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* * 蔡元卿助理教授

點閱 2200 人次 友善列印



職稱: 專案助理教授


姓名: 蔡元卿 (Yuan-Ching Tsai)













主要經歷:中央研究院植物暨微生物學研究所博士後研究 (2007-2017)





() 期刊論文:

1. J. S. Hsieh, K. L. Hsieh, Y. C. Tsai and Y. I. Hsing. 2001. Each species of Glycine collected in Taiwan has a unique seed protein pattern. Euphytica 118: 67-73. (SCI)

2. 蔡元卿、邢禹依、謝兆樞 (2001) 臺灣原產野生種大豆對逆境之反應。中華農藝.11: 69-81

3. 蔡元卿、邢禹依、鍾君怡、謝兆樞 (2001) 臺灣野生大豆及其遠緣種之研究。中華農藝 11: 217-230

4. 郭華仁、蔡元卿 (2006) 栽培植物的命名。台灣之種苗85: 15-19

5. 蔡元卿、謝宗涵、陳映伶、彭雅涓、邢禹依、謝兆樞 (2006) 利用種子蛋白電泳及西方墨點分析進行大豆屬物種分群之研究。作物、環境與生物資訊 3: 159-176

6. Y.C. Tsai, C.H. Tsou, Y.I.C. Hsing and J.S. Hsieh. 2006. Seed coat variation in genus Glycine surveyed by scanning electron microscopy. J. Genet. Mol. Biol. 17: 131-141.

7. Y.S. Liou, S.Y. Chen, Y.T. Chao, R.S. Liu, Y.C. Tsai and J.S. Hsieh. 2006. Intelligent Spot Detection for 2-DE Gel Image. LNCS 4319: 168–177.

8. Y.C. Tsai, M.T. Wu, J.S. Hsieh, Y.I.C. Hsing and M.D. Shih. 2008. Expression of Glycine max Physiologically Mature Genes in Soybean (Glycine max L.) Tissues. J. Genet. Mol. Biol. 19:168-181.

9. Y.S. Liou, S.Y. Chen, R.S. Liu, D.J. Duh, Y.T. Chao, Y.C. Tsai, and J.S. Hsieh, 2009. Spot detection for a 2-DE gel image using a slice tree with confidence evaluation. Mathematical and Computer Modeling. 50: 1-14.

10. S. Dixit, A. Biswal, A. Min, A. Henry, R. Oane, M. Raorane, T. Longkumer, I.Pabuayon, S. Mutte, A. Vardarajan, B. Miro, G. Govindan, B. Enriquez, M. Pueffeld, N. Sreenivasulu, I. Slamet-Loedin, K. Sundarvelpandian, Y.C. Tsai, S. Raghuvanshi, Y.I.C. Hsing, A. Kumar, and A. Kohli. 2015. Action of multiple intra-QTL genes concerted around a co-localized transcription factor underpins a large effect QTL. Scientific Reports 5: 15183.  DOI: 10.1038/srep15183. (SCI)

11. H. Chen, C.M. Chung, Y.C. Tsai, F.J. Wei, J.S. Hsieh and Y.I.C. Hsing. 2015. Distribution of new satellites and simple sequence repeats in annual and perennial Glycine species. Botanical Studies 56: 22.  DOI 10.1186/s40529-015-0103-9. (SCI)

12. F.J. Wei, Y.C. Tsai, H.P. Wu, L.T. Huang, Y.C. Chen, Y.F. Chen, C.C. Wu, Y.T. Tseng, and Y.I.C. Hsing. 2016. Both Hd1and Ehd1 are important for artificial selection of flowering time in cultivated rice. Plant Science 242: 187-194. (SCI)

13. F.J. Wei, Y.C. Tsai, Y.M. Hsu, Y.A. Chen, C.T. Huang, H.P. Wu, L.T Huang, M.H. Lai, L.Y. Kuang, S.F. Lo, S.M. Yu, Y.R. Lin, Y.I.C. Hsing. 2016. Lack of genotype and phenotype correlation in a rice T-DNA tagged line is likely caused by introgression in the seed source. PLoS ONE 11: e0155768. doi:10.1371/ journal. pone.0155768 (SCI)

