專輯 Theme Thesisz
「客」抑或「客家」:嘉義地區客家研究的回顧與審視 / 池永歆 "Kheh"or "Hakka": Retrospect and Examination of Hakka Reseach in Chia-yi Area / Yeong-Shin Chyr
文心的文學創作與客家因緣 / 徐志平 A Study on Wen Xin's Literature Writings and Hakka Connections / Chih-Ping Hsu
嘉義客籍作家竹樵散文作品初探 / 陳政彥 A Study on Prose Writing of a Chiayi Hakka writer, Zhu Qiao / Jeng-Yan Chen
嘉義縣詔安客的分布與特色 / 黃衍明 The Distributions and the Characteristics of Zaoan Hakka in Chiayi County / Yen-Ming Huang
論文 Thesis
嘉義市北社尾:王、蕭兩姓宗族的田野觀察 / 翁烔慶 Chiayi City, Pei-Se-Wei :Wong's-Hsau'stwo surnames fieldwork clan / Tomg-Ching Wong
由「臺共」、漢奸到白恐受難者—莊泗川的一生(1905-2004) / 許雪姬 Taiwanese Communist, Traitor and White-Terror Victim:Life of Chuang szu-chuan (1905-2004) / Hsueh-Chi Hsu |