traffic impacts. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 22:126-134 (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.050) (本文獲選為Highlight of the A-IMBN Research website, an online journal that highlights the best research published by researchers in the Asia-Pacific region; Website:


Wu, C. D., C. C. Cheng, and Y. C. Chuang. 2012. Land-use dynamics of Shihmen reservoir catchment using photogrammetry and Markov Model. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 16(4):289-297.


梁平, 莊永忠, 吳治達, 詹進發, 廖泫銘(2011)多源遙測影像於宜蘭海岸濱線變遷偵測之應用。地理研究55:47-68


吳治達, 詹進發, 徐郁晴(2011)應用多時期遙測影像於宜蘭海岸土地覆蓋變遷分析之研究。工程環境會刊27:93-104


連美琦, 吳治達, 莊永忠, 廖學誠(2011)應用馬可夫模式分析桃園海岸地區土地利用變遷之研究。工程環境會刊 26:71-86


陳奐潣, 羅漢強, 鄭祈全, 吳治達(2011)應用遙測技術監測澎湖銀合歡擴散之研究。中華林學季刊 44(1):133-144


Wu. C. D., C. C. Cheng, H. C. Lo, and Y. K. Chen. 2010. Effect of environmental changes on future hydrology of the northern Taiwan using remote sensing. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 15(3):243-262.


Wu, C. D., C. C. Cheng, H. C. Lo, and Y. K. Chen. 2010. Application of SEBAL and Markov models for future stream flow simulation through remote sensing. Water Resource Management 24(14):3773-3797 (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.463) (NSC 97-2621-M-034-003).


Wu, C. D., C. C. Cheng, H. C. Lo, and Y. K. Chen. 2010. Study on estimating the evapotranspiration cover coefficient for stream flow simulation through remote sensing techniques. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 12(4):225-232 (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.539) (NSC 97-2621-M-034-003) (榮獲台灣大學98學年度生物資源暨農學院博士班學生學術論文獎).


莊永忠, 廖學誠, 吳治達, 詹進發, 黃正良(2010)不同降雨入滲情境對蓮華池集水區水文模擬之影響。地理學報 59:39-66 (TSSCI)


吳治達, 鄭祈全, 羅漢強, 陳永寬(2009)整合遙測技術、大氣環流模式與Markov 模式推估未來集水區流量之研究-以淡水河集水區為例。航測及遙測學刊14(1)35-48(NSC 97-2621-M-034-003) (榮獲中華民國航空測量及遙感探測學會98年度傅安明先生學術傑出論文獎)


Cheng, C. C., H. C. Lo, Y. K. Chen, and C. D. Wu. 2008. Assessment of ecosystem classification systems at various scales on environmental parameters using remote sensing techniques. Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 13(4):241-254. (NSC 96-2621-Z-034-003-) (榮獲中華民國航空測量及遙感探測學會97年度年會論文獎).


吳治達, 鄭祈全, 羅漢強(2008)土地利用與空間尺度對蒸發散量影響之研究。中華林學季刊 41(2):43-51 (NSC 95-2621-Z-034-002-)


鄭祈全, 吳治達(通訊作者), 莊永忠(2007)土地利用變遷與氣候變遷對集水區流量模擬影響之研究-以林試所蓮華池試驗林之蛟龍溪集水區為例。臺灣林業科學 22(4):483-95 (EI)


吳治達, 鄭祈全(2005)應用航測資料與數學模式監測民墾地變遷之研究。航測及遙測學刊10(4):373-384


鄭祈全, 吳治達, 王素芬(2005)應用MarkovLogit模式監測地景變遷之研究。臺灣林業科學 20(1):29-36 (EI)


n Chapter in an edited book

Wu, C. D (Corresponding author)., S. C. C. Lung., Y. C. Chuang, and J. F. Jan. 2014. Forest landscape change at the Sihmen reservoir catchment (2002–2007). In T. J. Liu (Eds.), Environmental History in East Asia-Interdisciplinary Perspectives (pp.167-181). Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, Oxon, UK (ISBN: 978-0-415-71770-0).


n International conference proceedings: 38 conference papers

Li, C. Y., H. J. Su., C. D. Wu., W. C. Pan., and Y. J. Chen. 2016. Association between long-term exposure to PM2.5 and incidence of type 2 diabetes in Taiwan. Conference of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science - Asia Chapter (ISEE-ISES AC2016). Tainan, Taiwan. (2016國際環境流行病學及暴險科學亞洲聯合研討會, 地點:札晃 日本, Oral presentation). June 26-29, 2016.


Zeng, Y. T., C. D. Wu., S. C. C. Lung., W. C. Pan., Y. C. Chen., and M. J. Chen. 2016. Effects of community air pollutant sources on PM2.5 and NOx in Asian city using land-use regression - A case study of Taipei metropolis. Conference of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science - Asia Chapter (ISEE-ISES AC2016). Tainan, Taiwan. (2016國際環境流行病學及暴險科學亞洲聯合研討會, 地點:札晃 日本, Poster presentation). June 26-29, 2016.


