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Bracket:2017 NCYU News

Attendees at the president installation ceremony of the NCYU National Alumni Association: Former President, Huang Ying-Yuan (first from the left); witness, President Chyung Ay (in the middle); and newly elected President, Zhang Yong-Lin (first from the right) The 11th President of NCYU National Alumni Association: Carrying on the Missions of Association Affairs and Centennial Anniversary Celebrations
  A meeting held by the National Alumni Association of National Chiayi University took place on the Lantan campus, NCYU, on Nov. 25th. At the meeting attended by the board of supervisors, the 11th president of the association was elected – Dr. Zhang Yong-Lin. With joint efforts from the 10th president, Huang Ying-Yuan, and all the members, the association had been pursuing excellence on a daily basis with perseverance, and supporting the establishment of the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources Alumni Association, NCYU Farm Management Alumni Association, and the Department of Food Science Alumni Association, adding to the list of alumni associations in 14 counties and cities, as well as five departmental alumni associations. Today, there are as many as 22 alumni associations of NCYU. All the alumni associations have been committed to financially supporting the development of their alma mater. In 2017, they had invested NT$16.37 million, and in the year next (2018), NT$13.68 million, which totaled around NT$30 million. Their renowned dedication to their alma mater is much appreciated. The example Former President Huang set is one that may well be emulated by all the alumni, teachers and students of NCYU.

  Zhang Yong-Lin, the 11th President of NCYU National Alumni Association, was the 10th Vice President of the association. President Zhang graduated from the Department of Food Processing, National Chiayi Institute of Agriculture, NCYIA, now NCYU. He also acted as the first President of the NCYU Department of Food Science Alumni Association, and has been proactively participating in affairs of the Alumni Association. With his wealth of management experience in the industry, President Zhang is also devoted to academic-industrial cooperation as part of his effort to help create the optimal value by bridging the gap between academic research results and practice in the industry. He was one of the first who followed the startup model in founding Hong Zhuang Co., Ltd., and commercialized the academic research results through authorization for technology transfer. He is well recognized by his commitment to facilitate collaboration between academia and industries. He was also awarded an honorary doctorate by his alma mater.

  President Zhang will carry on the mission to manage the affairs of the National Alumni Association, and support the organization of the upcoming centennial anniversary celebrations and construction of the Centennial Building. In him lies the hope of all the alumni, teachers and students of NCYU. President Zhang invited Bor-Jang Chen, Assistant Professor of the Department of Wood Materials and Design, NCYU, to serve as Secretary-General and assist in facilitating the association affairs. Secretary-General Chen is also a senior alumni of NCYU who graduated from the Forest Utilization Group, NCYIA. In the days to come, President Zhang and Secretary-General Chen will seamlessly work together on behalf of the National Alumni Association to facilitate the implementation of the decisions made by the association. The NCYU National Alumni Association is bound to make unprecedented achievements, whether in terms of the affairs of the Alumni Association or of the organization of the centennial anniversary celebrations.

  NCYU President Chyung Ay expressed his gratitude to Former President Huang Ying-Yuan for his unwavering commitment to the university for the past few years. Despite calls for reelection, he decided to retire as President of the National Alumni Association due to his personal business looking to expand overseas. The newly elected President Zhang will continue facilitating the implementation of the decisions made by the association and supporting the organization of the NCYU centennial anniversary celebrations. Huang Ming-Hui, who just successfully won the nine-in-one elections as Mayor of Chiayi City, is both a NCYU alumni and Honorary President of the NCYU National Alumni Association. She squeezed in time between her tight schedules after victory in the election, and showed up at the dinner after the meeting to give congratulations to the new President Zhang. Huang Ming-Hui indicated that she was grateful to her alma mater and the alumni of NCYU for their support in the election. Her alma mater was her biggest spiritual buttress for her dedication to serve the public. In the upcoming year, NCYU will celebrate its centennial anniversary. She said that the city government will do its utmost to offer support and work with the university for the better good of Chiayi City.
NCYU President Chyung Ay presented a souvenir to National Alumni Association President Huang Ying-Yuan.  Future Mayor of Chiayi City, Huang Ming-Hui (second from the left), offered congratulations to the new President of NCYU National Alumni Association, Zhang Yong-Lin (first from the left). A group photo of NCYU President Chyung Ay (sixth from the left), and the 11th President and Board of Supervisors of NCYU National Alumni Association.


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