14. C.H. Tsang, K.T. Li, T.F. Hsu, Y.C. Tsai, P.H. Fang, Y.I.C. Hsing. 2017. Broomcorn millet and foxtail millet were cultivated in Taiwan about 5000 years ago. Botanical Studies 58: 3. DOI 10.1186/s40529-016-0158-2 (SCI)

15. L. Sagart, T.F. Hsu, Y.C. Tsai, Y.I.C. Hsing. 2017. East Asian Agricultural origins: Austronesian and Chinese words for the millets. Language Dynamics and Change (in press)


() 應邀演講:

1. 演講題目: The cultivation of Setaria and Panicum in Taiwan

Dispersion of People, Crops, and Language: Focusing on Millets in Asia (亞洲民族語言及作物的散佈),日本東京,2014.03.19-03.21.

2. 演講題目:台灣地區大豆屬物種資源的研究與利用

深圳大學生命科學學院鄭易之教授邀請演講,中國深圳,2016.01.31.- 02.02.


() 國際研討會論文:

1. Survey on Glycine species collected from Taiwan. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Mei-Chu Chung, Long-Fang Oliver Chen, Yue-Ie Caroline Hsing, and Jaw-Shu Hsieh (Plant and Animal Genome Conference X, 2007, San Diego, USA).

2. Studies on seeds of Oryza species. Yuan-Ching Tsai and Yue-Ie Caroline Hsing (Rice Genome VI, 2009, IRRI, Philippines)

3. Sequencing analysis of domestication-related rice genes from landraces collected in Taiwan aboriginal villages. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Yi-Fang Chen, Hong-Yin Lin, Ming-Hsing Lai, Ai-Ling Hour, Yu-Chi Chen, Yu-Chien Tseng, Jaw-Shu Hsieh, and Yue-Ie Hsing (8th ISRFG, 2010, Bento Gonçalves, Brazil).

4. Sequencing analysis of domestication-related rice genes from landraces collected in Taiwan aboriginal villages. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Yi-Fang Chen, Hong-Yin Lin, Ming-Hsing Lai, Ai-Ling Hour, Yu-Chi Chen, Yu-Chien Tseng, Jaw-Shu Hsieh, and Yue-Ie Hsing (Symposium on Rice and Language across Asia: Crop, Movement and Social Change, 2011, New York, USA).

5. Traits analysis of rice landraces collected from Taiwan aboriginal villages. Chen-Han Cheuh, Xiao-Tong Guo, Fu-Jin Wei,Yuan-Ching Tsai, Cheng-Chieh Wu, Ming-Hsing Lai, Yue-ie Hsing, Ai-Ling Hour (9th ISRFG, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan)

6. Sequencing analysis of domestication-related rice genes from landraces collected in Taiwan aboriginal villages. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Yi-Fang Chen, Hong-Yin Lin, Ming-Hsing Lai, Ai-Ling Hour, Yu-Chi Chen, Yu-Chien Tseng, Jaw-Shu Hsieh, and Yue-Ie Hsing (10th ISRFG, 2012, Chiang Mai, Thailand).

7. Genetics distance bias on domesticated gene region among rice accessions collected in Taiwan. Fu-Jin Wei, Ai-Ling Hour, Hung-Ying Lin, Yuan-Ching Tsai, Ming-Hsing Lai, Shu-Jen Chang, Yann-Rong Lin, Yue-Ie C. Hsing (11th ISRFG, 2013, New Delhi, India).

8. Exploration of Taiwan germplasms for beneficial trait with special emphasis on trichomes. Kalaipandian Sundaravelpandian, Yuan-Ching Tsai, Yu-Ying Lin, Fu-Jin Wei, Seerangan Kumar, Ming-Hsing Lai, Yu-Ming Hsu and Yue-Ie Hsing (12th ISRFG, 2014, Tucson, USA).

9. Comparative analysis of cultivated, primitive and wild rice species-with emphasis on structural variations and evolutionary patterns. Cheng-Chieh Wu, Masahiko Kumagai, Hiroaki Sakai, Lin-Tzu Huang, Yuan-Ching Tsai, Takeshi Itoh and Yue-Ie Hsing  (12th ISRFG, 2014, Tucson, USA).