Cherng, Y. R., S. C. C. Lung., W. C. Pan., C. D. Wu. 2016. Association between renal diseases, fine particulate matter, and surrounding greenness in Taiwan- A preliminary study. Conference of International Society for Environmental Epidemiology and International Society of Exposure Science - Asia Chapter (ISEE-ISES AC2016). Tainan, Taiwan. (2016國際環境流行病學及暴險科學亞洲聯合研討會, 地點:札晃 日本, Poster presentation). June 26-29, 2016.


Wu, C. D., T. Y. Huang., S. Y. Lin., and C. T. Lin. 2015. Estimation of green water footprint of rice paddies in Taitung area using MODIS data. The 36th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing (ACRS 2015), Metro Manila, Philippines (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:馬尼拉 菲律賓, 補助機構:科技部, Oral presentation). October 19-23, 2015


Chang, H. T., C. D. Wu, W. C. Pan, C. S. Lin, and H. J. Su. 2015. Linking surrounding greenness and schizophrenia using remote sensing. The International Symposium on Sustainable Forest Ecosystem Management (SFEM 2015). Chiayi, Taiwan. (2015台日韓永續森林生態系經營國際研討會, 地點:嘉義 台灣, Oral presentation, 榮獲學生論文發表競賽台灣最佳論文發表獎 (Taiwan Student Award)). Aug 31-Sep 4, 2015.


Lin, S. Y., T. Y. Huang., C. D. Wu., and C. T. Lin. 2015. Evaluation of evapotranspiration value of rice paddies using MODIS data and CROPWAT. The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE 2015). Berlin, Germany. (2015國際環境遙測研討會, 地點:柏林 德國, Poster presentation). May 11-15, 2015.


Wu, C. D., and S. C. C. Lung. 2015. Association between urbanization and air temperature from a 3-D perspective using remote sensing. The 36th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE 2015). Berlin, Germany. (2015國際環境遙測研討會, 地點:柏林 德國, Poster presentation). May 11-15, 2015.


Wu, C. D., H. T. Chang, and H. J. Chu. 2015. Assessment of urbanization using MODIS surface temperature product. The International Symposium of Remote Sensing (ISRS 2015). Tainan, Taiwan. (2015國際遙感探測研討會, 地點:台南 台灣, Poster presentation). Apr 22-24, 2015.


Chang, H. T., C. D. Wu, W. C. Pan, C. S. Lin, and H. J. Su. 2015. The prevalence and cluster-effect of psychological disorders using spatial information analysis. The International Symposium of Remote Sensing (ISRS 2015). Tainan, Taiwan. (2015國際遙感探測研討會, 地點:台南 台灣, Oral presentation). Apr 22-24, 2015.


Li, C. Y., C. D. Wu, H. T. Chang, Y. J. Chen, and H. J. Su. 2015. Effects of rainfall events on the risk of waterborne diseases. The International Symposium of Remote Sensing (ISRS 2015). Tainan, Taiwan. (2015國際遙感探測研討會, 地點:台南 台灣, Poster presentation). Apr 22-24, 2015.


Pan, W. C., H. I. Yang., C. D. Wu., M. J. Chen., C. C. Bauer., H. J. Su., and C. J. Chen. 2014. Exposure to fine particulate matter and liver cancer: a prospective Taiwanese cohort study (REVEAL-HBV). International Society of Environmental Epidemiology 2014 (ISEE 2014), Seattle, USA (國際環境流行病學協會2014年會, 地點:西雅圖 美國, Poster presentation). Aug 2428, 2014.


Lin, P. H., M. J. Chen., W. C. Pan., C. D. Wu., and H. J. Su. Association between long-term exposures of fine particulate matter and type 2 diabetes in Taiwan. International Society of Environmental Epidemiology 2014 (ISEE 2014), Seattle, USA (國際環境流行病學協會2014年會, 地點:西雅圖 美國, Poster presentation). Aug 2428, 2014.


Lin, S. Y., C. D. Wu., and C. T. Lin. 2014. An estimation of green water footprint of rice using remote sensed data. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society 11th Annual Meeting. Sapporo, Japan (AOGS 2014, 2014亞洲海洋及地球科學年會, 地點:札晃 日本, Oral presentation) Jul 28Aug 1, 2014.


Lin, S. Y., C. T. Lin., and C. D. Wu. 2014. An estimation of green water footprint of rice using remote sensed data. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014. Vienna, Austria (EGU 2014, 2014歐洲地球科學年會, 地點:維也納 澳地利, Poster presentation) Apr 27May 2, 2014 (May 1).


Wilker, E. H., C. D. Wu., E. McNeely., E. Mostofsky., J. Spengler., G. A. Wellenius., and M. A. Mittleman. 2014. Green space and mortality following ischemic stroke. Epidemiology and Preventation/Nutrition, Physical Activity and Metabolism 2014 Scientific Sessions. San Francisco, USA (EPI NPAM 2014, 地點:舊金山 美國, Poster presentation) Mar 1821 2014.


Wu, C. D., J. G. Cedeño-Laurent., E. McNeely., G. Adamkiewicz., F. Dominici., S. C. C. Lung., H. J. Su., and J. D. Spengler. 2014. Association between surrounding greenness and student performance using remote sensing. Indoor Air 2014, Hong Kong, China (室內空氣品質研討會, 地點:香港 中國大陸, Oral presentation). Jul 7 – 12 2014.



