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Bracket:2019 NCYU NEWS

 A group photo of NCYU teachers and students at Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand. NCYU Teachers and Students Joined Overseas Training Program at Kasetsart University, Thailand, to Expand Their View of the World
  Led by Prof. Juei-Hsin Wang, Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy Development, National Chiayi University, the teachers and students on the Minghsiung campus of NCYU joined a bilateral academic seminar at Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand, a sister school of NCYU, from Feb. 10th to 15th. During the period, they also visited the campuses of KU and elementary and junior high schools. The NCYU teachers and students come from the Department of Education, Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy Development, Department of Guidance and Counseling, Department of Special Education, and Department of Foreign Languages.

  During the seminar, the NCYU teachers and students and several KU PhD students presented several research papers related to educational policy and practice. A question and discussion session took place after the presentation, featuring exchanges on the status quo of education and other academic issues in both countries. While college students in general have scant opportunities to present papers abroad, the students participating in the seminar spared no effort to present their papers with great courage to Thai scholars, PhD students and other audience from the university. The seminar furthered their knowledge and shed new light on the education in the Southeast Asian countries. Xu Yan-Ling, a junior student of the Department of Education, mentioned that she had lacked the confidence to speak English while in Taiwan due to few chances to do so. By joining the seminar and overseas training program, with so many foreigners around, she found it easy to talk with others in English. Now, she realized that it is not such a scary thing to talk in English.

  During the trip to Thailand, NCYU teachers and students not only organized the bilateral seminar for both universities but visited Kasetsart University Laboratory School and Prachautid School, a public elementary and junior high school that is one of the major focuses of development for the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The teachers and students of both schools warmly received the teachers and students from NCYU. By welcoming the visitors with the Thai cultural dance, traditional performance, music and food, they allowed them to fully experience the Thai culture, and feel the warmth of friendship.

  According to Gao Wan Rong, a senior student of the Department of Special Education who joined the training program, Thailand is a country full of cultural charm, where a great number of historic monuments are well preserved. In addition to the cultural allure, the local people treated the visitors with great hospitality and sincerity, which made them feel at home and filled them with the warmth of humanity. All the students from the various departments of NCYU were enormously inspired by the introductions by different schools and visits to the classrooms where actual lectures took place. They not only had better understanding of the educational philosophies of the two countries, but felt the strong human touch of Thailand.
A group photo of NCYU Prof. Juei-Hsin Wang (second from right) and teachers and students of Kasetsart University Laboratory School, Thailand. The participants listened to briefing on school administration and curriculum planning at the conference room during visit at Prachautid School.  The NCYU students exchanged ideas with the KU PhD students during coffee break of the bilateral seminar.


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