10. Both Hd1 and Ehd1 are important for artificial selection of flowering time in cultivated rice. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Fu-Jin Wei1, Hshin-Ping Wu, Lin-Tzu Huang, Yu-Chi Chen, Yi-Fang Chen, Cheng-Chieh Wu, Yi-Tzu Tseng, Yue-Ie C Hsing. (14th ISRFG, 2016, Montpellier, French)

11. Genetics distance bias on domesticated gene region among rice accessions collected in Taiwan. Fu-Jin Wei, Yao-Cheng Lin, Hung-Ying Lin, Yuan-Ching Tsai, Yue-Ie Hsing (Plant and Animal Genome Conference XX, 2017, San Diego, USA)

12. Mapping and characterization of maize non-dehiscent (ndh) gene. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Ping-Chin Cheng, Chih-Hua Tsou, Tien-Joung Yiu, Kan Wang, Bing Yang and Yue-Ie Hsing (4th Annual Plant Genomics & Gene Editing Congress, 2017, Hong Kong, China)


() 國內研討會論文:

1. Coarse mapping of maize non-dehiscent (ndh) gene. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Ping-Chin Cheng, Chih-Hua Tsou, Tien-Joung Yiu, and Yue-Ie Hsing (台灣農藝學會年會, 2011)

2. Genetic diversity of Taiwan landraces and cultivars of rice (Oryza sativa L.) germplasm. Yann-Rong Lin, Yong-Pei Wu, Ming-Hsing Lai, Su-Huang Chang, Ai-Ling Hour, Yuan-Ching Tsai, Yue-Ie Hsing. (台灣農藝學會年會, 2011).

3. 山地陸稻種原田間性狀關聯分析。 沈柏志、郭筱彤、魏甫錦、蔡元卿、邢禹依、賴明信、侯藹玲 (台灣農藝學會年會, 2011)

4. Functional characterizations of endosperm tissue in soybean. Jian-Shin Lin, Yuan-Ching Tsai, Ming-Der Shih, Shu-Yi Yang, Yao-Cheng Lin, Tsan-Piao Lin, and Yue-Ie C. Hsing (IPMB, Academia Sinica, 2011).

5. Estimation of trichome density in the leaves of rice Fluffy landrace through SEM. Uttam Bhattarai, Yuan-Ching Tsai, Yue-Ie Hsing (IPMB Academia Sinica, 2013).

6. 台中六十五號的身世之謎。 魏甫錦、陳昱齊、蔡元卿、黃凌姿、許育鳴、林彥蓉、邢禹依 (台灣農藝學會年會, 2015)

7. 水稻葉片絨毛外表性狀與分子機制之探勘。 許育鳴、蔡元卿、施明德、魏甫錦、Kalaipanadian Sundaravelpanadian、黃凌姿、邢禹依 (台灣農藝學會年會, 2015)

8. Part of the endosperm is still alive and their cells act as transfer cells in mid-developing soybean seeds. Jian-Shin Lin, Ming-Der Shih, Yuan-Ching Tsai, Shu-Yi Yang, Min-Long Wang, Yue-Ie C. Hsing (IPMB, Academia Sinica, 2016)

9. NGS mapping and characterization of a rice long trichome gene. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Yu-Ying Lin, Ming-Hsin Lai, Shih-Hou Lee, Fu-Jin Wei, Yue-Ie Hsing (IPMB, Academia Sinica, 2016)

10. 定序野生稻與相關研究。 蔡元卿、魏甫錦、吳正杰、邢禹依 (中研院院區開放活動,2016)

11. Mapping and characterization of maize non-dehiscent (ndh) gene. Yuan-Ching Tsai, Ping-Chin Cheng, Chih-Hua Tsou, Tien-Joung Yiu, Kan Wang, Bing Yang and Yue-Ie Hsing (台灣農藝學會年會, 2017)


() 論文專書:

碩士論文:臺灣原產野生種大豆對逆境的反應 (1996)

博士論文:臺灣地區大豆屬物種之親緣關係研究 (2007)





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