Wu, C. D., S. C. C. Lung., and H. J. Su. 2013. An innovated 3-D urbanization index for surface urban heat island effects using remote sensing. International Young Scientists' Conference on Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, Future Earth & Sustainability, Taipei, Taiwan (國際災害與永續整合型研究-青年學人研討會, 地點:台北中央研究院 台灣, Oral presentation;榮獲論文口頭報告競賽優勝). October 2224 2013.


Hsu, N. Y, Y. H. Lin., C. Y., Guo., W. C. Pan., C. D. Wu., and H. J. Su. 2013. Predictive model of indoor temperature from ambient levels. 2013 Conference of Environment and Health – Bridging South, North, East and West. Basel, Switzerland. (國際空氣污染及暴險科學聯合研討會, 地點:巴塞爾 瑞士, Poster presentation). 19 – 23 August 2013.


Cedeño-Laurent, J.G., C. D. Wu., E. McNeely., G. Adamkiewicz., S. C. C. Lung., F. Dominici., and J. D. Spengler. 2013. Spatial relation between greenness and student performance in five cities of Massachusetts. 2013 Conference of Environment and Health – Bridging South, North, East and West. Basel, Switzerland. (國際空氣污染及暴險科學聯合研討會, 地點:巴塞爾 瑞士, Oral presentation). 19 – 23 August 2013.


Wu, C. D., P. MacNaughoton., S. Melly., K. Lane., G. Adamkiewicz., J. L. Durant., D. Brugge, and J. D. Spengler. 2013. Vertical distributions of particulate air pollution and potentially exposed populations near urban highways: implications for exposure assessment. 2013 Conference of Environment and Health – Bridging South, North, East and West. Basel, Switzerland. (國際空氣污染及暴險科學聯合研討會, 地點:巴塞爾 瑞士, Poster presentation). 19 – 23 August 2013.


Wu, C. D., J. J. G. Cedeño-Laurent., J. D. Spengler., E. McNeely., F. Dominici., and S. C. C. Lung. 2013. Linking local greenness with student performance in Massachusetts public schools using remote sensing. Environmental Health 2013, Boston, USA (環境衛生研討會, 地點:波士頓 美國, Poster presentation).


Lee. C. R., S. C. C. Lung., C. D. Wu., and J. W. S. Liu. 2012. Assessing high exposure population to traffic pollution with a multidisciplinary database for greater Taipei area, Taiwan. The 23rd International CODATA Conference “Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet”, Taipei, Taiwan (國際資料及資訊共享研討會, 地點:台北 台灣, Oral presentation). October 28-31 2012.


Wu, C. D., P. MacNaughoton., S. Melly., K. Lane., G. Adamkiewicz., J. L. Durant., D. Brugge, and J. D. Spengler. 2012. Vertical distributions of particulate air pollution and potentially exposed populations near two highways in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). 2012 International Society of Exposure Science conference, Seattle, USA (國際暴險科學研討會, 地點:西雅圖 美國, Oral presentation). October 28-November 1, 2012.


Lung, S. C. C., and C. D. Wu. 2011. Three-dimensional Population Distribution under Traffic Impacts with an Innovative Method. 2011 International Society of Exposure Science conference, Baltimore, USA (國際暴險科學研討會, 地點:巴爾地摩 美國, Oral presentation). October 28-November 1, 2012.


Jan, J. F., C. D. Wu, Y. C. Chuang, and P Liang. 2011. Integration of GIS and Multi-Source Images for Coastal Change Detection. ISPRS workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS, Shanghai, China (國際航遙測學會動態多尺度GIS研討會, 地點:上海 中國大陸, 補助機構:中研院, Oral presentation).


Wu, C. D., S. C. C. Lung, and Y. C. Chuang. 2011. Assessment of 3D population distribution under traffic impacts using GIS and fine-resolution DTMs. The 32ed Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Taipei, Taiwan (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:台北 台灣, Poster presentation).


Wu, C. D., S. C. C. Lung, Y. C. Chuang, and P. K. Hsiao. 2011. Forest landscape change at Shihmen reservoir catchment from 2002 to 2007. The 1ST Conference of East Asian Environmental History, Taipei, Taiwan (第一屆東亞環境史研討會, 地點:台北 台灣, Oral presentation).


Chuang, Y. C., S. M. Shen, and C. D. Wu. 2011, Development and landslides examples from the Shihmen Reservoir Catchment, Taiwan. 2011 Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers, Seattle, Washington (美國地理學家協會, 地點: 西雅圖 美國, Oral presentation).


Wu, C. D., S. C. C. Lung, and Y. C. Chuang. 2010. Monitoring of landscape dynamics in a typical reservoir system in the northern Taiwan. The 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Hanoi, Vietnam (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:河內 越南, 補助機構:中研院, Poster presentation).


Cheng, C. C., Y. K. Chen, and C. D. Wu. 2010. Application of photogrammetry and Markov model on monitoring human disturbance in Shihmen reservoir catchment. The 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Hanoi, Vietnam (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:河內 越南, 補助機構:中研院, Poster presentation).


Jan, J. F., Y. C. Hsu, and C. D. Wu. 2010. Monitoring landscape changes of coast zone using multi-temporal remote sensing images. The 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Hanoi, Vietnam (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:河內 越南, 補助機構:中研院, Poster presentation).


