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Bracket:2016 NCYU News

from left: University of Music Lübeck Prof. Diethelm Jonas,  NCYU President Chiou Yi-Yuan, Humanities and Arts Dean Liu Rong-Yi NCYU College of Humanities and Arts Signs MOU with University of Music Lübeck in Germany

  The College of Humanities and Arts, National Chiayi University, signed a cooperation memorandum with University of Music Lubeck, Germany, on the Lantan campus on the morning of Dec. 13th. Witnessed by NCYU President Chiou Yi-Yuan, the signing ceremony was attended by representatives from both schools, including NCYU College of Humanities and Arts Dean Liu Rong-Yi, and University of Music Lubeck Prof. Diethelm Jonas. According to the memorandum, both will collaborate to formulate specific cooperation projects, and promote academic exchanges and development in the domain of music.

  Dean Liu indicated that University of Music Lubeck is the only music school in the state of Schleswig-Holstein. The memorandum is targeted at academic resources exchange and research cooperation between teachers of both universities. Also by jointly organize events such as symposiums and academic lectures, both will work together in implementing academic courses and student exchange programs in the days to come.

  Prof. Diethelm Jonas mentioned that it was a privilege to form a partnership with NCYU. There are 26 music universities in Germany, with one of them located in the ancient city of Lubeck. Despite being the only music university in the city, University of Music Lubeck is a professional music school with a faculty made up of some of the finest world-class masters. With the memorandum, they will work together to carry out academic exchange with a view to boosting the culture of music and art in both schools.

  University of Music Lubeck, Germany, was founded in 1911. A private school in the beginning, it was renamed as a state-owned educational institution of music thanks to public funding in 1937. Later, it was forced to close due to warfare before reopening as Schleswig-Holstein Music School and North German Organ School in 1950. It was not until the year 1973 that the school was expanded into a music academy.


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