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Department:Office of International Affairs
Title:NCYU International Undergraduate Student Scholarship of 2nd Semester of Academic Year 105

NCYU International Undergraduate Student Scholarship of 2nd Semester of Academic Year 105

1.     Please refer to the “guidelines for International undergraduate student scholarship of NCYU” (attachment 1) as below first.

2.     Required documents:

(1) Application Form (attachment 2)

(2) Terms of agreement (attachment 3)

(3) Transcripts from the previous academic year 

(4) Recommendation letter 

3.     Please send the documents to the Division of International Students before 20th of March.

4.     The name list of those who can obtain scholarship will be announced on the OIA website before the end of April on the OIA website..  


* Download Files: * Guidelines ( PDF ) / Guidelines ( ZIP )
* Application Form ( DOCX ) / Application Form ( PDF )
* Agreement ( DOC ) / Agreement ( PDF )

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