Wu, C. D., C. C. Cheng, H. C. Lo, and Y. C. Chuang. 2010. Study on evapotranspiration among various land-use types in different seasons through remote sensing. The 7th Taipei International Digital Earth Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan (數位地球研討會, 地點:台北 台灣, Oral presentation).


Cheng, C. C., Y. K. Chen, C. D. Wu, and C. C. Chang. 2009. Monitoring forest canopy gap through photogrammetry and GIS techniques. The 30th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Beijing, China (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:北京 中國大陸, 補助機構:國科會, Poster presentation).


Wu, C. D., C. C. Cheng, H. C. Lo, and Y. K. Chen. 2009. Application of remote sensing on urban heat island effects of the northern Taiwan. The 30th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Beijing, China (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:北京 中國大陸, 補助機構:國科會, Oral presentation).


Cheng, C. C., H. C. Lo, Y. K. Chen, and C. D. Wu. 2008. Assessment of ecosystem classification systems at various scales on environmental parameters using remote sensing techniques. The ⅩⅩⅠcongress, The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Beijing, China (國際航遙測學會, 地點:北京 中國大陸, 補助機構:教育部, Poster presentation).


Cheng, C. C., Y. K. Chen, S. F. Wang, and C. D. Wu. 2007. A study on the evapotranspiration of old-growth cypress using remote sensing techniques. The 28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:吉隆坡 馬來西亞, 補助機構:國科會, Poster presentation).


Cheng, C. C., H. C. Lo, and C. D. Wu. 2007. Effects of land-use types and spatial scales on evapotranspiration using remote sensing techniques. The 28th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:吉隆坡 馬來西亞, 補助機構:國科會, Oral presentation).


Cheng, C. C., L. T. Hsu, and C. D. Wu. 2006. Monitoring forest landscape using photogrammetric techniques and landscape models. The 27th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (亞洲航遙測學會, 地點:烏蘭巴托 蒙古, 補助機構:教育部, Oral presentation).


n 國內研討會論文:47


黃姿瑜林士淵林俊德吳治達(2016)應用MOD16資料估算稻作綠水足跡以臺中市為例, 2016年全國土地管理與開發學術研討會(長榮大學, 台南, 口頭發表)20161013日。


張奕彩, 潘文驥, 陳映融, 吳治達(2016)環境綠蔽度對氣喘發生之影響-以大高雄地區為例, 2016「人口與公共政策」學術研討會(中山大學, 高雄, 口頭發表)2016429-30日。


沈柔君, 吳治達2015)應用地景指標以探討都市破碎化與細懸浮微粒濃度之關聯, 中華林學會「104年森林資源永續發展研討會」(嘉義大學, 嘉義, 口頭發表) 20151022-23日。


鐘綉雯, 吳治達2015)應用遙測技術與大氣環流模式以探討氣候變遷對森林蒸發散之影響-以台東集水區為例, 中華林學會「104年森林資源永續發展研討會」(嘉義大學, 嘉義, 海報發表; 榮獲林學組:學生海報發表佳作) 20151022-23日。


張奕彩, 陳映融, 吳治達2015)環境綠蔽度對氣喘發生之影響, 中華林學會「104年森林資源永續發展研討會」(嘉義大學, 嘉義, 海報發表; 榮獲林學組:學生海報發表佳作) 20151022-23日。


張皓庭, 蘇慧貞, 潘文驥, 林金樹, 吳治達2015)環境綠蔽度之心理健康效應-以思覺失調症為例, 中華林學會「104年森林資源永續發展研討會」(嘉義大學, 嘉義, 口頭發表; 榮獲人文與經營組:研究生口頭報告第一名) 20151022-23日。


黃奕彰, 劉佳敏, 吳治達, 林瑞進(2015)探討金毛杜鵑杜鵑類菌根菌之抗重金屬能力, 中華林學會「104年森林資源永續發展研討會」(嘉義大學, 嘉義, 口頭發表) 20151022-23日。


張皓庭, 蘇慧貞, 吳治達, 潘文驥, 林金樹(2015)應用地理資訊系統與遙感探測技術以探討環境綠蔽度對思覺失調症之影響, 台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會2015年聯合年會(輔仁大學, 台北, 口頭發表) 20151017-18日。


陳映融, 吳治達, 潘文驥, 蘇慧貞, 龍世俊, 陳穆貞, 張坤城(2015)應用地理資訊系統技術以探討都市熱島效應對自殺之影響, 台灣公共衛生學會、台灣流行病學學會、台灣事故傷害預防與安全促進學會、台灣癌症登記學會2015年聯合年會(輔仁大學, 台北, 口頭發表) 20151017-18日。


曾于庭, 吳治達, 龍世俊, 潘文驥, 陳裕政, 陳穆貞(2015)應用土地利用迴歸以建立大台北地區細懸浮微粒以及氮氧化物之空間推估模式, 22屆國際氣膠科技研討會暨2015細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)與健康研討會(國家衛生研究院, 苗栗, 海報發表) 2015102-3日。


吳治達, 張皓庭, 陳怡真, 陳韻如, 李佳穎, 蘇慧貞(2015Effects of rainfall and flooding events on waterborne diseases. 氣候變遷在台灣-第四屆調適科技國際研討會 (中央大學, 桃園, 口頭發表) 2015924-25(9/24)


黃姿瑜, 林士淵, 林俊德, 吳治達2015)改進應用MOD16資料於估算稻作蒸發散量之時空限制, 34屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨2015科技部空間資訊應用分析、監測與管理成果發表會(口頭發表)2015827-28(8/28)


吳治達, 張皓庭, 潘文驥, 林金樹, 蘇慧貞(2015)應用空間資訊技術以探討環境綠蔽度對心理健康之影響, 34屆測量及空間資訊研討會暨2015科技部空間資訊應用分析、監測與管理成果發表會(口頭發表)2015827-28(8/27)


曾于庭, 吳治達, 龍世俊, 潘文驥, 陳裕政, 陳穆貞(2015)應用土地利用迴歸以探討大台北地區空氣污染物與環境綠蔽度之關聯, 第八屆海峽兩岸森林經營研討會 (地點:嘉義 台灣, 口頭發表;榮獲2015第八屆海峽兩岸森林經營研討會學生組優等論文獎第一名”) 201583-7(8/4)


陳映融, 吳治達, 潘文驥, 蘇慧貞, 龍世俊, 陳穆貞, 張坤城(2015)全球暖化下熱島效應對心理健康之影響-以自殺為例, 第八屆海峽兩岸森林經營研討會 (地點:嘉義 台灣, 口頭發表) 201583-7(8/4)


張皓庭, 蘇慧貞, 潘文驥, 林金樹, 吳治達2015)應用遙測技術以探討環境綠蔽度對思覺失調症之影響, 2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 (TGIS 2015) 2015629-30(6/30)(口頭發表;榮獲2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 (TGIS 2015)學生論文發表最佳論文發表人獎)


曾于庭, 吳治達, 龍世俊, 潘文驥, 陳裕政, 陳穆貞(2015)應用土地利用迴歸模式探討地方污染排放源對空氣品質之影響, 2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 (TGIS 2015) 2015629-30(6/30) (口頭發表;榮獲2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 (TGIS 2015)學生論文發表最佳論文發表人獎)


李佳穎, 吳治達, 龍世俊, 潘文驥, 陳裕政, 陳穆貞, 蘇慧貞(2015)以空氣品質監測站為基礎建立大台北地區細懸浮微粒暴露濃度之土地利用迴歸模式, 2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 (TGIS 2015) 2015629-30(6/30)(口頭發表)


陳映融, 吳治達, 潘文驥, 蘇慧貞, 龍世俊, 陳穆貞, 張坤城(2015)應用空間資訊技術以探討都市熱島效應對自殺之影響, 2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 (TGIS 2015) 2015629-30(6/30)(口頭發表)


黃姿瑜, 林士淵, 林俊德, 吳治達2015)應用遙測資料估算台東地區水稻之綠水足跡, 2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 (TGIS 2015) 2015629-30(6/30) (口頭發表;榮獲2015台灣地理資訊學會年會暨學術研討會 (TGIS 2015)學生論文發表最佳論文發表人獎)


林祐祥, 龍世俊, 吳治達2014)臺灣地區環境不公平性初探-以綠資源為例, 中華林學會「103年森林資源永續發展研討會」(口頭發表, 榮獲"103年森林資源永續發展研討會"人文與經營組:教師-研究人員口頭報告佳作)


陳映融, 蘇慧貞, 吳治達2014)應用遙測技術以探討都市熱島效應對心理健康的影響衝擊以自殺為例, 中華林學會「103年森林資源永續發展研討會」(口頭發表)


曾于庭, 吳治達2014)應用遙測技術以探討環境綠蔽度與室外空氣品質之關聯-以台北都會區為例, 中華林學會「103年森林資源永續發展研討會」(海報發表)


吳治達, 蘇慧貞, 龍世俊, John D. Spengler(2014)環境綠蔽度與小學生學習表現之關聯-以美國麻州為例, 第七屆海峽兩岸森林經營研討會 (地點:北京 中國大陸, 口頭發表) 2014817-24


張皓庭, 吳治達, 蘇慧貞(2014)氣候變遷對環境綠蔽度之衝擊分析, 第七屆海峽兩岸森林經營研討會 (地點:北京 中國大陸, 口頭發表) 2014817-24


林柏秀, 陳穆貞, 潘文驥, 吳治達, 蘇慧貞(2014)台灣地區長期細懸浮微粒暴露與發生第二型糖尿病之研究, 2014職業健康服務國際研討會 (海報發表, 榮獲海報發表佳作)


林柏秀, 陳穆貞, 潘文驥, 吳治達, 蘇慧貞(2014)台灣地區長期細懸浮微粒暴露與發生第二型糖尿病之研究, 2014職業衛生研討會 (口頭發表)



連美綺, 吳治達, 莊永忠, 廖學誠(2013)應用MarkovLogit模式分析桃園海岸防風林時空變遷之研究, 2013森林集水區經營研討會論文集p59-80 (口頭發表)


林立青, 梁平, 莊永忠, 吳治達, 詹進發(2012)宜蘭海岸1947-2009地形變遷研究, 34屆海洋工程研討會論文集 (口頭發表)


龍世俊, 吳治達, 李崇睿(2012)乾淨空氣何處尋?--空氣污染暴險之人口及地理不均等分佈, 2012台灣人口學會年會暨學術研討會, 人口健康品質的社會與區域不平等(I) (口頭發表)


連美琦, 吳治達, 莊永忠, 廖學誠(2012)桃園海岸防風林時空變遷之研究-馬可夫及logit模式之應用, 2012年中國地理學會學術研討會論文集(口頭發表)


吳治達(2011) Study on the hydrological cycle of the northern Taiwan using remote sensing techniques, 海峽兩岸城市化與氣候, 環境研究研討會(口頭發表)


連美琦, 吳治達, 莊永忠, 廖學誠(2011) 桃園海岸地區土地利用變遷之研究-馬可夫模式應用與分析, 台灣地理學會學術研討會論文集p18(口頭發表)


詹進發, 徐郁晴, 吳治達(2010)應用遙測影像予台灣宜蘭海岸變遷分析之研究, 第六屆兩岸四地土地學術研討會(口頭發表)


徐郁晴, 吳治達, 詹進發(2010)應用SPOT 5衛星影像於宜蘭平原海岸地區之土地覆蓋變遷分析, 第二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會(口頭發表)


莊永忠, 廖學誠, 吳治達, 詹進發, 黃正良(2009)不同降雨入滲機制對蓮華池集水區水文模擬之影響, 2009年地理學術研討會論文集(口頭發表)


鄭祈全, 吳治達(2009)台灣都市土地使用與土地覆蓋對環境乾旱之效應及其與全球環境變遷之交互影響與回應, 2009國科會自然處永續學門成果發表會論文集97:p76-77(海報發表)


徐郁晴, 詹進發, 吳治達(2009)多時序衛星影像於宜蘭平原海岸地區監測之應用, 第七屆土地研究學術研討會論文集(口頭發表)


陳奐潣, 羅漢強, 鄭祈全, 吳治達(2009)應用遙測技術監測澎湖銀合歡擴散之研究, 第二十八屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文摘要集p72 (口頭發表)


吳治達, 鄭祈全, 羅漢強(2008)整合GCMs模式與Markov模式推估未來集水區流量之研究-以淡水河集水區為例, 中華林學會97年度學術論文發表會論文集(人文暨經營組) p298-310 (口頭發表)


吳治達, 鄭祈全, 羅漢強(2008)應用遙測技術與數理模式推估未來河川流量之研究, 第二十七屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集p242-253(口頭發表)


鄭祈全, 吳治達(2007)應用遙測技術推估土地利用型蒸發散量之研究, 2007永續發展科技與政策研討會論文集1:p107-114(口頭發表)


吳治達, 鄭祈全(2007)土地利用與空間尺度對蒸發散影響之研究, 中華林學會96年度學術論文發表會論文集(人文暨經營組)p 97-107(口頭發表)


鄭祈全, 吳治達(2007)應用遙測技術推估土地利用型之蒸發散量研究, 第二十六屆測量及空間資訊研討會論文集1:p107-114(口頭發表)


詹進發, 鄭祈全, 吳治達(2005)應用空載光達資料與航空照片估測林分高度之比較。內政部『辦理LIDAR之高精度及高解析度數值地形測繪, 資料庫建置與應用推廣工作案』成果發表暨應用研討會p159-168(口頭發表)


鄭祈全, 吳治達, 王素芬(2005)土地利用變遷監測研究。氣候變遷與永續發展研討會論文集3:p27-37(口頭發表)


鄭祈全, 吳治達(2004)應用數學模式監測地景變遷之研究。第二十三屆測量學術   及應用研討會2:p757-764(口頭發表)




WU, CHIH-DA (JOHN)’s Autobiography


Dear Faculty Council:


It is with the highest enthusiasm that I address to you this application regarding the faculty position offered by your department. My name is 吳治達 (WU, CHIH-DA (JOHN)), an assistant professor in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University. Now I am also served as a visiting scientist in the Exposure, Epidemiology, and Risk Program in the Department of Environmental Health at the Harvard School of Public Health. After spending almost a decade in the research field of “Geomatics and Environmental Changes”, I have the clear goal in mind to pursue an academic career, not only to continue the investigation path that I have followed but also to share this knowledge with my country fellowman. Given the academic record of your department, I am confident that being part of your team will be the best step in my academic career. My personal experience of academic research and teaching is briefly listed below:


(I) Academic Research Experience

My experience in academic research traces back to my student days at the National Taiwan University. After graduating from college, I decided to join the graduate school examination and passed the examination with success and enrolled into the graduate school of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University and studied in the “Research Lab of Forest Photogrammetry” hosted by professor, CHEN, YEONG-KUAN (陳永寬). Through Professor Chen, I became proficient in Geographic Information System (GIS), photogrammetry and remote sensing and landscape ecology. Later on, with the professional and patient instruction of professor, CHENG, CHI-CHUAN (鄭祈全), I finished my studies in graduate school with highest honors.


During the period of pursuing my master degree, I excelled on the compulsory classes such as forestry, ecology, bio-statistics, climatology, GIS, photogrammetry, remote sensing, and landscape ecology. Simultaneously, I also took many courses prepared by Departments of Geography and Bioenvironmental System Engineering, which enhanced my abilities in planning and spatial simulation and gave me a chance to get the know-how of conducting a cross-field scientific research. Therefore, when I was preparing my thesis, “Monitoring of Landscape Change on Unlawful Cultivated Forestland”, with the integration of photogrammetry, Markov model, Logit model and the space calculation function of GIS, I estimated the potential unlawful cultivation of the forestland in Lien-Hwa-Chi district in the future. The thesis was awarded with the prestigious distinction of the Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in 1993 was reviewed with excellent remarks.


After I got my master degree, I joined the entrance examination of the Ph. D. program, School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University. I was enrolled with the 3rd highest score and had a chance to be instructed and taught by two great professors, LO, HANN-CHUNG (羅漢強) and CHENG, CHI-CHUAN (鄭祈全). As I had to define a research path, I devoted considerable time resources in documenting myself about environmental issues that have a global impact. I wanted my research to have not only a great scientific value but also to be able to have practical application in our society. Though the study of issues such as hydrologic analysis, environmental management and model simulation required a vast amount of work, it turned out to be quite helpful in the preparation of my doctorial dissertation. My dissertation aimed at exploring “the influence of environmental change to the hydrologic cycle. In my research, I integrated the technology of photogrammetry and remote sensing, SEBAL, GCMs, semi-distribution hydrologic model and Markov model. Traditionally, when the simulation of climate change was conducted, the potential future status of land use, and the possible change of the evapotranspiration volume were not taken into consideration. In my research this part was improved through the use of foregoing models and considering the potential influence upon the future hydrologic circle of northern Taiwan, incorporating comprehensive detail of environmental change factors such as climate, land use, evapotranspiration volume.. The results of my research have extensive implication on environmental policies or water resources management. Besides, in order to enhance my English proficiency, I wrote my doctorial dissertation completely in this language. The dissertation also won the recognition of Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in 2010 as an exemplary work.


In order to cultivate my ability in independent analysis, thinking and problem solving, I also actively participated in several projects launched by National Science Council. Among the most interesting projects I worked on are: 1: The moderating effect of landscape change evaluated by the application of remote sensing and GIS (2003); 2: The features and spectrum indicators of the structure of cypress forest with photogrammetry and remote sensing applied (2006); 3: The city’s land usage in Taiwan and the effect of the land coverage on the drought and its reciprocal influence and interaction with global environmental transition(2006~2008); 4: The environmental resources conservation of sandy coast and the restoration of deteriorated land—taking the coastline of Yilan as an example—sub-project 5: The resources conservation of Yilan coastline and the analysis of propriety of land usage (2009~2010), 6: The establishment and assessment of water resource index for attaining sustainable agriculture (2013~2015; Co-PI); 7: Long-term land-Use change in Taiwan mountain regions after world war II (2013; Co-PI), etc. Thanks to these projects, I have been able to experience a refinement in my academic research skills, and a refinement in the use of specialized methodologies.


In order to satisfy my interest in conducting research, right after I got my Ph. D. degree, I joined the Research Center for Environment Changes, Academia Siniaca, and continued postdoctoral research in the “Environmental Health Assessment Laboratory” hosted by professor, LUNG SHIH CHUN (龍世俊). My research included two aspects: (1) Applied GIS and fine-resolution digital terrain models (5m×5m) from Ministry of Interior to assess three-dimensional population distribution exposed to air pollution from traffic; (2) Evaluated effects of heat wave on the magnitude of Surface Urban Heat Island (SUHI), and further to compare the SUHI intensity between metropolis and middle level city. Two papers related the above issues have been submitted to the journals and one of them has been accepted and published. In order to improve my research skills with a holistic and global scale point of view, I applied to the “2010 Postdoctoral Research Abroad Program sponsored, National Science Council (NSC)” and fortunately was selected as a recipient of a grant sponsored by NSC for one year to pursue my postdoctoral research at the Department of Environmental Health, Harvard School of Public Health. My major research tasks were (1) to develop three-dimensional model for distribution of population impacted by air pollution from highways, this model will be used to assess differential health effects by altitude in areas in close proximity to highly used infrastructure for transportation; (2) to assess the effects of neighborhood green spaces on academic performances; (3) to analyze the spatial distribution of air pollutant level using a land-use regression modeling approach. In Harvard, I am instructed by Professor, John Spengler to study the air pollution exposure assessment and environmental change monitoring. Moreover, I also joined the “Community Assessment of Freeway Exposure and Health (CAFEH)”, a research project is being undertaken by a Tufts research group under the supervision of professor Doug Brugge (Tufts University School of Medicine). My role in this project is to use my GIS based three-Dimensional Digital Geography (3DIG) for estimating the 3D distribution of exposed population to highway traffic emissions; and also to apply GIS for calculating the topographic and environmental factors and develop land-use regression models for estimating the spatial variation of air pollutant levels. In addition, I have visited the US Los Alamos National Laboratory for taking the training course of the Quick Urban & Industrial Complex (QUIC) Dispersion Modeling System for 3D pollutant distribution simulation. QUIC is comprised of a 3D wind field model called QUIC-URB, a transport and dispersion model called QUIC-PLUME, a pressure solver, QUIC-PRESSURE, and graphical user interface called QUIC-GUI. Chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) agent dispersion can be computed on building to neighborhood scales in tens of seconds to tens of minutes. Until now, no research applied QUIC model to estimate the 3D pollutant distribution at an urban area in Taiwan. Street canyon is an important urban topographic factor in the simulation process of QUIC. The link between “Urban hazard prevention, Exposure assessment, Public health and Environmental Changes” is expected to be developed by importing QUIC into Taiwan for practically applying the academic results of geographic research on public health and environmental changes. I was back to Taiwan in June, 2013 and then joined the research group headed by the executive vice president, SU, HUEY-JEN (蘇慧貞) in the Department of Environmental & Occupational Health, National Cheng Kung University. Currently, I am teaching in the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University as an assistant professor.



Since publications are the most objective metric of academic performance, my research reports have been successfully submitted to prestigious journals in the field. My articles have been recognized by various journals of SCI, EI, TSSCI journals, such as “ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.313)”, “Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology (SCI, Impact Factor: 3.187)”, “Water Resources Management (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.259)”, “International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (SCI, Impact Factor: 2.176)”, “Canadian Journal of Forest Research (SCI, IF: 1.559)”, “Journal of Population Study (TSSCI)”, “City and Planning (TSSCI)”, ”Journal of Geographical Science (TSSCI)”, “Journal of Taiwan Land Research (TSSCI)”, and “Taiwan Journal of Forest Science (EI)”. By now, I’ve published 25 journal papers.


In addition, in order to have more opportunities to communicate with local or international experienced researchers, I had actively participated in various kinds of local and international seminars and made several reports in those seminars, such as "2013 International Young Scientists' Conference on Integrated Research on Disaster Risk, Future Earth & Sustainability (awarded the Best Presentation prize)", " Environment and Health-Bridging South, North, East and West, Conference of ISEE, ISES and ISIAQ", “Environmental Health 2013”, “The 23rd International CODATA Conference -Open Data and Information for a Changing Planet”, “2011, and 2012 International Society of Exposure Science Conference”, “ISPRS workshop on Dynamic and Multi-dimensional GIS”, “2011 Annual Conference of Association of American Geographers”, “The 27th, 28th, 30th, 31th and 32th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing”, “The ⅩⅩⅠcongress, The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing”, “The 7th Taipei International Digital Earth Symposium”, "2013森林集水區經營研討會", "34屆海洋工程研討會論文集", “2012台灣人口學會年會暨學術研討會”, “34屆海洋工程研討會海峽兩岸城市化與氣候、環境研究研討會”, “台灣地理學會學術研討會”, “第六屆兩岸四地土地學術研討會”, “第二十三、二十六、二十七、二十八屆及二十九屆測量及空間資訊研討會”, “2009國科會自然處永續學門成果發表會」、「第七屆土地研究學術研討會”, “2007永續發展科技與政策研討會”, “中華林學會9697年度學術論文發表會”, “辦理LIDAR之高精度及高解析度數值地形測繪、資料庫建置與應用推廣工作案成果發表暨應用研討會”, “氣候變遷與永續發展研討會”, etc. Through delivering oral presentations in these seminars, my ability of communicating with the international academics has improved significantly. In total, 23 international conference papers and 20 local conference papers have been published under my name.


(II) Teaching Experience

In order to nourish my ability to teach in colleges or universities, from the first day I studied in the graduate school, I have tried my best to accumulate teaching experience. Since my first year in graduate school back in 2002, I worked as an assistant instructor in the compulsive course “Surveying Science”, of the School of Forestry and Resource Conservation, National Taiwan University, two years in a row. During the period of my doctorial studies from 2005~2009, I also worked as an assistant instructor in the course, Remote Sensing, of the School of Forestry and Resource Conservation and the graduate school course, Remote Sensing Multivariate Statistical Analysis”, for 4 years in a row. When I worked as a research assistant in NSC, except project execution, I also taught graduate school students related analysis skills about spatial analysis in the “Environment and Spatial Information Research Lab” of CCU, and “Remote Sensing Experiment Lab” of NCCU. Meanwhile, I also was invited by the Land Economics Dept, NCCU in 2005 to teach in a class called “Training Seminar for Executive Human Resources of National Land Plan“, and teach related theories and skills in the seminar. From 2010 to 2013, I was invited to present my academic results in several seminars and conference meetings, such as “Annual meeting of Chinese Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing”, “Department of Civil Engineering in National Chiao Tung University”, “Research Center for Environmental Changes, Academia Sinica”, “Public Health and Community Medicine, Tufts University School of Medicine (US)”, “Harvard Extension School (US)”, "Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research, National Central University",  "Department of Geomatics, National Cheng Kung University", and " Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University". Through these teaching and presenting experiences, not only has my teaching and expression ability been enhanced, but also my professional ability.


Generally speaking, I’ve been helped by many people and professors during each stage of my academic life; therefore, I do feel honored and cherish this great experience. Though I was fortunate to receive consider that I have followed the right path so far to pursue my academic goals, I am aware that I still have a lot to learn in the teaching and research fields. I consider necessary and correct for me to face every challenges in the future with a humble attitude and necessary for me to find a great place to work for and to teach and share what I’ve learned. “Department of Geography, NTNU” is a prestigious institution in the urban planning education field and I would be honored if you consider my application to become part of your amazing team.


Sincerely yours


WU CHI-DA (JOHN)                                          2014/3/1







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